public ActionResult Sample41()
            // Check is data posted
            if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                //### Set variables and get POST data
                System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
                String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"];
                String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"];
                String[] emailsArray = Request.Form["email[]"].Split(',');
                String[] emails = new String[emailsArray.Length - 1];
                String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"];
                String fileId = Request.Form["fileId"];
                String url = Request.Form["url"];
                var file = Request.Files["file"];
                String callback = Request.Form["callbackUrl"];
                String fileGuId = "";
                // Set entered data to the results list
                result.Add("clientId", clientId);
                result.Add("privateKey", privateKey);
                String message = null;
                // Check is all needed fields are entered
                if (clientId == null || privateKey == null || emails == null)
                    // If not all fields entered send error message
                    message = "Please enter all parameters";
                    result.Add("error", message);
                    return View("Sample41", null, result);
                    //Add all emails to array
                    if (emailsArray[emailsArray.Length - 1].Equals(""))
                        for (int n = 0; n < emailsArray.Length - 1; n++)
                            emails[n] = emailsArray[n];
                        emails = new String[emailsArray.Length];
                        for (int n = 0; n < emailsArray.Length; n++)
                            emails[n] = emailsArray[n];
                    //path to settings file - temporary save clientId and apiKey like to property file
                    create_info_file(clientId, privateKey, "");
                    //remove temporary file with callback info
                    String callbackInfo = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "callback_info.txt";
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(callbackInfo))
                    //Set base path for API if it's not entered by user
                    if (basePath == "")
                        basePath = "";
                    // Create service for Groupdocs account
                    GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey);
                    //Check is chosen local file
                    if (!file.ContentLength.Equals(0))
                        // Upload file with empty description.
                        Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UploadRequestResult upload = service.UploadFile(file.FileName, String.Empty, file.InputStream);
                        // Check is upload successful
                        if (upload.Guid != null)
                            // Put uploaded file GuId to the result's list
                            fileGuId = upload.Guid;
                        // If upload was failed return error
                            message = "UploadFile returns error";
                            result.Add("error", message);
                            return View("Sample41", null, result);

                    //Check is url entered
                    if (!url.Equals(""))
                        //Make request to upload file from entered Url
                        String guid = service.UploadUrl(url);
                        if (guid != null)
                            //Get all files from GroupDocs account
                            Groupdocs.Api.Contract.ListEntitiesResult storageInfo = service.GetFileSystemEntities("My Web Documents", 0, -1, null, false, null, null, true);
                            if (storageInfo.Files.Length > 0)
                                // Get file id by uploaded file GuId
                                for (int i = 0; i < storageInfo.Files.Length; i++)
                                    if (storageInfo.Files[i].Guid == guid)
                                        fileGuId = storageInfo.Files[i].Guid;
                                message = "Get files list is failed";
                                result.Add("error", message);
                                return View("Sample41", null, result);
                        //If file wasn't uploaded return error
                            result.Add("error", "Something wrong with entered data");
                            return View("Sample41", null, result);
                    //Check is file guid entered
                    if (!fileId.Equals(""))
                        fileGuId = fileId;
                    result.Add("fileId", fileGuId);
                    // Generate Embed Annotation url with file GUID
                    string iframe = null;
                    if (callback == null)
                        callback = "";
                    result.Add("callbackUrl", callback);
                    //Set file sesion callback - will be trigered when user add, remove or edit commit for annotation
                    Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Annotation.SetSessionCallbackUrlResult setCallback = service.SetSessionCallbackUrl(fileGuId, callback);
                    //Generate iframe URL for iframe
                    if (basePath.Equals(""))
                        iframe = "" + fileGuId;
                    if (basePath.Equals(""))
                        iframe = "" + fileGuId;
                    if (basePath.Equals(""))
                        iframe = "" + fileGuId;
                    if (basePath.Equals(""))
                        iframe = "" + fileGuId;
                    //Prepare variables
                    string userGuid = null;
                    String email = String.Empty;
                    String[] Email = new String[emails.Length];
                    int counter = 0;
                    //Get all users from account
                    Groupdocs.Api.Contract.GetAccountUsersResult allUsers = service.GetAccountUsers();
                    if (allUsers != null)
                        //Loop for all users
                        foreach (var item in emails)
                            //Get current user email
                            email = item;
                            //Add all entered by user emails to emails array to collaborators
                            for (int m = 0; m < emails.Length; m++)
                                Email[m] = emails[m];
                            //Loop to get user GUID if user with same email already exist
                            for (int i = 0; i < allUsers.Users.Length; i++)
                                userGuid = string.Empty;
                                if (email.Equals(allUsers.Users[i].PrimaryEmail))
                                    userGuid = allUsers.Users[i].Guid;
                            //If user not exist create it
                            if (userGuid == null || userGuid == string.Empty)
                                //Create new user
                                Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UserInfo user = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UserInfo();
                                Groupdocs.Api.Contract.RoleInfo roleInfo = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.RoleInfo();
                                Groupdocs.Api.Contract.RoleInfo[] roleList = new Groupdocs.Api.Contract.RoleInfo[1];
                                roleInfo.Id = 3;
                                roleInfo.Name = "User";
                                roleList[0] = roleInfo;
                                user.FirstName = email;
                                user.LastName = email;
                                user.Roles = roleList;
                                user.PrimaryEmail = email;
                                //Add new user to account
                                Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UserIdentity newUser = service.UpdateAccountUser(user);
                                if (newUser.Guid != null)
                                    userGuid = newUser.Guid;
                                    message = "Update account user is failed";
                                    result.Add("error", message);
                                    return View("Sample41", null, result);
                            //Get all collaborators for selected document
                            Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Annotation.GetCollaboratorsResult getCollaborators = service.GetAnnotationCollaborators(fileGuId);
                            if (getCollaborators != null)
                                //Check if user already collaborator of the document
                                String urlParameter = null;
                                for (int n = 0; n < getCollaborators.Collaborators.Length; n++)
                                    //If user is collaborator add his GUID to the URl
                                    if (getCollaborators.Collaborators[n].PrimaryEmail.Equals(email))
                                        iframe = iframe + "?uid=" + userGuid;
                                        urlParameter = userGuid;
                                        iframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(iframe, privateKey);


                                //If this parameters is null that means that user not a collaborator
                                if (iframe.Contains("?uid=") && urlParameter != null)
                                    if (counter == 0)
                                        counter = 1;
                                        result.Add("iframe", iframe);
                                    if (counter == 0)
                                        //Add user to collaborators of the document
                                        Groupdocs.Api.Contract.Annotation.SetCollaboratorsResult collaborate = service.SetAnnotationCollaborators(fileGuId, Email);
                                        if (collaborate != null)
                                            counter = 1;
                                            iframe = iframe + "?uid=" + userGuid;
                                            iframe = Groupdocs.Security.UrlSignature.Sign(iframe, privateKey);
                                            result.Add("iframe", iframe);
                                            result.Add("error", "Set annotation colaborator is failed");
                                            return View("Sample41", null, result);

                                result.Add("error", "Get annotation colaborators is failed");
                                return View("Sample41", null, result);
                        return View("Sample41", null, result);
                        result.Add("error", "Faild to get all users from account");
                        return View("Sample41", null, result);
            // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields
                return View("Sample41");