public frmSecondGlance() { InitializeComponent(); PacketType[] types = (PacketType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(PacketType)); // Fill up the "To Log" combo box with options foreach (PacketType type in types) { if (type != PacketType.Default) cboToLog.Items.Add(type); } // Set the default selection to the first entry cboToLog.SelectedIndex = 0; // Setup the proxy ProxyConfig proxyConfig = new ProxyConfig("Second Glance", "John Hurliman <*****@*****.**>", new string[0]); Proxy = new Proxy(proxyConfig); Proxy.Start(); // Start the timer that moves packets from the queue and displays them DisplayTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(DisplayTimer_Elapsed); DisplayTimer.Start(); }
public XMLRPCMaster(string listenAddress, int port) { RemotingConfiguration.Configure(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile, false); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(XMLRPCMaster), "Master.rem", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton); RemotingServices.Marshal(this, "Master.rem"); string portArg = "--proxy-login-port=0"; //No one will ever log in string clientListenIPArg = "--proxy-client-facing-address="+listenAddress; //No client will ever send packets to the server so this is irrelevant string clientPortArg = "--proxy-client-facing-port=0"; //No client will ever send packets to the server so this is irrelevant string serverListenIPArg = "--proxy-server-facing-address="+listenAddress; //This is the address packets sent by this master will appear from string serverPortArg = "--proxy-server-facing-port="+port; //This is the port packets sent by this master will appear from string loginURIArg = "--proxy-remote-login-uri=http://"+listenAddress+":0"; //This proxy will never log in. string[] args = { portArg, clientListenIPArg, clientPortArg, serverListenIPArg, serverPortArg, loginURIArg }; ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig("Routing God", "*****@*****.**", args); proxy = new Proxy(config); proxy.Start(); }
public SetFollowCamPropertiestForm() { string file = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile; string port = "8080"; //string listenIP = ""; string listenIP = ""; string loginURI = ""; string portArg = "--proxy-login-port="+port; string listenIPArg = "--proxy-client-facing-address="+listenIP; string loginURIArg = "--proxy-remote-login-uri="+loginURI; string[] args = { portArg, listenIPArg, loginURIArg }; ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig("Routing God", "*****@*****.**", args); mProxy = new Proxy(config); mProxy.AddLoginResponseDelegate(response => { mLoggedIn = true; return response; }); mProxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ObjectUpdate, Direction.Incoming, (p, ep) => { ObjectUpdatePacket packet = (ObjectUpdatePacket) p; foreach (var block in packet.ObjectData) { if (block.PCode == (byte) PCode.Avatar) { string name = Utils.BytesToString(block.NameValue); name = name.Replace("STRING RW SV ", ""); string[] tokens = name.Split(' ', '\n'); string firstName = tokens[1]; string lastName = tokens[3]; string title = tokens.Length > 5 ? tokens[5] : ""; //avatarsListBox.DataSource = avatarsBindingSource; avatarsBindingSource.Add(new Avatar(firstName, lastName, block.ID, block.FullID)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n Added " + firstName + " " + lastName + ".\n\n"); } } //"FirstName STRING RW SV Routing\nLastName STRING RW SV God\nTitle STRING RW SV " return packet; }); InitializeComponent(); focusRotationPanel.Vector = Vector3.UnitX; }
private void Init(string[] args, ProxyConfig proxyConfig) { //bool externalPlugin = false; this.args = args; if (proxyConfig == null) { proxyConfig = new ProxyConfig("GridProxy", "Austin Jennings / Andrew Ortman", args); } proxy = new Proxy(proxyConfig); // add delegates for login proxy.AddLoginRequestDelegate(new XmlRpcRequestDelegate(LoginRequest)); proxy.AddLoginResponseDelegate(new XmlRpcResponseDelegate(LoginResponse)); // add a delegate for outgoing chat proxy.AddDelegate(PacketType.ChatFromViewer, Direction.Outgoing, new PacketDelegate(ChatFromViewerOut)); // handle command line arguments foreach (string arg in args) if (arg == "--log-login") logLogin = true; else if (arg.Substring(0, 2) == "--") { int ipos = arg.IndexOf("="); if (ipos != -1) { string sw = arg.Substring(0, ipos); string val = arg.Substring(ipos + 1); Logger.Log("arg '" + sw + "' val '" + val + "'", Helpers.LogLevel.Debug); if (sw == "--load") { //externalPlugin = true; LoadPlugin(val); } } } commandDelegates["/load"] = new CommandDelegate(CmdLoad); }
public bool StartProxy(int port, string loginURI) { if (Started) { Stop(); } string file = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile; string localAddress = ""; string portArg = "--proxy-login-port=" + port; string listenIPArg = "--proxy-proxyAddress-facing-address=" + localAddress; string loginURIArg = "--proxy-remote-login-uri=" + loginURI; string proxyCaps = "--proxy-caps=true"; string proxyEventQueue = "--proxy-event-queue-only=true"; string[] args = { portArg, listenIPArg, loginURIArg, proxyCaps, proxyEventQueue }; mConfig = new GridProxyConfig("Routing God", "*****@*****.**", args); mLoginURI = " --loginuri http://" + localAddress + ":" + port; return(Start()); }
/* * Proxy Management */ // Proxy: construct a proxy server with the given configuration public Proxy(ProxyConfig proxyConfig) { this.proxyConfig = proxyConfig; ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new TrustAllCertificatePolicy(); // Even though this will compile on Mono 2.4, it throws a runtime exception //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = TrustAllCertificatePolicy.TrustAllCertificateHandler; InitializeLoginProxy(); InitializeSimProxy(); InitializeCaps(); }
// SimProxy: construct a proxy for a single simulator public SimProxy(ProxyConfig proxyConfig, IPEndPoint simEndPoint, Proxy proxy) { //this.proxyConfig = proxyConfig; remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(simEndPoint.Address, simEndPoint.Port); this.proxy = proxy; socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(proxyConfig.clientFacingAddress, 0)); proxy.AddHandler(remoteEndPoint, this); Reset(); }
/* * Proxy Management */ // Proxy: construct a proxy server with the given configuration public Proxy(ProxyConfig proxyConfig) { this.proxyConfig = proxyConfig; InitializeLoginProxy(); InitializeSimProxy(); InitializeCaps(); }
public ProxyManager(string port, string listenIP, string loginUri) { openmvAssembly = Assembly.Load("OpenMetaverse"); if (openmvAssembly == null) throw new Exception("Assembly load exception"); _Port = string.Format("--proxy-login-port={0}", port); IPAddress remoteIP; // not used if (IPAddress.TryParse(listenIP, out remoteIP)) _ListenIP = String.Format("--proxy-client-facing-address={0}", listenIP); else _ListenIP = "--proxy-client-facing-address="; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(loginUri)) _LoginURI = "--proxy-remote-login-uri="; else _LoginURI = "--proxy-remote-login-uri=" + loginUri; string[] args = { _Port, _ListenIP, _LoginURI }; /* help proxy-help proxy-login-port proxy-client-facing-address proxy-remote-facing-address proxy-remote-login-uri verbose quiet */ ProxyConfig pc = new ProxyConfig("WinGridProxy", "Jim Radford", args); Proxy = new ProxyFrame(args, pc); Proxy.proxy.AddLoginRequestDelegate(new XmlRpcRequestDelegate(LoginRequest)); Proxy.proxy.AddLoginResponseDelegate(new XmlRpcResponseDelegate(LoginResponse)); Proxy.proxy.AddCapsDelegate("EventQueueGet", new CapsDelegate(EventQueueGetHandler)); // this is so we are informed of any new capabilities that are added to the KnownCaps dictionary Proxy.proxy.KnownCaps.AddDelegate(OpenMetaverse.DictionaryEventAction.Add, new OpenMetaverse.DictionaryChangeCallback(KnownCapsAddedHandler)); }
public ProxyFrame(string[] args, ProxyConfig proxyConfig) { Init(args, proxyConfig); }
public void Connect(string masterAddress, string listeningAddress, int masterXmlRpcPort, int port, int xmlRpcPort) { //socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); //socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(listeningIP), port)); //socket.BeginReceiveFrom(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref remoteEndPoint, new AsyncCallback(ProcessPacket), null); IMasterProxy master = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create<IMasterProxy>(); master.Url = "http://"+masterAddress+":"+masterXmlRpcPort+"/Master.rem"; new Thread(() => { int masterPort = master.Register(name, listeningAddress, port, xmlRpcPort); IPAddress masterIP = GetAddress(masterAddress); IPAddress listenIP = GetAddress(listeningAddress); string serverListenIPArg = "--proxy-remote-facing-address=" + listenIP.ToString(); string serverListenPortArg = "--proxy-remote-facing-port=" + port; string clientLoginPortArg = "--proxy-login-port=0"; //Never going to be used. No one will ever connect to this proxy. string loginURIArg = "--proxy-remote-login-uri=http://http://localhost:9000"; string[] args = { serverListenIPArg, serverListenPortArg, clientLoginPortArg, loginURIArg }; ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig("Routing God", "*****@*****.**", args); proxy = new Proxy(config); proxy.ActiveCircuit = new IPEndPoint(masterIP, masterPort); foreach (PacketType pt in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PacketType))) proxy.AddDelegate(pt, Direction.Incoming, ProcessPacket); proxy.Start(); }).Start(); }
public bool StartProxy(int port, string loginURI) { if (Started) Stop(); string file = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile; string localAddress = ""; string portArg = "--proxy-login-port=" + port; string listenIPArg = "--proxy-proxyAddress-facing-address=" + localAddress; string loginURIArg = "--proxy-remote-login-uri=" + loginURI; string proxyCaps = "--proxy-caps=true"; string proxyEventQueue = "--proxy-event-queue-only=true"; string[] args = { portArg, listenIPArg, loginURIArg, proxyCaps, proxyEventQueue }; mConfig = new GridProxyConfig("Routing God", "*****@*****.**", args); mLoginURI = " --loginuri http://" + localAddress + ":" + port; return Start(); }
private void connectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (proxy != null) proxy.Stop(); string file = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile; string portArg = "--proxy-login-port="+portBox.Text; string listenIPArg = "--proxy-client-facing-address="+listenIPBox.Text; string loginURIArg = "--proxy-remote-login-uri="+loginURIBox.Text; string[] args = { portArg, listenIPArg, loginURIArg }; ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig("Routing God", "*****@*****.**", args); proxy = new Proxy(config); proxy.AddLoginResponseDelegate(response => { loggedIn = true; if (LoggedIn != null) LoggedIn(proxy, null); return response; }); proxy.Start(); if (OnStarted != null) OnStarted(proxy, null); startButton.Text = "ReStart"; }
public ProxyManager(string port, string listenIP, string loginUri) { /*foreach (Assembly tempas in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { if (tempas.GetName(true).Name + ".exe" == AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName) { foreach (AssemblyName tempbs in tempas.GetReferencedAssemblies()) { MessageBox.Show(tempbs.Name); } } //if(tempas.GetReferencedAssembliesGetNameFullName }*/ AssemblyName a=new AssemblyName("OpenMetaverse"); //openmvAssembly = Assembly.Load(a); openmvAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); if (openmvAssembly == null) throw new Exception("Assembly load exception"); _Port = string.Format("--proxy-login-port={0}", port); IPAddress remoteIP; // not used if (IPAddress.TryParse(listenIP, out remoteIP)) _ListenIP = String.Format("--proxy-client-facing-address={0}", listenIP); else _ListenIP = "--proxy-client-facing-address="; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(loginUri)) _LoginURI = "--proxy-remote-login-uri="; else _LoginURI = "--proxy-remote-login-uri=" + loginUri; string[] args = { _Port, _ListenIP, _LoginURI }; /* help proxy-help proxy-login-port proxy-client-facing-address proxy-remote-facing-address proxy-remote-login-uri verbose quiet */ ProxyConfig pc = new ProxyConfig("LGG Par Plugins via GridProxy v64", "LordGregGreg Back", args); Proxy = new ProxyFrame(args, pc); Proxy.proxy.AddLoginRequestDelegate(new XmlRpcRequestDelegate(LoginRequest)); Proxy.proxy.AddLoginResponseDelegate(new XmlRpcResponseDelegate(LoginResponse)); Proxy.proxy.AddCapsDelegate("EventQueueGet", new CapsDelegate(EventQueueGetHandler)); // this is so we are informed of any new capabilities that are added to the KnownCaps dictionary Proxy.proxy.KnownCaps.AddDelegate(OpenMetaverse.DictionaryEventAction.Add, new OpenMetaverse.DictionaryChangeCallback(KnownCapsAddedHandler)); }