public static void xmlRefeshlst(Mainfrm GetVar) { GetVar.lstVxmlin.Items.Clear(); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Resources\\SavedReminders.xml"); foreach (var dm in doc.Descendants("Reminder")) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { dm.Element("PlantName").Value, dm.Element("SowInDoorsDate").Value, dm.Element("SowUnderCoverDate").Value, dm.Element("SowOutDoorsDate").Value, dm.Element("PlantOutDoors").Value, dm.Element("HarvestTimeDate").Value, }); if (item == null) { MessageBox.Show("Corrupt XML file!", "Green Fingers Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } GetVar.lstVxmlin.Items.Add(item); } }
public static void DelXML(Mainfrm GetVar) { string lstIn; try { int intselectedindex = GetVar.lstVxmlin.SelectedIndices[0]; if (intselectedindex >= 0) { lstIn = GetVar.lstVxmlin.SelectedItems[0].ToString(); GetVar.lstToTxt = GetVar.lstVxmlin.Items[intselectedindex].Text; } XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("Resources\\SavedReminders.xml"); xdoc.Descendants("Reminder") .Where(x => (string)x.Element("PlantName") == GetVar.lstToTxt) .Remove(); xdoc.Save("Resources\\SavedReminders.xml"); xmlRefeshlst(GetVar); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException outOfRange) { MessageBox.Show("Select the plant name from the reminders list below.", "Green Fingers", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); outOfRange = null; } }
public static bool RegGetReminderVel(Mainfrm open3) { try { RegistryKey myKey2 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\GreenFingers\AppSettings", false); { String value = (String)myKey2.GetValue("ReminderSet"); if (value == "0") { open3.btnActivate.Visible = true; return(true); } if (value == "1") { open3.btnDeactivate.Visible = true; DatePopupClass open = new DatePopupClass(); open.Datechecker(); return(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { ShowErrorMessages(e, "GetReminderVel Error!"); return(false); } return(true); }
public static void RegActavate(Mainfrm open2) { SetReminderAndSystemTray(0); //ReminderSet = 1 SetReminderAndSystemTray(1); //StartInSystemTray = 1 open2.btnActivate.Visible = false; open2.btnActivate.Enabled = false; open2.btnDeactivate.Visible = true; open2.btnDeactivate.Enabled = true; }
public static void RegDeactivate(Mainfrm open1) { SetReminderAndSystemTray(2); //ReminderSet = 0 SetReminderAndSystemTray(3); //StartInSystemTray = 0 open1.btnDeactivate.Visible = false; open1.btnDeactivate.Enabled = false; open1.btnActivate.Visible = true; open1.btnActivate.Enabled = true; }
public static void ExtDB(Mainfrm Send) { /* * Created By Matthew Utin. */ if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"GreenFingersDB_log.ldf")) { File.Delete("GreenFingersDB_log.ldf"); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"GreenFingersDB.mdf")) { File.Delete("GreenFingersDB.mdf"); } File.WriteAllBytes("GreenFingersDB.mdf", Properties.Resources.GreenFingersDB); }
public static void makeNewXmlFile(Mainfrm GetVar) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText("Resources\\SavedReminders.xml", string.Empty); string xml = (@"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Reminders> </Reminders>"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"Resources\SavedReminders.xml", xml); xmlRefeshlst(GetVar); }
/* * Created By Matthew Utin. */ public static void SQLOutputToXML(Mainfrm GetVar) { if (GetVar.Plant_Name == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a plant! Or if you do not see anything to select add a plant to the database.", "Green Fingers", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(@"Resources\SavedReminders.xml"); XElement root = new XElement("Reminder"); root.Add(new XElement("PlantName", GetVar.Plant_Name)); root.Add(new XElement("SowInDoorsDate", GetVar.Sow_In)); root.Add(new XElement("SowUnderCoverDate", GetVar.Sow_Un)); root.Add(new XElement("SowOutDoorsDate", GetVar.Sow_Out)); root.Add(new XElement("PlantOutDoors", GetVar.Plant_Out)); root.Add(new XElement("HarvestTimeDate", GetVar.Har_Time)); root.Add(new XElement("Notes", GetVar.Notes)); root.Add(new XElement("PlotNumber", GetVar.Plt_Num)); xdoc.Element("Reminders").Add(root); xdoc.Save("Resources\\SavedReminders.xml"); xmlRefeshlst(GetVar); } }
public static bool RegGetSysTVel(Mainfrm open4) { try { RegistryKey myKeys1 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\GreenFingers\AppSettings", false); { String values = (String)myKeys1.GetValue("StartInSystemTray"); if (values == "1") { open4.Visible = false; open4.ShowInTaskbar = false; open4.Opacity = 0; return(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { ShowErrorMessages(e, "Could not get system Tray value!"); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool RegGetSysTVel(Mainfrm open4) { try { RegistryKey myKeys1 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\GreenFingers\AppSettings", false); { String values = (String)myKeys1.GetValue("StartInSystemTray"); if (values == "1") { open4.Visible = false; open4.ShowInTaskbar = false; open4.Opacity = 0; return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { ShowErrorMessages(e, "Could not get system Tray value!"); return false; } return true; }
public static bool RegGetReminderVel(Mainfrm open3) { try { RegistryKey myKey2 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\GreenFingers\AppSettings", false); { String value = (String)myKey2.GetValue("ReminderSet"); if (value == "0") { open3.btnActivate.Visible = true; return true; } if (value == "1") { open3.btnDeactivate.Visible = true; DatePopupClass open = new DatePopupClass(); open.Datechecker(); return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { ShowErrorMessages(e, "GetReminderVel Error!"); return false; } return true; }
public static void ExtGetDB(Mainfrm send) { /* * Created By Matthew Utin. */ string ConString = Properties.Settings.Default.GreenFingersDBConn; try { using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(ConString)) { string strGf = "SELECT * FROM GreenFingers WHERE [Plant Name] = @List_Var"; SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand(strGf, Conn); SqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@List_Var", send.Get_SQL_List_Var); Conn.Open(); SqlDataReader GfReader = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (GfReader.HasRows) { while (GfReader.Read()) { if (GfReader["ID"] == null) { send.S_Id = "N/A"; } else { send.S_Id = GfReader["ID"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Plant Name"] == null) { send.Plant_Name = "N/A"; } else { send.Plant_Name = GfReader["Plant Name"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Sow Indoors"] == null) { send.Sow_In = "N/A"; } else { send.Sow_In = GfReader["Sow Indoors"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Sow Under Cover"] == null) { send.Sow_Un = "N/A"; } else { send.Sow_Un = GfReader["Sow Under Cover"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Sow Outdoors"] == null) { send.Sow_Out = "N/A"; } else { send.Sow_Out = GfReader["Sow Outdoors"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Plant Out"] == null) { send.Plant_Out = "N/A"; } else { send.Plant_Out = GfReader["Plant Out"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Harvest Time"] == null) { send.Har_Time = "N/A"; } else { send.Har_Time = GfReader["Harvest Time"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Notes"] == null) { send.Notes = "N/A"; } else { send.Notes = GfReader["Notes"].ToString(); } if (GfReader["Plot Number/Name"] == null) { send.Plt_Num = "N/A"; } else { send.Plt_Num = GfReader["Plot Number/Name"].ToString(); } } } else { //Console.WriteLine("No Rows found."); } GfReader.Close(); Conn.Close(); } } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlException) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(sqlException.Message); } }