protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); Translation = MotionObject.InterpolatedPosition; Rotation = MotionObject.InterpolatedRotation; }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (Renderer != null) { bars[0].Text = "AlphaObjects: " + ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfAlphaObjects(); bars[0].MaxValue = 1000; bars[0].Value = ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfAlphaObjects(); bars[1].Text = "OldSplatObjects: " + ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfOldSplatObjects(); ; bars[1].MaxValue = 1000; bars[1].Value = ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfOldSplatObjects(); bars[2].Text = "NewSplatObjects: " + ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfNewSplatObjects(); ; bars[2].MaxValue = 1000; bars[2].Value = ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfNewSplatObjects(); bars[3].Text = "SkinnedMeshObjects: " + ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfSkinnedMeshObjects(); bars[3].MaxValue = 1000; bars[3].Value = ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfSkinnedMeshObjects(); bars[4].Text = "XMeshes: " + ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfXMeshes(); bars[4].MaxValue = 1000; bars[4].Value = ((Renderer.Renderer)Renderer).GetNumberOfXMeshes(); } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); var s = yInterpolator.Update(e.Dtime); Position = new Vector2(0, s); }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime; if (acc >= 0.4f) { Remove(); } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime; float p = acc / duration; float a = (float)Common.Math.AngleFromVector3XY(dir); a -= (float)Math.Sin(p * Math.PI * 2) * angle; SetEffectsDir(Common.Math.Vector3FromAngleXY(a)); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime; float p = (acc - fadeDur) / Duration; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).Opacity = 1 - Math.Max(0, p); if (acc > Duration) Remove(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); Translation = MotionObject.InterpolatedPosition; if (MotionObject is Common.Motion.Unit) Rotation = ((Common.Motion.Unit)MotionObject).InterpolatedRotation; else Rotation = MotionObject.Rotation; }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); float a = alphaInterpolator.Update(e.Dtime); foreach (Graphics.Content.Graphic g in AllGraphics) { g.Alpha = a; } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (IsRemoved) { return; } alpha.Update(e.Dtime); Invalidate(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime; if (acc >= 0.03f && base.Text.Length != fullText.Length) { base.Text = fullText.Substring(0, t++); acc -= 0.03f; } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); Position = Common.Math.ToVector2(Game.Instance.Scene.Camera.Project(WorldPosition, Scene.Viewport)); accTime += e.Dtime; Position -= Vector2.UnitY * accTime * ScrollSpeed; Timeout -= e.Dtime; if (Timeout <= 0) { Remove(); } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (IsRemoved) { return; } acc += e.Dtime; if (acc >= Duration) { Remove(); } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); timeAcc += e.Dtime; if (timeAcc > 10) { dps = damageAcc / timeAcc; ragePerSec = rageAcc / timeAcc; timeAcc = 0; damageAcc = 0; Text = "DPS: " + dps + "\nRagePS: " + ragePerSec; } }
void overall_Update(object sender, Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { if (((DropDownItem <VideoQualities>)overall.SelectedItem) == null) { return; } var videoQuality = ((DropDownItem <VideoQualities>)overall.SelectedItem).Value; if (PreviousOverallVideoQuality != videoQuality) { UpdateOverallSettings(); PreviousOverallVideoQuality = videoQuality; } if (videoQuality != VideoQualities.Custom) { var aq = animation.SelectedItem as DropDownItem <Graphics.Renderer.Settings.AnimationQualities>; var lq = lightingQuality.SelectedItem as DropDownItem <Graphics.Renderer.Settings.LightingQualities>; var sq = shadowQuality.SelectedItem as DropDownItem <Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities>; var tq = terrainQuality.SelectedItem as DropDownItem <Graphics.Renderer.Settings.TerrainQualities>; if (aq != null && aq.Value != SettingProfiles.GetAnimationQuality(videoQuality)) { overall.SelectedItem = new DropDownItem <VideoQualities>(VideoQualities.Custom); } else if (lq != null && lq.Value != SettingProfiles.GetLightingQuality(videoQuality)) { overall.SelectedItem = new DropDownItem <VideoQualities>(VideoQualities.Custom); } else if (sq != null && sq.Value != SettingProfiles.GetShadowQuality(videoQuality)) { overall.SelectedItem = new DropDownItem <VideoQualities>(VideoQualities.Custom); } else if (tq != null && tq.Value != SettingProfiles.GetTerrainQuality(videoQuality)) { overall.SelectedItem = new DropDownItem <VideoQualities>(VideoQualities.Custom); } } accTime += e.Dtime; if (tic < accTime) { UpdateOverallSettings(); if (((DropDownItem <VideoQualities>)overall.SelectedItem).Value == VideoQualities.Low) { shadowQuality.SelectedItem = new DropDownItem <Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities>(Graphics.Renderer.Settings.ShadowQualities.NoShadows); } accTime = 0; } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (invalidatedAnimation) { OnUpdateAnimation(); invalidatedAnimation = false; } DamageLastFrame = 0; currentScrollingCombatText = null; UpdateHeadOverBar(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (Expires) { TimeToLive -= e.Dtime; if (TimeToLive <= 0) Remove(); } if (MotionObject is Common.Motion.Projectile) { Translation = ((Common.Motion.Projectile)MotionObject).InterpolatedPosition; Rotation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, MotionObject.Rotation.Angle + (float)Math.PI / 2f); } else if (MotionObject is Common.Motion.Unit) { var umo = (Common.Motion.Unit)MotionObject; Translation = umo.InterpolatedPosition; //Rotation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, // (float)System.Math.Atan2(umo.Velocity.Y, umo.Velocity.X) + (float)System.Math.PI / 2f); Rotation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, umo.Rotation.Angle + (float)Math.PI / 2f); //if (umo.Velocity.Z != 0) //{ // if (Animation != "jump1") // { // if (umo.Velocity.Z > 0) // PlayAnimation("jump1", 1, false, 0); // else // PlayAnimation("jump1", 1, false, 0); // } //} //else if (umo.Velocity.Length() > 0) //{ // if (Animation != "run1") // PlayAnimation("run1", umo.Velocity.Length(), true, 0); //} //else //{ // if (Animation != "idle1") // PlayAnimation("idle1", 1, true, 0); //} } else if (MotionObject != null) Translation = MotionObject.Position; }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); foreach (var v in profilers) { if (Program.Settings.DisplayProfilers == ProfilersDisplayMode.PercTotal) { v.Second.Value = ((int)(100 * v.First.PercTotal)) * 0.01f; v.Second.MaxValue = 1; v.Second.Text = v.First.Name + " " + (int)(100 * v.First.PercTotal) + "%"; } else if (Program.Settings.DisplayProfilers == ProfilersDisplayMode.PercParent) { v.Second.Value = ((int)(100 * v.First.PercParent)) * 0.01f; v.Second.MaxValue = 1; v.Second.Text = v.First.Name + " " + (int)(100 * v.First.PercParent) + "%"; } else { v.Second.Value = ((int)(100 * v.First.TimePerFrame)) * 0.01f; v.Second.MaxValue = 40; v.Second.Text = v.First.Name + " " + v.First.TimePerFrame.ToString("0.##") + " ms"; } String tooltip = ""; tooltip += v.First.TimePerFrame.ToString("0.##") + " ms\n\n"; if (v.First.Children.Count > 0) { tooltip += "Unaccounted time: " + ((int)(100 * v.First.TimeUnaccountedPerc)) + "% " + v.First.TimeUnaccounted.ToString("0.##") + " ms " + "\n"; } if (v.First.Parent != null) { tooltip += "Parent: " + (int)(100 * v.First.PercParent) + "%\n" + "Total: " + (int)(100 * v.First.PercTotal) + "%\n" + "CallsPerFrame: " + v.First.CallsPerFrame + "\n" + "CallsPerParent: " + v.First.CallsPerParent; } Program.Instance.Tooltip.SetToolTip(v.Second, tooltip); } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (MotionObject != null) Translation = MotionObject.Position; if (MotionObject is Common.Motion.Unit) { var umo = (Common.Motion.Unit)MotionObject; Rotation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, (float)System.Math.Atan2(umo.Velocity.Y, umo.Velocity.X) + (float)System.Math.PI / 2f); //if (umo.Velocity.Z != 0) //{ // if (Animation != "jump1") // { // if (umo.Velocity.Z > 0) // PlayAnimation("jump1", 1, false, 0); // else // PlayAnimation("jump1", 1, false, 0); // } //} //else if (umo.Velocity.Length() > 0) //{ // if (Animation != "run1") // PlayAnimation("run1", umo.Velocity.Length(), true, 0); //} //else //{ // if (Animation != "idle1") // PlayAnimation("idle1", 1, true, 0); //} } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (DesignMode) return; Translation = MotionObject.InterpolatedPosition; Rotation = MotionObject.InterpolatedRotation; timeToLive -= e.Dtime; if (timeToLive <= 0) OnTimeout(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (isDropping) { dropInitAcc += e.Dtime; if (dropInitAcc >= 0.3f) { dropAcc += e.Dtime; if (dropAcc > dropSettings.DropPeriod) { dropAcc = 0; TryDoDrop(); } } } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (burningSkull == null || IsRemoved) return; var ea = Scene.View.Content.Peek<global::Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation>(MetaEntityAnimation); ea.AnimationController.AdvanceTime(0, null); var sm = Scene.View.Content.Peek<global::Graphics.Content.SkinnedMesh>(((MetaModel)MainGraphic).SkinnedMesh); sm.UpdateFrameMatrices(sm.RootFrame, ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).World * WorldMatrix); foreach(var s in sm.MeshContainers) if (s.First.Name == "skull") { burningSkull.Translation = Common.Math.Position(s.First.CombinedTransform); break; } }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (fpsTextBox != null) { string fpsText = Scene.View.FPS + " fps"; if (Program.Settings.MotionSettings.UseMultiThreadedPhysics && !Program.Settings.MotionSettings.UseDummyMotion && Game.Instance.Mechanics != null) { physicsBusy = physicsBusy * 0.99f + ((Common.Motion.ThreadSimulationProxy)Game.Instance.Mechanics.MotionSimulation).ThreadedBusyPerc * 0.01f; fpsText += "\nPhys.: " + (int)(100 * physicsBusy) + "%"; } if (Program.Settings.FixedFrameStep) { fpsText += "\nMain:" + (int)(100 * Program.Instance.FixedFrameStepActivity) + "%"; } fpsTextBox.Text = fpsText; String fpsTooltip = ""; if (cpuCounter != null) { cpuUsage = cpuUsage * 0.99f + cpuCounter.NextValue() * 0.01f; fpsTooltip += "CPU Usage: " + cpuUsage + "%\n"; } if (Game.Instance.Map != null) { fpsTooltip += "Character position: " + Game.Instance.Map.MainCharacter.Translation + "\n"; fpsTooltip += "Camera lookat: " + ((global::Graphics.LookatCamera)Game.Instance.Scene.Camera).Lookat + "\n"; } fpsTooltip += "Text mem free: " + Scene.View.Device9.AvailableTextureMemory + "\n"; fpsTooltip += "Entites: " + Game.Instance.Scene.Count + "\n"; fpsTooltip += "InterfaceEntities: " + Program.Instance.InterfaceScene.Count + "\n"; fpsTooltip += "DirectXObjects: " + ObjectTable.Objects.Count; //if (Program.Settings.EnableSound) //{ // fpsTooltip += "\nSound: " + Program.Instance.SoundManager.GetPerformanceString(); //} Program.Instance.Tooltip.SetToolTip(fpsTextBox, fpsTooltip); //fpsTextBox.Tooltip = "TrianglesPerFrame: (" + renderer.TrianglesPerFrame + " + " // + Program.Instance.InterfaceRenderer.TrianglesPerFrame + ") = " + // (renderer.TrianglesPerFrame + Program.Instance.InterfaceRenderer.TrianglesPerFrame); } profilersResults.Visible = Program.Settings.DisplayProfilers != ProfilersDisplayMode.None; if (Program.Settings.DisplayInputHierarchy) { if (inputHierarchyTextBox.IsRemoved) { AddChild(inputHierarchyTextBox); } inputHierarchyTextBox.Text = Program.Instance.InputHandler.GetInputHierarchyDescription(); } else { if (!inputHierarchyTextBox.IsRemoved) { inputHierarchyTextBox.Remove(); } } if (Program.Settings.DisplayActiveActions && Game.Instance.Mechanics != null) { if (activeActionsTextBox.IsRemoved) { AddChild(activeActionsTextBox); } activeActionsTextBox.Text = Game.Instance.Mechanics.ActiveScriptsToString(); } else { if (!activeActionsTextBox.IsRemoved) { activeActionsTextBox.Remove(); } } dpsMeter.Visible = Program.Settings.DisplayDPS && Game.Instance.Map != null; if (silverText != null) { silverText.SilverYield = Game.Instance.SilverYield; silverText.Visible = Program.Settings.SilverEnabled; if (Game.Instance.Map != null && Game.Instance.Map.Settings.MapType != Client.Game.Map.MapType.Normal) { silverText.Remove(); silverText = null; } } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); stageCompleted.Position = new Vector2(0, completedYInterpolator.Update(e.Dtime)); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); UpdateMouse(); foreach (var v in new List<Entity>(updateables)) if (!v.IsRemoved) v.ProcessMessage(MessageType.Update, e); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).World = Matrix.Translation(Vector3.UnitZ * Height); //if (!IsInGame) return; //velocity += new Vector3( // (float)(rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1), // (float)(rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1), // 0) * e.Dtime * 0.3f; //if (velocity.Length() > 1) // velocity = Vector3.Normalize(velocity); //offset += velocity * MovementSpeed * e.Dtime; //if (offset.Length() > MaxDistance) // offset = Vector3.Normalize(offset) * MaxDistance; //rotation += e.Dtime; //Orientation = rotation / 40.0f; //Translation = startingPosition + offset; }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { if (Game.Instance != null) { if (Game.Instance.GameState != GameState.Playing) { if (piranhaSwimmingChannel != null) { piranhaSwimmingChannel.Stop(); piranhaSwimmingChannel = null; } } } base.OnUpdate(e); if (DesignMode) return; UpdateHUDStats(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); Vector4 d = Vector2.Transform(Common.Math.ToVector2(Drun), Matrix.RotationZ(Zrot)) * e.Dtime * Speed; float pz = zfunc(Camera.Lookat.X, Camera.Lookat.Y); Camera.Lookat += new Vector3(d.X, d.Y, Drun.Z * e.Dtime * Speed); UpdateRot(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); infectedOozing.Translation = Position + Vector3.UnitZ * 0.7f; }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (IsRemoved) return; Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation ea; if(Scene.DesignMode) ea = Scene.View.Content.Peek<global::Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation>(MetaEntityAnimation); else ea = Game.Instance.SceneRendererConnector.EntityAnimations[this]; // Rotating the torso #if DEBUG_HARD if (float.IsNaN(TorsoDiffDir)) throw new Exception("TorsoDiffDir: " + TorsoDiffDir); #endif float dir = TorsoDiffDir; #if DEBUG_HARD if (float.IsNaN(dir) || float.IsNaN(TorsoDiffDir)) throw new Exception("dir: " + dir + ", TorsoDiffDir: " + TorsoDiffDir); #endif dir = Common.Math.Clamp(dir, -1, 1); dirSmooth = dirSmooth * 0.9f + dir * 0.1f; float lean = Common.Math.Clamp(TorsoLean*0.3f, -0.5f, 0.5f); #if DEBUG_HARD if (!float.IsNaN(lean) && !float.IsNaN(dirSmooth)) { #endif var mat = Matrix.RotationZ(lean) * Matrix.RotationX(dirSmooth); ea.FrameCustomValues["joint2"] = mat; #if DEBUG_HARD var d1 = mat.Determinant(); if (d1 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); if (mat.M12 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); if (mat.M22 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); if (mat.M32 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); var d2 = ea.FrameCustomValues["joint2"].Determinant(); if (d2 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); if (ea.FrameCustomValues["joint2"].M12 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); if (ea.FrameCustomValues["joint2"].M22 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); if (ea.FrameCustomValues["joint2"].M32 == float.NaN) throw new Exception("Rotation matrix contains NaN"); } else throw new Exception("DirSmooth: " + dirSmooth + " Lean: " + lean); #endif // Attaching weapon if (SelectedWeapon == 0 && !isSlamming) { var hand = ea.GetFrame("sword1"); if (hand != null) { MeleeWeaponModel.WorldMatrix = ea.FrameTransformation[hand]; RangedWeaponModel.WorldMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f); } //No idea why this line was ever written //ea.FrameCustomValues["joint32"] = Matrix.Identity; } else if (SelectedWeapon == 1 && !isSlamming) { var hand = ea.GetFrame("rifle"); if (hand != null) { RangedWeaponModel.WorldMatrix = ea.FrameTransformation[hand]; MeleeWeaponModel.WorldMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f); } //Matrix m = ea.FrameCustomValues["joint32"]; //var joint32 = ea.GetFrame("joint32"); //ea.FrameTransformation[joint32] = ea.FrameTransformation[joint32] * Matrix.RotationX(-2); //offset += e.Dtime; //ea.FrameCustomValues["joint32"] = Matrix.RotationZ(0.2f); } else if(!isSlamming) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (HitPoints < MaxHitPoints * 0.2f && !wasLowHealth && State == UnitState.Alive) { lowHealthChannel = Program.Instance.SoundManager.GetSFX(Sound.SFX.LowHealthBeat1).Play(new Sound.PlayArgs { Looping = true }); wasLowHealth = true; } else if (HitPoints >= MaxHitPoints * 0.2f && wasLowHealth) { lowHealthChannel.Stop(); lowHealthChannel = null; wasLowHealth = false; } if (RageLevel >= 4) { var back = ea.GetFrame("joint3"); RageWings.WorldMatrix = ea.FrameTransformation[back]; //Matrix.RotationZ(-(float)Math.PI / 4f) * //var ea1 = Scene.View.Content.Peek<global::Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation>(MetaEntityAnimation); //var leftHand = ea.GetFrame("joint9"); //var righthand = ea.GetFrame("joint32"); //rageEffectLeftHand.WorldMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(10, 10, 10) * rageEffectLeftHand.WorldMatrix * leftHand.CombinedTransform; } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); demonSmoke1.Translation = Position + Vector3.UnitZ * 2.2f; //demonSmoke2.Translation = Position + Vector3.UnitZ * 2.2f; if (killed) { accTime += e.Dtime; if (accTime > 0.3f && !delayed) { ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/Units/Demonlord2.png"); ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).ReceivesAmbientLight = global::Graphics.Content.Priority.Never; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).ReceivesDiffuseLight = global::Graphics.Content.Priority.Never; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).ReceivesSpecular = global::Graphics.Content.Priority.Never; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).ReceivesShadows = Graphics.Content.Priority.Never; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).CastShadows = Graphics.Content.Priority.Never; delayed = true; } if (accTime > 0.6f && !delayed2) { ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/Units/Demonlord3.png"); delayed2 = true; } if (accTime > 1.6f && !delayed3) { Program.Instance.SoundManager.GetSFX(SFX.DemonLordDeath1).Play(new PlayArgs { Position = Translation, Velocity = Vector3.Zero }); delayed3 = true; } if (accTime > 5 && !isBlown) { Game.Instance.Scene.Add(new Effects.ExpandingDarkness() { Translation = Translation + Vector3.UnitZ }); ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).Texture = new TextureFromFile("Models/Units/Demonlord4.png"); isBlown = true; } if (accTime > 6) { //Game.Instance.Scene.Add(new Props.ShadowDecal { Translation = Translation + Vector3.UnitZ }); //Game.Instance.Scene.Add(new Effects.GroundBurn { Translation = Translation - Vector3.UnitZ * 0.8f }); Remove(); } } }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { float dtime; if (Program.Settings.FixedFrameStep) dtime = Program.Settings.FixedFrameStepDTime * Program.Settings.SpeedMultiplier; else dtime = ((global::Graphics.UpdateEventArgs)e).Dtime * Program.Settings.SpeedMultiplier; e = new UpdateEventArgs { Dtime = dtime }; base.OnUpdate(e); if (Game.Instance.GroundProbe == null || Game.Instance.MainCharPlaneProbe == null) return; Vector3 world = Game.Instance.Input.State.MouseGroundPosition; worldCursor.Translation = world; worldCursor.Rotation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, (float)Common.Math.AngleFromVector3XY(world - Game.Instance.Map.MainCharacter.Position)); worldCursor.Visible = Program.Settings.DisplayWorldCursor; }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime * 40f; Position = new Vector2(0, -Size.Y + acc); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); activeStage.Position = new Vector2(activeXPosition.Update(e.Dtime), 0); Size = stagesFlow.Size; }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (ChangesSettings) { settingsChangeTimer -= e.Dtime; if (settingsChangeTimer <= 0) { settingsChangeTimer = (float)Program.Rand.NextDouble(); RandomizeSettings(); } } if (Moving) { Translation += Velocity * e.Dtime; } TimeToLive -= e.Dtime; if (TimeToLive <= 0) Remove(); }
protected virtual void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { if (Update != null) Update(this, e); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (!IsInGame) return; velocity += new Vector3( (float)(Game.Random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1), (float)(Game.Random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1), 0) * e.Dtime * 0.3f; if (velocity.Length() > 1) velocity = Vector3.Normalize(velocity); offset += velocity * MovementSpeed * e.Dtime; if (offset.Length() > MaxDistance) offset = Vector3.Normalize(offset) * MaxDistance; rotation += e.Dtime; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).World = Matrix.RotationZ(rotation / 40.0f) * Matrix.Translation(offset + Vector3.UnitZ * Height); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); var s = scaler.Update(e.Dtime); Scaling = s; }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); if (Program.Instance.Profile != null) profileName.Text = "Profile: " + Program.Instance.Profile.Name; //Wait five frames so that any "slow" initial frames are ignored (frames in which content is loaded and such) fadeI++; if (fadeI == 5) fader.State = FadeState.FadeingIn; }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); silverTextBox.Text = ((int)silverInterpolator.Update(e.Dtime)).ToString("00000"); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime; float p = acc / Duration; //Scale = new Vector3(p, p, p) * 4.0f; //this.WorldMatrix = this.WorldMatrix; this.WorldMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(p * 4.0f, p * 4.0f, p * 4.0f); ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).Opacity = 1 - p; if (acc > Duration) Remove(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); acc += e.Dtime; float p = acc / Duration; ((MetaModel)MainGraphic).Opacity = 1 - p; if (acc > Duration) Remove(); }
protected override void OnUpdate(Graphics.UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); textGraphic.Alpha = alphaInterpolator.Update(e.Dtime); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); burningFire.Translation = Translation; }
protected override void OnUpdate(UpdateEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdate(e); var s = scaler.Update(e.Dtime); Scale = new Vector3(s, s, 1); }