Example #1
 private void case5FindingNewNodes(designGraph host, List<node> locatedNodes, List<arc> locatedArcs,
     ruleNode nextLNode, node fromHostNode, int currentLArcIndex, Boolean traverseForward)
 {   /* this function starts very similar to Case 4. It is, however, more comlex since we need to match
      * the next node in L to a node in the host. The function begin the same as above by gathering the
      * potential arcs leaving the host and checking them for compatibility. */
     ruleArc currentLArc = (ruleArc)L.arcs[currentLArcIndex];
     node nextHostNode;
     List<arc> neighborHostArcs = host.arcs.FindAll(delegate(arc a)
         return (!locatedArcs.Contains(a)
             && currentLArc.matchWith(a, fromHostNode, traverseForward));
     if (neighborHostArcs.Count > 0)
         foreach (arc HostArc in neighborHostArcs)
         {   /* for each arc that was recognized, we now need to check that the destination node matches. */
             nextHostNode = HostArc.otherNode(fromHostNode);
             if (nextLNode.matchWith(nextHostNode))
             {   /* if the nodes match than we can update locations and re-invoke the recursion. It is important
                  * to copy the locatedNodes to a new list, just in case the above foreach statement finds
                  * several matches for our new new L node.*/
                 List<node> newlocatedNodes = new List<node>(locatedNodes);
                 newlocatedNodes[L.nodes.FindIndex(delegate(node a)
                                                     { return (a == nextLNode); })] = nextHostNode;
                 List<arc> newlocatedArcs = new List<arc>(locatedArcs);
                 newlocatedArcs[currentLArcIndex] = HostArc;
                 recognizeRecursion(host, newlocatedNodes, newlocatedArcs, nextLNode, nextHostNode);
Example #2
 private void case4ConnectingBackToPrevRecNode(designGraph host, List<node> locatedNodes,
      List<arc> locatedArcs, ruleNode nextLNode, node fromHostNode, int currentLArcIndex, Boolean traverseForward)
     ruleArc currentLArc = (ruleArc)L.arcs[currentLArcIndex];           /* first we must match the arc to a possible arc
                                                            * leaving the fromHostNode .*/
     node nextHostNode = locatedNodes[L.nodes.IndexOf(nextLNode)];
     List<arc> neighborHostArcs = host.arcs.FindAll(delegate(arc a)     /* there maybe several possible arcs*/
     {                                                                  /* that match with currentLArc, so we*/
         return (!locatedArcs.Contains(a)                               /* make a list called neighborHostArcs*/
             && currentLArc.matchWith(a, fromHostNode, nextHostNode, traverseForward));
     if (neighborHostArcs.Count > 0)          /* if there are no recognized arcs we just leave. */
         foreach (arc HostArc in neighborHostArcs)
             List<node> newlocatedNodes = new List<node>(locatedNodes);
             newlocatedNodes[L.nodes.FindIndex(delegate(node a)
                                             { return (a == nextLNode); })] = nextHostNode;
             List<arc> newlocatedArcs = new List<arc>(locatedArcs);
             newlocatedArcs[currentLArcIndex] = HostArc;
             recognizeRecursion(host, newlocatedNodes, newlocatedArcs, nextLNode, nextHostNode);
Example #3
 private void case3DanglingLNode(designGraph host, List<node> locatedNodes, List<arc> locatedArcs,
     ruleNode fromLNode, node fromHostNode, int currentLArcIndex, Boolean traverseForward)
     ruleArc currentLArc = (ruleArc)L.arcs[currentLArcIndex];           /* first we must match the arc to a possible arc
                                                                         * leaving the fromHostNode .*/
     node nextHostNode;
     List<arc> neighborHostArcs = host.arcs.FindAll(delegate(arc a)     /* there maybe several possible arcs*/
     {                                                                  /* that match with currentLArc, so we*/
         return (!locatedArcs.Contains(a)                               /* make a list called neighborHostArcs*/
             && currentLArc.matchWith(a, fromHostNode, traverseForward));
     if (neighborHostArcs.Count > 0)          /* if there are no recognized arcs we just leave. */
         foreach (arc HostArc in neighborHostArcs)
         {   /* for each arc that was recognized, we now need to check that the destination node matches. */
             nextHostNode = HostArc.otherNode(fromHostNode);
             if (!currentLArc.nullMeansNull || (nextHostNode == null))
             {   /* if nullMeansNull is false than ANY host node is fine even if its also null. If nullMeansNull
                  * is true, however, than we need to make sure fromHostNode is also null. */
                 List<arc> newlocatedArcs = new List<arc>(locatedArcs);
                 newlocatedArcs[currentLArcIndex] = HostArc;
                 /* re-invoking the recursion is "tough" from this point. since we just hit a dead end in L.
                  * the best thing to do is just use the very same fromLnode and fromHostNode that were 
                  * used in the previous recognizeRecursion. */
                 recognizeRecursion(host, locatedNodes, newlocatedArcs, fromLNode, fromHostNode);
Example #4
 private void case2FindNewFromNode(designGraph host, List<node> locatedNodes, List<arc> locatedArcs,
     ruleNode fromLNode)
     int nextLNodeIndex = L.nodes.IndexOf(fromLNode) + 1;
     if (nextLNodeIndex == L.nodes.Count)
         nextLNodeIndex = 0;          /* these 3 prev.lines simply go to the next node in L 
                                       * - if you're at the end then wraparound to 0. */
     ruleNode nextLNode = (ruleNode)L.nodes[nextLNodeIndex];
     if (locatedNodes[nextLNodeIndex] == null)
     {   /* this acts like a mini-recognizeInitialNodeInHost function, we are forced to jump to a new starting
          * point in L - careful, though, that we don't check it with a node that has already been included
          * as part of the location. */
         foreach (node currentHostNode in host.nodes)
             if (!locatedNodes.Contains(currentHostNode) && (nextLNode.matchWith(currentHostNode)))
                 List<node> newlocatedNodes = new List<node>(locatedNodes); /* copy the locatedNodes to a new list.
                                                                             * just in case the above foreach statement
                                                                             * find several matches for our new 
                                                                             * starting node - we wouldnt want to alter
                                                                             * locatedNodes to affect that but rather
                                                                             * merely to re-invoke the recusion.*/
                 newlocatedNodes[nextLNodeIndex] = currentHostNode;
                 recognizeRecursion(host, newlocatedNodes, locatedArcs, nextLNode, currentHostNode);
     /* so the next L node has already been recognized. Well, then we can restart the recursion as if we are
      * coming from this node. It's possible that recognizeRecursion will just throw you back into this function
      * but that's okay. we just advance to the next node and look for new 'openings'. */
     else recognizeRecursion(host, locatedNodes, locatedArcs, nextLNode, locatedNodes[nextLNodeIndex]);
Example #5
 private void recognizeRecursion(designGraph host, List<node> locatedNodes, List<arc> locatedArcs,
     ruleNode fromLNode, node fromHostNode)
 {   /* Here is the main recursive function. Based on the current conditions within the recursion 
      * one of four cases maybe invoked.
      * 1. (case1LocationFound) All nodes and arcs within locatedNodes and locatedArcs have been 
      *    filled with pointers to nodes and arcs in the host. If this is the case, then we can add  
      *    the location. however, you will need to check the enigmatic INDUCED condition.
     if (!locatedNodes.Contains(null) && !locatedArcs.Contains(null))
         case1LocationFound(host, locatedNodes, locatedArcs);
     {   /* the last thing the recursion did was find a new node to start from.
          * see if there are any valid arcs on the L that still need to be matched with
          * the host. Here, currentLArcIndex is used instead of the actual reference
          * to the L arc. Why? Because, the index is useful both to the L and to locatedArcs
          * which lists arcs in the same way as they appear in the L. */
         int currentLArcIndex = -1;
         Boolean traverseForward = false;
         /* this odd little boolean is used to indicate whether or not we are following the
          * arc in the proper direction regardless of the direction. We want to be able to follow 
          * arcs backwards for recognition sake, so this is only useful in the eventual matchWith
          * method if direction is important. */
         for (int i = 0; i != L.arcs.Count; i++)
         {   /* this for loop seeks a L node leaving our fromLNode. If there is more than one arc, than
              * the loop may re-write currentLArcIndex and traverseForward. That's okay. Because we only
              * want one at this point. The recursion will eventually come around to any others that may
              * be skipped over here. */
             if ((L.arcs[i].From == fromLNode) && (locatedArcs[i] == null))
                 currentLArcIndex = i;
                 traverseForward = true;
             else if ((L.arcs[i].To == fromLNode) && (locatedArcs[i] == null))
                 currentLArcIndex = i;
                 traverseForward = false;
         if (currentLArcIndex == -1)
         {   /* 2. (case2FindNewFromNode) if you get here, then it means that then were no more arcs
              *    leaving the last node. Unfortunately, since Case 1 was not met, there are still 
              *    openings in the locations - either arcs and/or nodes. */
             case2FindNewFromNode(host, locatedNodes, locatedArcs, fromLNode);
             /* so, currentLArcIndex now, points to a LArc that has yet to be recognized. What we do from
              * this point depends on whether that LArc points to an L node we have yet to recognize, an L
              * node we have recognized, or null. */
             ruleNode nextLNode = (ruleNode)L.arcs[currentLArcIndex].otherNode(fromLNode);
             if (nextLNode == null)
             {   /* 3. (case3DanglingNodes) If nextLNode is null then we need to simply find a match for 
                  * the arc indicated by currentLArcIndex. Similar to case2, this function will need to 
                  * find a new starting point in matching the graphs. */
                     (host, locatedNodes, locatedArcs, fromLNode, fromHostNode, currentLArcIndex, traverseForward);
             else if (locatedNodes[L.nodes.IndexOf(nextLNode)] != null)
             {   /* 4. (case4ConnectingBackToPrevRecNode) So, a proper arc was found leaving the 
                  *    last L node. Problem is, it points back to a node that we've already located.
                  *    That means that we also already found what host node it connects to. */
                     (host, locatedNodes, locatedArcs, nextLNode, fromHostNode, currentLArcIndex, traverseForward);
             {   /* 5. (case5FindingNewNodes) Okay, so nothing strange here. You are following an arc
                  *    that is leading to a yet undiscovered node. Good luck! */
                     (host, locatedNodes, locatedArcs, nextLNode, fromHostNode, currentLArcIndex, traverseForward);
Example #6
        public void addNodesFromGraphControl(Netron.GraphLib.UI.GraphControl graphControl1,
            Boolean ruleGraph)
            node tempnode;
            foreach (Shape a in graphControl1.Shapes)
                if (!nodes.Exists(delegate(node b) { return (b.displayShape == a); }))
                    if (ruleGraph) tempnode = new ruleNode(nameFromText(a.Text));
                    else tempnode = new node(nameFromText(a.Text));
                else tempnode = nodes.Find(delegate(node b) { return (b.displayShape == a); });

                if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                    tempnode.name = nameFromText(a.Text);
                    tempnode.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                tempnode.screenX = a.X;
                tempnode.screenY = a.Y;
                tempnode.displayShape = a;