private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string markė = textMarkė.Text; string price = textPrice.Text; string type = textType.Text; string yearMade = textYearMade.Text; string yearCar = textYearCar.Text; string trademark = textBoxTrademark.Text; string storehouseName = textStorehouseName.Text; int counter = 0; List <string> outputUsers = new List <string>(); MySqlDataReader outputStreamUsers = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.sandėliai WHERE pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); while (outputStreamUsers.Read()) { counter++; } Database.Close(); if (counter == 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlys su tokiu pavadinimu neužregistruotas, įrašykite sandėlį kuris jau yra užregistruotas"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.dalys( markė, kaina, mašinų_dalies_tipas, gamybos_metai, mašinos_metai, prekinis_ženklas, pavadinimas) VALUES('{markė}','{price}','{type}','{yearMade}','{yearCar}','{trademark}','{storehouseName}'); "); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Dalį pavyko įdėti!"); newForm.ShowDialog(); counter = 0; } }
private void buttonRegistr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string storeHouseID = textBoxStorehouseId.Text; string storehouseName = textBoxStorehouseName.Text; string storehouseStock = textBoxStock.Text; string storehouseStockFree = textBoxStockFree.Text; int counter = 0; List <string> outputUsers = new List <string>(); MySqlDataReader outputStreamUsers = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); while (outputStreamUsers.Read()) { counter++; } Database.Close(); if (counter != 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlys su tokiu pavadinimu jau užregistruotas"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.sandeliai(ID, pavadinimas, laisvas_plotas, uzimtumas) VALUES('{storeHouseID}','{storehouseName}','{storehouseStockFree}','{storehouseStock}'); "); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlį pavyko užregistruoti!"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void buttonModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newName = textBoxStorehouseName.Text; int freeSpace = (int)numericUpDownSpace.Value; int counter = 0; MySqlDataReader outputStreamWarehouses = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.sandelys WHERE vidKo ='{Code}';"); while (outputStreamWarehouses.Read()) { counter++; } if (counter != 1) { popup newForm = new popup("Sandelys nerastas."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Update($"UPDATE dalysadmin.sandeliai SET pavadinimas ='{newName}', laisvas_plotas ='{freeSpace}' WHERE vidKo ='{Code}';"); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Dalis rasta ir koreguota."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } Database.Close(); }
private void buttonRegistr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string companyName = textBoxCompName.Text; string companyCode = textBoxCompID.Text; string storeHouseID = textBoxStorehouseId.Text; int counter = 0; List <string> outputUsers = new List <string>(); MySqlDataReader outputStreamUsers = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.imones WHERE pavadinimas ='{companyName}';"); while (outputStreamUsers.Read()) { counter++; } Database.Close(); if (counter != 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Nurodyta įmonė jau užregistruota"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.imones(pavadinimas, san_ID, vidKo) VALUES('{companyName}','{storeHouseID}','{companyCode}'); "); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Pavyko registruoti!"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void Modify_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mark = textBoxMark.Text; string type = textBoxType.Text; int year = Int32.Parse(textBoxYear.Text); string maker = textBoxMaker.Text; int price = Int32.Parse(textBoxPrice.Text); int amount = Int32.Parse(textBoxAmount.Text); string code = textBoxCode.Text; int counter = 0; MySqlDataReader outputStreamParts = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo ='{code}';"); while (outputStreamParts.Read()) { counter++; Console.WriteLine(outputStreamParts["id"] + " " + outputStreamParts["marke"] + " " + outputStreamParts["vidKo"]); } if (counter != 1) { popup newForm = new popup("Dalis nerasta."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Update($"UPDATE dalysadmin.dalys SET marke ='{mark}', tipas ='******', gamybos_metai ='{year}', gamintojas ='{maker}', kaina ='{price}' WHERE vidKo ='{code}';"); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Dalis rasta ir koreguota."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } Database.Close(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newPass = textBoxNewPass.Text; string newPassConf = textBoxNewPassConfirm.Text; string oldpass = textBoxOldPass.Text; StreamReader input = new StreamReader("logins.txt"); string usernameInternal = input.ReadLine(); input.Close(); if (newPass == newPassConf) { Database.Update($"UPDATE dalysadmin.vartotojai SET slaptazodis = '{Database.Encrypt(newPass)}' WHERE vardas='{usernameInternal}' AND slaptazodis = '{Database.Encrypt(oldpass)}';"); StreamWriter clear = new StreamWriter("logins.txt"); clear.Close(); this.Hide(); Login newForm = new Login(); newForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { popup newForm = new popup("Nauji slaptažodžiai nesutampa."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void Delete_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string code = textBoxCode.Text; int counter = 0; MySqlDataReader outputStreamParts = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo ='{code}';"); while (outputStreamParts.Read()) { counter++; } if (counter < 1) { popup newForm = new popup("Tokia dalis neegzistuoja. \n" + "Patikrinkite vidinį kodą"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else if ((int)outputStreamParts["kiekis"] > 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Dalies negalima pašalinti, kadangi jos kiekis nėra lygus 0. \n" + "Koreguokite dalies kiekį skiltyje Koreguoti dalį"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { outputStreamParts = Database.Select($"DELETE * FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo ='{code}';"); popup newForm = new popup("Dalis buvo sėkmingai pašalinta."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void buttonRegistr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = textBoxUserName.Text; string email = textBoxEmail.Text; string phone = textBoxPhoneNumber.Text; string company = textBoxCompanyName.Text; string oldpass = textBoxOldPass.Text; StreamReader input = new StreamReader("logins.txt"); string usernameInternal = input.ReadLine(); input.Close(); Console.WriteLine(usernameInternal); if (oldpass != null && oldpass != "") { Database.Update($"UPDATE dalysadmin.vartotojai SET vardas='{username}', elPastas='{email}', telNr = '{phone}', imonesPavad = '{company}' WHERE vardas='{usernameInternal}' AND slaptazodis = '{Database.Encrypt(oldpass)}';"); Database.Close(); StreamWriter clear = new StreamWriter("logins.txt"); clear.Close(); this.Hide(); Login newForm = new Login(); newForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { popup newForm = new popup("Įveskite savo slaptažodį."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void Add_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string code = textBoxCode.Text; int counter = 0; MySqlDataReader outputStreamParts = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo ='{code}'"); Dictionary <string, string> outputParts = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (outputStreamParts.Read()) { counter++; Console.WriteLine(outputStreamParts["id"] + " " + outputStreamParts["marke"] + " " + outputStreamParts["vidKo"]); outputParts.Add(outputStreamParts["id"].ToString(), outputStreamParts["vidKo"].ToString()); } if (counter == 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Dalis nerasta."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Delete($"DELETE FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo = '{code}';"); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Dalis pašalinta."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userName = textBoxUserName.Text; string password = textBoxPassword.Text; int counter = 0; List <Tuple <string, string, string> > output = new List <Tuple <string, string, string> >(); MySqlDataReader outputStream = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.vartotojai WHERE vardas ='{userName}' AND slaptazodis ='{Database.Encrypt(password)}';"); while (outputStream.Read()) { counter++; //Console.WriteLine(outputStream["id"] + " " + outputStream["vardas"] + " " + outputStream["slaptazodis"]); output.Add(new Tuple <string, string, string>(outputStream["vardas"].ToString(), outputStream["slaptazodis"].ToString(), outputStream["id"].ToString())); } Database.Close(); if (counter == 1) { if (output[0].Item1 == userName && output[0].Item2 == Database.Encrypt(password)) { //StreamWriter activate = new StreamWriter("logins.txt"); Database.Activate(userName, output[0].Item3); //activate.WriteLine(userName); //activate.WriteLine(output[0].Item3); //activate.Close(); //Console.WriteLine("pavyko"); this.Hide(); Main newForm = new Main(); newForm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { popup newForm = new popup("Neteisingas slaptažodis arba prisijungimo vardas."); newForm.ShowDialog(); //Console.WriteLine("nepavyko"); } } else if (counter == 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Prašau įveskite tinkamą vartotojo vardą ir slaptažodį."); newForm.ShowDialog(); Console.WriteLine($"counter = {counter}"); } else { popup newForm = new popup("Duplikuotos paskyros. Prašau susisiekite su administratoriumi."); newForm.ShowDialog(); Console.WriteLine($"counter = {counter}"); } Database.Close(); }
private void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int storeHouseID = int.Parse(textBoxStorehouseId.Text); string storehouseName = textBoxStorehouseName.Text; int counter = 0; Dictionary <int, string> output = new Dictionary <int, string>(); MySqlDataReader outputStream = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE ID ='{storeHouseID}' AND pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); while (outputStream.Read()) { counter++; Console.WriteLine((int)outputStream["ID"] + " " + outputStream["pavadinimas"]); output.Add((int)outputStream["ID"], outputStream["pavadinimas"].ToString()); /* counter++; * Console.WriteLine((int)outputStream["ID"] + " " + outputStream["pavadinimas"]); * output.Add((int)outputStream["ID"], outputStream["pavadinimas"].ToString());*/ } // outputStream = Database.Select($"DELETE * FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE ID ='{storeHouseID}' AND pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); Database.Close(); if (counter > 0) { if (checkBoxDeleteParts.Checked && output.ElementAt(0).Value == storehouseName) { outputStream = Database.Select($"DELETE FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE ID ='{storeHouseID}' AND pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); outputStream = Database.Select($"DELETE FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo ='{storeHouseID}';"); popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlys ir jame buvusios dalys buvo sėkmingai pašalinti iš duomenų bazės."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } //output.ElementAt(0).Key == storeHouseID ) else if (output.ElementAt(0).Value == storehouseName) { outputStream = Database.Select($"DELETE FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE ID ='{storeHouseID}' AND pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlys buvo sėkmingai pašalintas iš duomenų bazės."); /*//Console.WriteLine("pavyko"); * this.Hide(); * Main newForm = new Main(); * newForm.ShowDialog(); * this.Close();*/ } } else if (counter == 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Prašau įveskite tinkamą sandėlio pavadinimą arba ID."); newForm.ShowDialog(); Console.WriteLine($"counter = {counter}"); } }
private void buttonRegistr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string storeHouseID = textBoxStorehouseId.Text; string storehouseName = textBoxStorehouseName.Text; //string storehouseStock = textBoxStock.Text; string storehouseStockFree = textBoxStockFree.Text; string internalCode = textBoxCode.Text; int counter = 0; //List<string> outputUsers = new List<string>(); MySqlDataReader outputStreamWarehouses1 = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE pavadinimas ='{storehouseName}';"); while (outputStreamWarehouses1.Read()) { counter++; } Database.Close(); if (counter != 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlys su tokiu pavadinimu jau užregistruotas"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Console.WriteLine("E"); counter = 0; MySqlDataReader outputStreamWarehouses2 = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.sandeliai WHERE vidKo ='{internalCode}';"); while (outputStreamWarehouses2.Read()) { counter++; } Database.Close(); if (counter != 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlys su tokiu vidiniu kodu jau užregistruotas"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.sandeliai(prekes, pavadinimas, laisvas_plotas, uzimtumas, vidKo, vartotojoID) " + $"VALUES('', '{storehouseName}','{storehouseStockFree}', 0, '{internalCode}', '{Database.GetUserID()}'); "); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Sandėlį pavyko užregistruoti!"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void Add_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxCode.Text == "") { popup newForm = new popup("Prašau sugeneruokite kodą."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { string mark = textBoxMark.Text; string type = textBoxType.Text; int year = Int32.Parse(textBoxYear.Text); string maker = textBoxMaker.Text; int price = Int32.Parse(textBoxPrice.Text); int amount = Int32.Parse(textBoxAmount.Text); string code = textBoxCode.Text; int counter = 0; MySqlDataReader outputStreamParts = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.dalys WHERE vidKo ='{code}'"); Dictionary <string, string> outputParts = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while (outputStreamParts.Read()) { counter++; Console.WriteLine(outputStreamParts["id"] + " " + outputStreamParts["marke"] + " " + outputStreamParts["vidKo"]); outputParts.Add(outputStreamParts["id"].ToString(), outputStreamParts["vidKo"].ToString()); } Database.Close(); if (counter != 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Ši dalis jau egzistuoja."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } else { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.dalys(marke, tipas, gamybos_metai, gamintojas, kaina, vidKo) VALUES('{mark}','{type}','{year}','{maker}','{price}','{code}'); "); popup newForm = new popup("Dalis pridėta."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void buttonRegistr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string companyName = textBoxCompName.Text; string companyCode = textBoxCompID.Text; string email = textBoxEmail.Text; string username = textBoxUsrName.Text; string password = Database.Encrypt(textBoxPsw.Text); string confirm = Database.Encrypt(textBoxCnfPsw.Text); string phone = textBoxTel.Text; int counter = 0; Dictionary <string, string> outputCompanies = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (password == confirm) { MySqlDataReader outputStreamCompany = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.imones WHERE pavadinimas ='{companyName}' AND vidKo = '{companyCode}';"); while (outputStreamCompany.Read()) { counter++; Console.WriteLine(outputStreamCompany["id"] + " " + outputStreamCompany["pavadinimas"] + " " + outputStreamCompany["vidKo"]); outputCompanies.Add(outputStreamCompany["pavadinimas"].ToString(), outputStreamCompany["vidKo"].ToString()); } Database.Close(); if (counter == 0) { if (MessageBox.Show("Jūsų nurodyta įmonė nerasta. Ar norite pridėti naują įmonę su įvestais duomenimis?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.imones(pavadinimas, san_ID, vidKo) VALUES('{companyName}','UNUSED','{companyCode}');"); popup newForm = new popup("Įmonė įregistruota. Galite testi vartotojo paskyros registraciją."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } } else if (counter == 1) { //Console.WriteLine("imone rasta"); counter = 0; List <string> outputUsers = new List <string>(); MySqlDataReader outputStreamUsers = Database.Select($"SELECT * FROM dalysadmin.vartotojai WHERE vardas ='{username}';"); while (outputStreamUsers.Read()) { counter++; //outputUsers.Add(outputStreamCompany["vardas"].ToString()); } Database.Close(); if (counter != 0) { popup newForm = new popup("Nurodytas vartotojas jau egzistuoja."); newForm.ShowDialog(); //Console.WriteLine("toks vartotojas jau egzistuoja"); } else { Database.Insert($"INSERT INTO dalysadmin.vartotojai(vardas, slaptazodis, telNr, elPastas, imonesPavad) VALUES('{username}','{password}','{phone}','{email}','{companyName}'); "); //Console.WriteLine("pavyko registruoti"); Database.Close(); popup newForm = new popup("Pavyko registruoti!"); newForm.ShowDialog(); } } else { popup newForm = new popup("imoniu per daug! susisiekite su administratoriumi."); newForm.ShowDialog(); //Console.WriteLine("imoniu per daug! susisiekite su administratoriumi"); } } else { popup newForm = new popup("Slaptažodžiai nesutampa."); newForm.ShowDialog(); } }