public GradingItemForm(Response r, Criteria criteria, Student student)
            Cancelled = true; // fail closed rather than open

            GraderResponse = r;


            studentNameLabel.Text = string.Format("{0}, {1}", student.LastName, student.FirstName);

            criteriaDescLabel.Text = criteria.Description;

            pointsReceivedNumericUpDown.Maximum = criteria.MaxPoints;

            pointsReceivedNumericUpDown.Minimum = 0;

            if (GraderResponse.PointsReceived < 0)
                GraderResponse.PointsReceived = 0;
            else if (GraderResponse.PointsReceived > criteria.MaxPoints)
                GraderResponse.PointsReceived = criteria.MaxPoints;

            pointsReceivedNumericUpDown.Value = GraderResponse.PointsReceived;

            maxPointsLabel.Text = string.Format("Pts out of {0} Pts", criteria.MaxPoints.ToString());

            graderCommentTextBox.Text = GraderResponse.GraderComment;
Example #2
 public RubricNode(Criteria c)
     Criteria = c;
     Children = new LinkedList<int>();
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new node to the given parent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">A criteria with a key given by the database. The criteria should have a key already (it should not be NoID).</param>
 /// <param name="parentKey">The valid parent key that the node should be added to.</param>
 /// <returns>The criterias key (which references it in the dictionary as well as the DB).</returns>
 public int AddNewNode(Criteria c, int parentKey)
     RubricNode parentNode;
     if (Nodes.TryGetValue(parentKey, out parentNode))
         Nodes.Add(c.CriteriaID, new RubricNode(c));
         return c.CriteriaID;
         // The parent doesn't exist in the dictionary!
         return -1;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes a Criteria and creates a new CriteriaTreeNode at the root of the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">A criteria with a key given by the database. The criteria should have a key already (it should not be NoID).</param>
 /// <returns>The criterias key (which references it in the dictionary as well as the DB).</returns>
 public int AddNewNode(Criteria c)
     RubricNode node = new RubricNode(c);
     Nodes.Add(node.Criteria.CriteriaID, node);
     return node.Criteria.CriteriaID;
        private void setCriteria(LinkedList<CriteriaNode> list)
            Criteria criteria;
            foreach (CriteriaNode c in list)
                criteria = new Criteria();
                criteria.Description = c.Description;
                criteria.MaxPoints = c.Points;

                if (c.NumberOfChildren > 0)
                // TODO: save criteria to the database... :D
Example #6
 private void setCriteria(TreeNodeCollection tree, int parentID, int assignmentID)
     Criteria criteria;
     foreach (CriteriaNode c in tree)
         criteria = new Criteria();
         criteria.Description = c.Description;
         if (c.Nodes.Count > 0)
             criteria.MaxPoints = 0;
             criteria.MaxPoints = c.Points;
         int criteriaID = dbConnention.AddCriteria(criteria,parentID,assignmentID);
         setCriteria(c.Nodes, criteriaID, assignmentID);
Example #7
        public int AddCriteria(Criteria criteria, int parentID, int assignmentID)
            if (criteria.HasID())
                Debug.WriteLine("You should not add criteria if it already has an ID assigned.");
                return criteria.CriteriaID;
                // We need to insert rather than update because the criteria has no key.
                string query = String.Format("INSERT INTO {0} (", tables.Criteria.TableName);
                query += String.Format("{0}, ", tables.Criteria.Description);
                query += String.Format("{0}, ", tables.Criteria.Points);
                if (parentID != -1)
                    query += String.Format("{0}, ", tables.Criteria.ParentCriteriaID);
                query += String.Format("{0}", tables.Criteria.AssignmentID);

                query += ") VALUES (";
                query += String.Format("@{0}, ", tables.Criteria.Description);
                query += String.Format("@{0}, ", tables.Criteria.Points);
                if (parentID != -1)
                    query += String.Format("@{0}, ", tables.Criteria.ParentCriteriaID);
                query += String.Format("@{0}", tables.Criteria.AssignmentID);
                query += ");";
                OleDbCommand insert = new OleDbCommand(query, dbConnection);
                insert.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@" + tables.Criteria.Description, OleDbType.VarChar)).Value = criteria.Description;
                insert.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@" + tables.Criteria.Points, OleDbType.VarChar)).Value = criteria.MaxPoints;
                if(parentID != -1){
                    insert.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@" + tables.Criteria.ParentCriteriaID, OleDbType.VarChar)).Value = parentID;
                insert.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@" + tables.Criteria.AssignmentID, OleDbType.VarChar)).Value = assignmentID;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not insert criteria.");

                // Now that we inserted the student, we need to get its ID
                query = "SELECT @@IDENTITY;";
                OleDbCommand getID = new OleDbCommand(query, dbConnection);
                int key = criteria.CriteriaID;
                    key = (int)getID.ExecuteScalar();
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not retrieve criteria ID.");
                return key;
Example #8
 private void setCriteria(LinkedList<CriteriaNode> list, int assignid)
     Criteria criteria;
     foreach (CriteriaNode c in list)
         criteria = new Criteria();
         criteria.Description = c.Description;
         criteria.MaxPoints = c.Points;
         c.CriteriaID = dbConnention.AddCriteria(criteria);
         if (c.NumberOfChildren > 0)
             foreach (CriteriaNode cn in c.ChildList)
                 cn.ParentID = c.CriteriaID;