Example #1
        private void frmAllIngredients_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //foreach (FoodStuff fs in  DataConnection.ListAllFoodstuffs())
            //    //parse them out into listviewitem objects
            //    //then insert listviewitems in the listview
            //    ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();
            //    lvi.Text = fs.Name;
            //    lvi.SubItems.Add(fs.Servings.ToString());
            //    lvi.SubItems.Add(fs.Cost.ToString());
            //    lvi.SubItems.Add(fs.CostPerServing().ToString());
            //    lvi.SubItems.Add(fs.PrepTime.ToString());
            //    lvi.SubItems.Add(fs.CookTime.ToString());
            //    //and so on, ordered however the columns are in the listview
            //    lsvAllRecipes.Items.Add(lvi);

            foreach (FoodStuff Ing in DataConnection.ListAllIngredients())
                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();
                lvi.Text = Ing.Name;
                // lvi.SubItems.Add(..Count Amount of Recipe it is in);