Example #1
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task UserCantAccessAnotherUsersShareholders()
            // verify (before we log in) that we are not logged in
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register as a new user (creates an account and contact)
            var loginUser1    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser1", 6);
            var businessName1 = randomNewUserName(loginUser1, 6);
            var strId1        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser1, businessName1);

            // verify the current user represents our new user
            ViewModels.User user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");

            // fetch our current account
            ViewModels.Account account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity legalEntity1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecordForCurrent(_client);

            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, account1.id);

            // *** create some shareholders and directors
            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity dos1 = await SecurityHelper.CreateDirectorOrShareholder(_client, user1, legalEntity1.id, true, false, false);

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity dos2 = await SecurityHelper.CreateDirectorOrShareholder(_client, user1, legalEntity1.id, false, true, false);

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity dos3 = await SecurityHelper.CreateDirectorOrShareholder(_client, user1, legalEntity1.id, false, false, true);

            List <ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity> dos1s = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntitiesByPosition(_client, legalEntity1.id, "director-officer-shareholder", true);

            Assert.Equal(3, dos1s.Count);
            // ***

            // logout and verify we are logged out
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register and login as a second user
            var loginUser2    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser2", 6);
            var businessName2 = randomNewUserName(loginUser2, 6);
            var strId2        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser2, businessName2);

            ViewModels.User user2 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user2.name, loginUser2 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user2.businessname, businessName2 + " TestBusiness");
            ViewModels.Account account2 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            Assert.NotEqual(account1.id, account2.id);
            Assert.Equal(user2.accountid, account2.id);

            // *** as user 2, try to access shareholders of account 1
            var tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos1.id, false);

            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos2.id, false);

            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos3.id, false);

            List <ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity> dos2s = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntitiesByPosition(_client, legalEntity1.id, "director-officer-shareholder", false);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup second test user
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId2);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // login again as the same user as above ^^^
            await Login(loginUser1, businessName1);

            user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");
            account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            // *** cleanup shareholders records
            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos3.id, true);

            await SecurityHelper.DeleteLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos3.id);

            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos2.id, true);

            await SecurityHelper.DeleteLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos2.id);

            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos1.id, true);

            await SecurityHelper.DeleteLegalEntityRecord(_client, dos1.id);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup (deletes the account and contact created above ^^^)
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId1);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();
Example #2
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task UserCantAccessAnotherUsersInvoices()
            // verify (before we log in) that we are not logged in
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register as a new user (creates an account and contact)
            var loginUser1    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser1", 6);
            var businessName1 = randomNewUserName(loginUser1, 6);
            var strId1        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser1, businessName1);

            // verify the current user represents our new user
            ViewModels.User user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");

            // fetch our current account
            ViewModels.Account account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity legalEntity1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecordForCurrent(_client);

            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, account1.id);

            // *** create some license applications and invoices
            ViewModels.AdoxioApplication application1 = await SecurityHelper.CreateLicenceApplication(_client, account1);

            var tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLicenceApplication(_client, application1.id, true);


            // create invoices
            Dictionary <string, string> values = await SecurityHelper.PayLicenceApplicationFee(_client, application1.id, false, true);

            Assert.Equal("0", values["trnApproved"]);
            // ***

            // logout and verify we are logged out
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register and login as a second user
            var loginUser2    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser2", 6);
            var businessName2 = randomNewUserName(loginUser2, 6);
            var strId2        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser2, businessName2);

            ViewModels.User user2 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user2.name, loginUser2 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user2.businessname, businessName2 + " TestBusiness");
            ViewModels.Account account2 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            Assert.NotEqual(account1.id, account2.id);
            Assert.Equal(user2.accountid, account2.id);

            // *** as user 2, try to access license application invoices of account 1
            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLicenceApplication(_client, application1.id, false);


            // access invoices and try to pay
            values = await SecurityHelper.PayLicenceApplicationFee(_client, application1.id, false, false);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup second test user
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId2);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // login again as the same user as above ^^^
            await Login(loginUser1, businessName1);

            user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");
            account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            // TODO can't delete once invoices are created

            // logout and cleanup (deletes the account and contact created above ^^^)
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();
Example #3
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task UserCantAccessAnotherUsersApplicationAttachments()
            // verify (before we log in) that we are not logged in
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register as a new user (creates an account and contact)
            var loginUser1    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser1", 6);
            var businessName1 = randomNewUserName(loginUser1, 6);
            var strId1        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser1, businessName1);

            // verify the current user represents our new user
            ViewModels.User user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");

            // fetch our current account
            ViewModels.Account account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity legalEntity1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecordForCurrent(_client);

            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, account1.id);

            // *** create some license applications
            ViewModels.AdoxioApplication application1 = await SecurityHelper.CreateLicenceApplication(_client, account1);

            var tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLicenceApplication(_client, application1.id, true);


            // add an attachment to the application
            string file1 = await SecurityHelper.UploadFileToApplication(_client, application1.id, "TestAppFileSecurity");

            List <ViewModels.FileSystemItem> file1s = await SecurityHelper.GetFileListForApplication(_client, application1.id, "TestAppFileSecurity", true);

            //string _data1 = await SecurityHelper.DownloadFileForApplication(_client, application1.id, file1s[0].id, true);
            // ***

            // logout and verify we are logged out
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register and login as a second user
            var loginUser2    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser2", 6);
            var businessName2 = randomNewUserName(loginUser2, 6);
            var strId2        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser2, businessName2);

            ViewModels.User user2 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user2.name, loginUser2 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user2.businessname, businessName2 + " TestBusiness");
            ViewModels.Account account2 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            Assert.NotEqual(account1.id, account2.id);
            Assert.Equal(user2.accountid, account2.id);

            // *** as user 2, try to access license applications of account 1
            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLicenceApplication(_client, application1.id, false);


            // test access to the application's attachment
            List <ViewModels.FileSystemItem> file2s = await SecurityHelper.GetFileListForApplication(_client, application1.id, "TestFileSecurity", false);

            //string _data2 = await SecurityHelper.DownloadFileForApplication(_client, application1.id, file1s[0].id, true);
            // ***

            // logout and cleanup second test user
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId2);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // login again as the same user as above ^^^
            await Login(loginUser1, businessName1);

            user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");
            account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            // *** delete license applications of account 1
            // delete the application's attachments
            //await SecurityHelper.DeleteFileForApplication(_client, application1.id, file1s[0].id);

            await SecurityHelper.DeleteLicenceApplication(_client, application1.id);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup (deletes the account and contact created above ^^^)
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId1);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();
Example #4
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task UserCantAccessAnotherUsersChildBusinesProfileAttachments()
            // verify (before we log in) that we are not logged in
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register as a new user (creates an account and contact)
            var loginUser1    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser1", 6);
            var businessName1 = randomNewUserName(loginUser1, 6);
            var strId1        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser1, businessName1);

            // verify the current user represents our new user
            ViewModels.User user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");

            // fetch our current account
            ViewModels.Account account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity legalEntity1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecordForCurrent(_client);

            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, account1.id);
            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, legalEntity1.accountId);

            // *** create some org shareholders and child business profiles
            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity org1 = await SecurityHelper.CreateOrganizationalShareholder(_client, user1, legalEntity1.id);


            // upload some files under new org1
            ViewModels.Account org1Account = await SecurityHelper.GetAccountRecord(_client, org1.shareholderAccountId, true);


            string file1 = await SecurityHelper.UploadFileToLegalEntity(_client, org1.id, "TestFileSecurity");

            List <ViewModels.FileSystemItem> file1s = await SecurityHelper.GetFileListForAccount(_client, org1.shareholderAccountId, "TestFileSecurity", true);


            // TODO add a sub-profile of org1 profile as well, and add some attachments for it

            // ***

            // logout and verify we are logged out
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register and login as a second user
            var loginUser2    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser2", 6);
            var businessName2 = randomNewUserName(loginUser2, 6);
            var strId2        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser2, businessName2);

            ViewModels.User user2 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user2.name, loginUser2 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user2.businessname, businessName2 + " TestBusiness");
            ViewModels.Account account2 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            Assert.NotEqual(account1.id, account2.id);
            Assert.Equal(user2.accountid, account2.id);

            // *** as user 2, try to access child business profiles of account 1
            var tmp1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, org1.id, false);

            var tmp2 = await SecurityHelper.GetAccountRecord(_client, org1.shareholderAccountId, false);


            // try to access user1's files under new org1
            List <ViewModels.FileSystemItem> file2s = await SecurityHelper.GetFileListForAccount(_client, org1Account.id, "TestFileSecurity", false);

            //string _data2 = await SecurityHelper.DownloadFileForAccount(_client, org1Account.id, file1s[0].id, true);

            // TODO test access to sub-profile of org1 profile's attachments as well

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup second test user
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId2);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // login again as the same user as above ^^^
            await Login(loginUser1, businessName1);

            user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");
            account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            // *** cleanup business profile records
            tmp1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, org1.id, true);


            // ... and delete files under org1
            //await SecurityHelper.DeleteFileForAccount(_client, org1Account.id, file1s[0].id);

            await SecurityHelper.DeleteLegalEntityRecord(_client, org1.id);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup (deletes the account and contact created above ^^^)
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId1);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();
Example #5
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task UserCantAccessAnotherUsersBusinessProfiles()
            // verify (before we log in) that we are not logged in
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register as a new user (creates an account and contact)
            var loginUser1    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser1", 6);
            var businessName1 = randomNewUserName(loginUser1, 6);
            var strId1        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser1, businessName1);

            // verify the current user represents our new user
            ViewModels.User user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");

            // fetch our current account
            ViewModels.Account account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity legalEntity1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecordForCurrent(_client);

            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, account1.id);

            // *** create some org shareholders and child business profiles
            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity org1 = await SecurityHelper.CreateOrganizationalShareholder(_client, user1, legalEntity1.id);


            // TODO create a sub-profile of org1 profile as well

            // ***

            // logout and verify we are logged out
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register and login as a second user
            var loginUser2    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser2", 6);
            var businessName2 = randomNewUserName(loginUser2, 6);
            var strId2        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser2, businessName2);

            ViewModels.User user2 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user2.name, loginUser2 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user2.businessname, businessName2 + " TestBusiness");
            ViewModels.Account account2 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            Assert.NotEqual(account1.id, account2.id);
            Assert.Equal(user2.accountid, account2.id);

            // *** as user 2, try to access child business profiles of account 1
            var tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, org1.id, false);


            // TODO test access to sub-profile of org1 profile as well

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup second test user
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId2);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // login again as the same user as above ^^^
            await Login(loginUser1, businessName1);

            user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");
            account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            // *** cleanup business profile records
            tmp = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, org1.id, true);


            // TODO clean up sub-profile of org1 profile as well

            await SecurityHelper.DeleteLegalEntityRecord(_client, org1.id);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup (deletes the account and contact created above ^^^)
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId1);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();
Example #6
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task UserCantAccessAnotherUsersAccount()
            // verify (before we log in) that we are not logged in
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register as a new user (creates an account and contact)
            var loginUser1    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser1", 6);
            var businessName1 = randomNewUserName(loginUser1, 6);
            var strId1        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser1, businessName1);

            // verify the current user represents our new user
            ViewModels.User user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");

            // fetch our current account
            ViewModels.Account account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            ViewModels.AdoxioLegalEntity legalEntity1 = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecordForCurrent(_client);

            Assert.Equal(user1.accountid, account1.id);

            // logout and verify we are logged out
            await Logout();
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // register and login as a second user
            var loginUser2    = randomNewUserName("NewSecUser2", 6);
            var businessName2 = randomNewUserName(loginUser2, 6);
            var strId2        = await LoginAndRegisterAsNewUser(loginUser2, businessName2);

            ViewModels.User user2 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user2.name, loginUser2 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user2.businessname, businessName2 + " TestBusiness");
            ViewModels.Account account2 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            Assert.NotEqual(account1.id, account2.id);
            Assert.Equal(user2.accountid, account2.id);

            // *** as user 2, try to access account and legal entity of account 1
            var secAccount = await SecurityHelper.GetAccountRecord(_client, account1.id, false);

            var secLegalEntity = await SecurityHelper.GetLegalEntityRecord(_client, legalEntity1.id, false);


            secAccount = await SecurityHelper.UpdateAccountRecord(_client, account1.id, account1, false);

            // ***

            // logout and cleanup second test user
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId2);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();

            // login again as the same user as above ^^^
            await Login(loginUser1, businessName1);

            user1 = await GetCurrentUser();

            Assert.Equal(user1.name, loginUser1 + " TestUser");
            Assert.Equal(user1.businessname, businessName1 + " TestBusiness");
            account1 = await GetAccountForCurrentUser();

            // logout and cleanup (deletes the account and contact created above ^^^)
            await LogoutAndCleanupTestUser(strId1);
            await GetCurrentUserIsUnauthorized();