internal SingleFieldAccessor(PropertyInfo property, FieldDescriptor descriptor) : base(property, descriptor)
            if (!property.CanWrite)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods available");
            setValueDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessageObject(property.GetSetMethod());
            if (descriptor.File.Proto.Syntax == "proto2")
                MethodInfo hasMethod = property.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeProperty("Has" + property.Name).GetMethod;
                hasDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateFuncIMessageBool(hasMethod ?? throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods are available"));
                MethodInfo clearMethod = property.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeMethod("Clear" + property.Name, ReflectionUtil.EmptyTypes);
                clearDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessage(clearMethod ?? throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods are available"));
                hasDelegate = (_) => throw new InvalidOperationException("HasValue is not implemented for proto3 fields"); var clrType = property.PropertyType;

                // TODO: Validate that this is a reasonable single field? (Should be a value type, a message type, or string/ByteString.)
                object defaultValue =
                    descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Message ? null
                    : clrType == typeof(string) ? ""
                    : clrType == typeof(ByteString) ? ByteString.Empty
                    : Activator.CreateInstance(clrType);
                clearDelegate = message => SetValue(message, defaultValue);
        internal SingleFieldAccessor(PropertyInfo property, FieldDescriptor descriptor) : base(property, descriptor)
            while (true)
                uint arg_E3_0 = 1941025569u;
                while (true)
                    uint num;
                    switch ((num = (arg_E3_0 ^ 199827664u)) % 8u)
                    case 1u:
                        arg_E3_0 = (num * 3210510662u ^ 4032699640u);

                    case 2u:
                        goto IL_10F;

                    case 3u:
                        goto IL_116;

                    case 4u:
                        Type type;
                        __c__DisplayClass2_.defaultValue = ((descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Message) ? null : ((type == SingleFieldAccessor.smethod_3(typeof(string).TypeHandle)) ? "" : ((type == SingleFieldAccessor.smethod_3(typeof(ByteString).TypeHandle)) ? ByteString.Empty : SingleFieldAccessor.smethod_4(type))));
                        this.clearDelegate = delegate(IMessage message)
                            __c__DisplayClass2_.__4__this.SetValue(message, __c__DisplayClass2_.defaultValue);
                        arg_E3_0 = 1884219440u;

                    case 5u:
                        this.setValueDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessageObject(property.GetSetMethod());
                        arg_E3_0 = 2064311039u;

                    case 6u:
                        __c__DisplayClass2_.__4__this = this;
                        arg_E3_0 = ((SingleFieldAccessor.smethod_0(property) ? 2142081437u : 1483086867u) ^ num * 2346426732u);

                    case 7u:
                        Type type = SingleFieldAccessor.smethod_2(property);
                        arg_E3_0 = (num * 1124000945u ^ 3750043923u);
                    goto Block_5;

            throw SingleFieldAccessor.smethod_1(Module.smethod_35 <string>(1200568613u));
Example #3
        internal SingleFieldAccessor(PropertyInfo property, FieldDescriptor descriptor) : base(property, descriptor)
            if (!property.CanWrite)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods available");
            setValueDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessageObject(property.GetSetMethod());
            if (descriptor.File.Syntax == Syntax.Proto3 && !descriptor.Proto.Proto3Optional)
                hasDelegate = message =>
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("HasValue is not implemented for non-optional proto3 fields");
                var clrType = property.PropertyType;

                // TODO: Validate that this is a reasonable single field? (Should be a value type, a message type, or string/ByteString.)
                object defaultValue =
                    descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Message ? null
                    : clrType == typeof(string) ? ""
                    : clrType == typeof(ByteString) ? ByteString.Empty
                    : Activator.CreateInstance(clrType);
                clearDelegate = message => SetValue(message, defaultValue);
                // For message fields, just compare with null and set to null.
                // For primitive fields, use the Has/Clear methods.

                if (descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Message)
                    hasDelegate   = message => GetValue(message) != null;
                    clearDelegate = message => SetValue(message, null);
                    MethodInfo hasMethod = property.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeProperty("Has" + property.Name).GetMethod;
                    if (hasMethod == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods are available");
                    hasDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateFuncIMessageBool(hasMethod);
                    MethodInfo clearMethod = property.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeMethod("Clear" + property.Name, ReflectionUtil.EmptyTypes);
                    if (clearMethod == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods are available");
                    clearDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessage(clearMethod);
        internal SingleFieldAccessor(PropertyInfo property, FieldDescriptor descriptor) : base(property, descriptor)
            if (!property.CanWrite)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods available");
            setValueDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessageObject(property.GetSetMethod());

            var clrType = property.PropertyType;

            // TODO: Validate that this is a reasonable single field? (Should be a value type, a message type, or string/ByteString.)
            object defaultValue =
                typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(clrType) ? null
                : clrType == typeof(string) ? ""
                : clrType == typeof(ByteString) ? ByteString.Empty
                : Activator.CreateInstance(clrType);

            clearDelegate = message => SetValue(message, defaultValue);
Example #5
        internal SingleFieldAccessor(PropertyInfo property, FieldDescriptor descriptor) : base(property, descriptor)
            if (!property.CanWrite)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods available");
            setValueDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessageObject(property.GetSetMethod());

            // Note: this looks worrying in that we access the containing oneof, which isn't valid until cross-linking
            // is complete... but field accessors aren't created until after cross-linking.
            // The oneof itself won't be cross-linked yet, but that's okay: the oneof accessor is created
            // earlier.

            // Message fields always support presence, via null checks.
            if (descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Message)
                hasDelegate   = message => GetValue(message) != null;
                clearDelegate = message => SetValue(message, null);
            // Oneof fields always support presence, via case checks.
            // Note that clearing the field is a no-op unless that specific field is the current "case".
            else if (descriptor.RealContainingOneof != null)
                var oneofAccessor = descriptor.RealContainingOneof.Accessor;
                hasDelegate   = message => oneofAccessor.GetCaseFieldDescriptor(message) == descriptor;
                clearDelegate = message =>
                    // Clear on a field only affects the oneof itself if the current case is the field we're accessing.
                    if (oneofAccessor.GetCaseFieldDescriptor(message) == descriptor)
            // Primitive fields always support presence in proto2, and support presence in proto3 for optional fields.
            else if (descriptor.File.Syntax == Syntax.Proto2 || descriptor.Proto.Proto3Optional)
                MethodInfo hasMethod = property.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeProperty("Has" + property.Name).GetMethod;
                if (hasMethod == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods are available");
                hasDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateFuncIMessageBool(hasMethod);
                MethodInfo clearMethod = property.DeclaringType.GetRuntimeMethod("Clear" + property.Name, ReflectionUtil.EmptyTypes);
                if (clearMethod == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods are available");
                clearDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionIMessage(clearMethod);
            // What's left?
            // Primitive proto3 fields without the optional keyword, which aren't in oneofs.
                hasDelegate = message => { throw new InvalidOperationException("Presence is not implemented for this field"); };

                // While presence isn't supported, clearing still is; it's just setting to a default value.
                var clrType = property.PropertyType;

                if (clrType is ILRuntimeWrapperType wrapperType)
                    clrType = wrapperType.RealType;

                object defaultValue =
                    clrType == typeof(string) ? ""
                    : clrType == typeof(ByteString) ? ByteString.Empty
                    : (clrType is ILRuntimeType) ? (clrType as ILRuntimeType).ILType.Instantiate()
                    : Activator.CreateInstance(clrType);
                clearDelegate = message => SetValue(message, defaultValue);