Example #1
        static WorldState ApplyPostConditions(ActionPlanner ap, int actionnr, WorldState fr)
            WorldState pst        = ap.postConditions[actionnr];
            long       unaffected = pst.dontcare;
            long       affected   = (unaffected ^ -1L);

            fr.values    = (fr.values & unaffected) | (pst.values & affected);
            fr.dontcare &= pst.dontcare;
Example #2
        //!< Internal function to reconstruct the plan by tracing from last node to initial node.
        static void reconstruct_plan(ActionPlanner ap, AStarNode goalnode, string[] plan, WorldState[] worldstates, ref int plansize)
            AStarNode curnode  = goalnode;
            int       idx      = plansize - 1;
            int       numsteps = 0;

            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curnode.actionname))
                if (idx >= 0)
                    plan[idx]        = curnode.actionname;
                    worldstates[idx] = curnode.ws;
                    int i = idx_in_closed(curnode.parentws);
                    if (i == -1)
                    curnode = closed[i];
            idx++;              // point to last filled

            if (idx > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < numsteps; ++i)
                    plan[i]        = plan[i + idx];
                    worldstates[i] = worldstates[i + idx];
            if (idx < 0)
                // Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ERROR: Plan of size {0} cannot be returned in buffer of size {1}", numsteps, plansize ));

                plansize = numsteps;
Example #3
        static int numClosed = 0;                           //!< The nr of nodes in our closed set.

        public static int Plan(
            ActionPlanner ap,
            WorldState start,
            WorldState goal,
            string[] plan,
            WorldState[] worldstates,
            ref int plansize
            // put start in opened list
            numOpened = 0;
            AStarNode n0;

            n0.ws                        = start;
            n0.parentws                  = start;
            n0.costSoFar                 = 0;
            n0.heuristicCost             = calc_h(start, goal);
            n0.costSoFarAndHeurisitcCost = n0.costSoFar + n0.heuristicCost;
            n0.actionname                = null;
            //n0.parent = new WeakReference (null);
            n0.depth            = 1;
            opened[numOpened++] = n0;
            // empty closed list
            numClosed = 0;

                if (numOpened == 0)                     // Console.WriteLine( "Did not find a path." );
                // find the node with lowest rank
                int lowestIdx = -1;
                int lowestVal = int.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < numOpened; i++)
                    if (opened[i].costSoFarAndHeurisitcCost < lowestVal)
                        lowestVal = opened[i].costSoFarAndHeurisitcCost;
                        lowestIdx = i;
                // remove the node with the lowest rank
                AStarNode cur = opened[lowestIdx];
                if (numOpened > 0)
                    opened[lowestIdx] = opened[numOpened - 1];

                // Console.WriteLine ("--------------------------------------\n");
                // Console.WriteLine("CurrentNode: " + cur.ToString());
                // Console.WriteLine("CurrentState: " + cur.ws);

                // Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Opened: {0}    Closed: {1}", numOpened, numClosed));

                // if it matches the goal, we are done!
                long care  = (goal.dontcare ^ -1L);
                bool match = ((cur.ws.values & care) == (goal.values & care));
                if (match)
                    // Console.WriteLine("Matched goal!");
                    reconstruct_plan(ap, cur, plan, worldstates, ref plansize);
                // add it to closed
                closed[numClosed++] = cur;

                // Console.WriteLine("CLOSING: " + cur);

                if (numClosed == MAXCLOS)
                    // Console.WriteLine("Closed set overflow");
                }                 // ran out of storage for closed set

                // iterate over neighbours
                var actionnames    = new string[ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS];
                var actioncosts    = new int[ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS];
                var to             = new WorldState[ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS];
                int numtransitions = ap.GetPossibleTransitions(cur.ws, to, actionnames, actioncosts, ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS);

                // Console.WriteLine( "Neighbours: " + numtransitions );
                for (int i = 0; i < numtransitions; i++)
                    // Console.WriteLine("Processing {0} -> {1}", cur.actionname, actionnames[i]);
                    // Console.WriteLine("State: " + to[i]);

                    AStarNode nb;
                    int       cost  = cur.costSoFar + actioncosts[i];
                    int       idx_o = idx_in_opened(to[i]);
                    int       idx_c = idx_in_closed(to[i]);

                    // Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}  Idx Opened: {1}  Idx Closed: {2}", cost, idx_o, idx_c);

                    // if neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g(neighbor):
                    if (idx_o >= 0 && cost < opened[idx_o].costSoFar)
                        // Console.WriteLine("OPENED Neighbor: " + opened[ idx_o ].ws);
                        // Console.WriteLine("neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g(neighbor)");
                        // remove neighbor from OPEN, because new path is better
                        if (numOpened > 0)
                            opened[idx_o] = opened[numOpened - 1];
                            // Console.WriteLine("Remove neighbor from OPEN, because new path is better");

                        idx_o = -1;                         // BUGFIX: neighbor is no longer in OPEN, signal this so that we can re-add it.
                    // if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor):
                    if (idx_c >= 0 && cost < closed[idx_c].costSoFar)
                        // Console.WriteLine("CLOSED Neighbor: " + closed[ idx_c ].ws);
                        // Console.WriteLine("neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor)");
                        // remove neighbor from CLOSED
                        if (numClosed > 0)
                            // Console.WriteLine("remove neighbor from CLOSED");
                            closed[idx_c] = closed[numClosed - 1];
                    // if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED:
                    if (idx_c == -1 && idx_o == -1)
                        nb.ws                        = to[i];
                        nb.costSoFar                 = cost;
                        nb.heuristicCost             = calc_h(nb.ws, goal);
                        nb.costSoFarAndHeurisitcCost = nb.costSoFar + nb.heuristicCost;
                        nb.actionname                = actionnames[i];
                        nb.parentws                  = cur.ws;
                        //nb.parent = new WeakReference(cur);
                        nb.depth            = cur.depth + 1;
                        opened[numOpened++] = nb;

                        // Console.WriteLine("NEW OPENED: " + nb.ToString());
                    if (numOpened == MAXOPEN)
                        // Console.WriteLine("Opened set overflow");
                    }                             // ran out of storage for opened set
                    // Console.WriteLine("\n--\n");
            } while(true);

Example #4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            ActionPlanner ap = ActionPlanner.Instance;

            ap.SetPrecondition("scout", "armedwithgun", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("scout", "enemyvisible", true);

            ap.SetPrecondition("approach", "enemyvisible", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("approach", "nearenemy", true);

            ap.SetPrecondition("aim", "enemyvisible", true);
            ap.SetPrecondition("aim", "weaponloaded", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("aim", "enemylinedup", true);

            ap.SetPrecondition("shoot", "enemylinedup", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("shoot", "enemyalive", false);

            ap.SetPrecondition("load", "armedwithgun", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("load", "weaponloaded", true);

            ap.SetPrecondition("detonatebomb", "armedwithbomb", true);
            ap.SetPrecondition("detonatebomb", "nearenemy", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("detonatebomb", "alive", false);
            ap.SetPostcondition("detonatebomb", "enemyalive", false);

            ap.SetPrecondition("flee", "enemyvisible", true);
            ap.SetPostcondition("flee", "nearenemy", false);


            var startState = new WorldState(0, -1);

            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("enemyvisible"), false);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("armedwithgun"), true);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("weaponloaded"), false);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("enemylinedup"), false);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("enemyalive"), true);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("armedwithbomb"), true);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("nearenemy"), false);
            startState.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("alive"), true);

            ap.SetCost("detonatebomb", 1000);                   // make suicide more expensive than shooting.

            var goal = new WorldState(0, -1);

            goal.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("enemyalive"), false);
            goal.Set(ap.FindConditionNameIndex("alive"), true);
            //goap_worldstate_set( &ap, &goal, "alive", true ); // add this to avoid suicide actions in plan.

            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + startState);
            Console.WriteLine("Goal: " + goal);

            // create and display plan
            var plan = AStarSharp.Plan(ap, startState, goal, new ArrayStorage());

            for (var j = 0; j < plan.Length; j++)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", j, plan [j]));

//			Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch ();
//			sw.Start ();
//			for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//				var plan = AStarSharp.Plan (ap, startState, goal, new ListStorage());
////				for (var j=0; j<plan.Length;j++) {
////					Console.WriteLine (string.Format("{0}: {1}", j, plan[j]));
////				}
//			}
//			sw.Stop ();
//			Console.WriteLine ("C# (ListStorage) Elapsed: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
//			sw.Reset();
//			sw = new Stopwatch ();
//			sw.Start ();
//			for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//				var plan = AStarSharp.Plan (ap, startState, goal, new ArrayStorage());
//				//				for (var j=0; j<plan.Length;j++) {
//				//					Console.WriteLine (string.Format("{0}: {1}", j, plan[j]));
//				//				}
//			}
//			sw.Stop ();
//			Console.WriteLine ("C# (ArraySrorage) Elapsed: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
//			sw.Reset();
//			sw = new Stopwatch ();
//			sw.Start ();
//			for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//				var states = new WorldState[16];
//				var plann = new string[16];
//				var plansz = 16;
//				int plancost = AStar.Plan(ap, startState, goal, plann, states, ref plansz );
//			}
//			sw.Stop ();
//			Console.WriteLine ("C Elapsed: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
////			Console.WriteLine ("\n==============================================\n");
////			Console.WriteLine("plancost = " + plancost );
////			Console.WriteLine ("Plan Start: " + startState); // &ap, &fr, desc, sizeof( desc ) );
////			for ( int i=0; i<plansz && i<16; ++i )
////			{
////				Console.WriteLine (string.Format("{0}: {1} - {2}", i, plan[i], states[i]));
////			}

Example #5
        public static AStarSharpNode[] Plan(ActionPlanner ap, WorldState start, WorldState goal, IStorage storage)
            AStarSharpNode currentNode = new AStarSharpNode();

            currentNode.ws                        = start;
            currentNode.parentws                  = start;
            currentNode.costSoFar                 = 0;                                                 // g
            currentNode.heuristicCost             = CalculateHeuristic(start, goal);                   // h
            currentNode.costSoFarAndHeurisitcCost = currentNode.costSoFar + currentNode.heuristicCost; // f
            currentNode.actionname                = null;
            currentNode.parent                    = null;
            currentNode.depth                     = 1;


            while (true)
                if (!storage.HasOpened())                   // Console.WriteLine( "Did not find a path." );

                currentNode = storage.RemoveCheapestOpenNode();
                // Console.WriteLine ("--------------------------------------\n");
                // Console.WriteLine("CurrentNode: " + currentNode);
                // Console.WriteLine("CurrentState: " + currentNode.ws);
                // Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Opened: {0}    Closed: {1}", storage._opened.Count, storage._closed.Count));

                // Console.WriteLine("CLOSING: " + currentNode);

                if (goal.Equals(currentNode.ws))
                    // Console.WriteLine ("Finished with plan");


//				var actionnames = new string[ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS ];
//				var actioncosts = new int[ ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS ];
//				var to = new WorldState[ ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS ];
//				int numtransitions = ap.GetPossibleTransitions(currentNode.ws, to, actionnames, actioncosts, ActionPlanner.MAXACTIONS );

                var neighbours = ap.GetPossibleTransitions1(currentNode.ws);

                for (var i = 0; i < neighbours.Count; i++)
                    var cur = neighbours [i];

                    // Console.WriteLine("Processing {0} -> {1}", currentNode.actionname, cur.actionname);
                    // Console.WriteLine("State: " + cur.ws);

                    var opened = storage.FindOpened(cur);
                    var closed = storage.FindClosed(cur);
                    int cost   = currentNode.costSoFar + cur.costSoFar;

                    // Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}  Idx Opened: {1}  Idx Closed: {2}", cost, opened, closed);

                    // if neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g(neighbor):
                    if (opened != null && cost < opened.costSoFar)
                        // Console.WriteLine("OPENED Neighbor: " + opened.Value.ws);
                        // Console.WriteLine("neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g(neighbor)");

                        // remove neighbor from OPEN, because new path is better
                        opened = null;

                    // if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor):
                    if (closed != null && cost < closed.costSoFar)
                        // Console.WriteLine("CLOSED Neighbor: " + closed.Value.ws);
                        // Console.WriteLine("neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor)");

                        // remove neighbor from CLOSED

                    // if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED:
                    if (opened == null && closed == null)
                        AStarSharpNode nb = new AStarSharpNode();
                        nb.ws                        = cur.ws;
                        nb.costSoFar                 = cost;
                        nb.heuristicCost             = CalculateHeuristic(cur.ws, goal);
                        nb.costSoFarAndHeurisitcCost = nb.costSoFar + nb.heuristicCost;
                        nb.actionname                = cur.actionname;
                        nb.parentws                  = currentNode.ws;
                        nb.parent                    = currentNode;
                        nb.depth                     = currentNode.depth + 1;

                        // Console.WriteLine("NEW OPENED: " + nb.ToString());
                    // Console.WriteLine("\n--\n");