public GpstkOrbitUtil(EphemerisParam eph) { this.af0 = eph.ClockBias; this.af1 = eph.ClockDrift; this.af2 = eph.DriftRate; this.ctToc = eph.Toe;// this.Cic = eph.Cic; this.Crc = eph.Crc; this.Crs = eph.Crs; this.OMEGAdot = eph.OmegaDot; this.e0 = eph.Eccentricity;// this.Cuc = eph.Cuc; this.Cis = eph.Cis; this.Cus = eph.Cus; this.ctToe = eph.Toe; this.Adot = 0;//?? this.A = eph.SqrtA * eph.SqrtA; this.dn = eph.DeltaN; this.M0 = eph.MeanAnomaly; this.ecc = eph.Eccentricity; this.REL_CONST = eph.Eccentricity; this.PI = CoordConsts.PI; this.eye0 = eph.Inclination; this.Omega = eph.ArgumentOfPerigee; this.OMEGA0 = eph.LongOfAscension; this.dndot = 0;//?? this.idot = eph.EyeDot; this.prn = eph.Prn; }
public eph_t(EphemerisParam eph) { this.A = eph.SqrtA * eph.SqrtA; this.toe = eph.Toe; // this.sat = eph.sat; this.M0 = eph.MeanAnomaly; this.deln = eph.DeltaN; this.e = eph.Eccentricity; this.omg = eph.ArgumentOfPerigee; this.cuc = eph.Cuc; = eph.Crs; this.cis = eph.Cis; this.cus = eph.Cus; this.cic = eph.Cis; this.crc = eph.Crc; this.OMG0 = eph.LongOfAscension; this.OMGd = eph.OmegaDot; this.toes = eph.Toe; this.toc = eph.Toe;//??; this.f0 = eph.ClockBias; this.f1 = eph.ClockDrift; this.f2 = eph.DriftRate; this.sva = eph.SVAccuracy; this.i0 = eph.Inclination; this.idot = eph.EyeDot; }
public static double STD_BRDCCLK = 30.0; /* error of broadcast clock (m) */ public static XYZ GetPos(double secOfWeek, EphemerisParam param) { double [] rs = new double [3]; double dts = 0, var = 0; eph2pos(secOfWeek, new eph_t(param), rs, ref dts, ref var, param.Prn); return(XYZ.Parse(rs)); }
public static RmsedXYZ GetPosXYZ(EphemerisParam eph, double secOfWeek) { GpstkOrbitUtil o = new GpstkOrbitUtil(eph); Xvt xvt = o.svXvt(secOfWeek); XYZ xyzGpstk = XYZ.Parse(xvt.x); XYZ velercity = XYZ.Parse(xvt.v); return(new RmsedXYZ(xyzGpstk, velercity)); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { EphemerisParam p = obj as EphemerisParam; if (p == null) { return(false); } return(this.Prn.Equals(p.Prn) && this.Time.Equals(p.Time)); }
private static double KeplerEqForEccAnomaly1(EphemerisParam eph, double M) { int n; double Ek, E1; for (n = 0, E1 = M, Ek = 0.0; Math.Abs(E1 - Ek) > 1e-14; n++) { Ek = E1; E1 -= (E1 - eph.Eccentricity * Math.Sin(E1) - M) / (1.0 - eph.Eccentricity * Math.Cos(E1)); } return(E1); }
/// <summary> /// 获取卫星钟差 /// </summary> /// <param name="record">星历参数</param> /// <param name="gpsTime">时间</param> /// <returns></returns> public static double GetClockOffset(EphemerisParam record, Time gpsTime) { double toc = record.Time.SecondsOfWeek; double t = gpsTime.SecondsOfWeek; double differTime = t - record.Toe; //GPS卫星以钟为周秒,考虑到一个星期的开始或结束 if (differTime > 302400) { differTime -= 604800; } else if (differTime < -302400) { differTime += 604800; } return(record.GetOffset(differTime)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据轨道根数计算卫星位置。 /// 核心计算程序。 /// </summary> /// <param name="secOfWeek">GPS周秒</param> /// <param name="isGeosynchronous">是否是地球同步轨道卫星</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Geo.Coordinates.XYZ GetSatXyz(EphemerisParam eph, double gpsSecOfWeek, SatelliteType satelliteType = SatelliteType.G, bool isGeosynchronous = false) { double e = eph.Eccentricity; double A, en0, tk, en, M, E, sinE, cosE, f, u, cos2u, sin2u, duk, drk, dik; double uk, rk, eyek, cosEyek, xpk, ypk, omgk, cosOmgk, sinOmgk, xk, yk, zk; double secOfWeek = gpsSecOfWeek; if (satelliteType == SatelliteType.C)//如果是北斗,需要转换为北斗时间来计算。 { secOfWeek = gpsSecOfWeek - 14; } //*** time since orbit reference epoch tk = Time.GetDifferSecondOfWeek(secOfWeek, eph.Toe); Geo.Referencing.IEllipsoid ellipsoid = GnssSystem.GetGnssSystem(satelliteType).Ellipsoid; double GM = ellipsoid.GM; // MU_GPS; double omge = ellipsoid.AngleVelocity; // OMGE; //平均角速度 A = eph.SqrtA * eph.SqrtA; en0 = Math.Sqrt(GM) / (A * eph.SqrtA); //改正平均角度 en = en0 + eph.DeltaN; //*** mean anomaly, M M = eph.MeanAnomaly + en * tk; //*** solve kepler's equation for eccentric anomaly, E E = KeplerEqForEccAnomaly(M, e); //var E0 = KeplerEqForEccAnomalyOld(M, e); //var E1 = KeplerEqForEccAnomaly1(M, e); // double E1 = KeplerEqForEccAnomaly1(eph, M); sinE = Math.Sin(E); cosE = Math.Cos(E); //*** true anomaly, L f = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(1.0 - e * e) * sinE, cosE - e); //*** argument of latitude, rightHandSide u = f + eph.ArgumentOfPerigee; cos2u = Math.Cos(u + u); sin2u = Math.Sin(u + u); //*** corrections to the arg. of lat., radius, and inclination duk = eph.Cuc * cos2u + eph.Cus * sin2u; drk = eph.Crc * cos2u + eph.Crs * sin2u; dik = eph.Cic * cos2u + eph.Cis * sin2u; //*** correct the arg. of lat., radius, and inclination uk = u + duk; rk = A * (1.0 - e * cosE) + drk; eyek = eph.Inclination + eph.EyeDot * tk + dik; //*** position in the orbital plane xpk = rk * Math.Cos(uk); ypk = rk * Math.Sin(uk); cosEyek = Math.Cos(eyek); //*** correct the longitude of the ascending node XYZ xyz = new XYZ(); //同步轨道卫星,如北斗 if (isGeosynchronous) { omgk = eph.LongOfAscension + eph.OmegaDot * tk - omge * eph.Toe; cosOmgk = Math.Cos(omgk); sinOmgk = Math.Sin(omgk); //*** compute ecbf coordinates double xg = xpk * cosOmgk - ypk * sinOmgk * cosEyek; double yg = xpk * sinOmgk + ypk * cosOmgk * cosEyek; double zg = ypk * Math.Sin(eyek); double sino = Math.Sin(omge * tk); double coso = Math.Cos(omge * tk); double x = xg * coso + yg * sino * COS_5 + zg * sino * SIN_5; double y = -xg * sino + yg * coso * COS_5 + zg * coso * SIN_5; double z = -yg * SIN_5 + zg * COS_5; xyz = new XYZ(x, y, z); } else { omgk = eph.LongOfAscension + (eph.OmegaDot - omge) * tk - omge * eph.Toe; cosOmgk = Math.Cos(omgk); sinOmgk = Math.Sin(omgk); //*** compute ecbf coordinates xk = xpk * cosOmgk - ypk * sinOmgk * cosEyek; yk = xpk * sinOmgk + ypk * cosOmgk * cosEyek; zk = ypk * Math.Sin(eyek); xyz = new XYZ(xk, yk, zk); } return(xyz); //以下为测试比较 XYZ xyz2 = RtkLibOrbitUtil.GetPos(secOfWeek, eph); //XYZ xyzGpstk = GetPosXYZ(eph, secOfWeek); // return xyzGpstk; }
/// <summary> /// 计算位置。 /// </summary> /// <param name="record"></param> /// <param name="gpstime">周秒</param> /// <param name="X"></param> /// <param name="Y"></param> /// <param name="Z"></param> public static void GetSatPos(EphemerisParam record, double gpstime, out double X, out double Y, out double Z) { double mu = 3.986005e14; double n0, n; n0 = Math.Sqrt(mu) / (record.SqrtA * record.SqrtA * record.SqrtA); n = n0 + record.DeltaN; //double t = GetGPSTime(clk.Year + 2000, // clk.Month, clk.Day, clk.Hour, clk.Minute, clk.Second); double t = gpstime;// -0.075; double tk = t - record.Toe; if (tk > 302400) { tk -= 604800; } else if (tk < -302400) { tk += 604800; } double Mk = record.MeanAnomaly + n * tk; double Ek0, Ek; Ek0 = Mk; while (true) { Ek = Mk + record.Eccentricity * Math.Sin(Ek0); if (Math.Abs(Ek - Ek0) < 1e-8) { break; } Ek0 = Ek; } //double fk = Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(1 - clk.east * clk.east) * Math.Sin(Ek) / (Math.Cos(Ek) - clk.east)); double fk = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(1 + record.Eccentricity) / Math.Sqrt(1 - record.Eccentricity) * Math.Tan(Ek / 2)); double fik = fk + record.ArgumentOfPerigee; double deltau = record.Cuc * Math.Cos(2 * fik) + record.Cus * Math.Sin(2 * fik); double deltar = record.Crc * Math.Cos(2 * fik) + record.Crs * Math.Sin(2 * fik); double deltai = record.Cic * Math.Cos(2 * fik) + record.Cis * Math.Sin(2 * fik); double uk = fik + deltau; double rk = record.SqrtA * record.SqrtA * (1 - record.Eccentricity * Math.Cos(Ek)) + deltar; double ik = record.Inclination + deltai + record.EyeDot * tk; double xk = rk * Math.Cos(uk); double yk = rk * Math.Sin(uk); double omegae = 7.2921151467e-5; double omegak = record.LongOfAscension + (record.OmegaDot - omegae) * tk - omegae * record.Toe; //卫星在地心地固坐标系中的位置。 X = xk * Math.Cos(omegak) - yk * Math.Cos(ik) * Math.Sin(omegak); Y = xk * Math.Sin(omegak) + yk * Math.Cos(ik) * Math.Cos(omegak); Z = yk * Math.Sin(ik); }
static double RTOL_KEPLER = 1E-14; /* relative tolerance for Kepler equation */ public static Geo.Coordinates.XYZ GetSatXyz(EphemerisParam eph, double secOfWeek) { bool isGeosynchronous = eph.Prn.PRN <= 5 && eph.Prn.SatelliteType == SatelliteType.C; return(GetSatXyz(eph, secOfWeek, eph.Prn.SatelliteType, isGeosynchronous)); }