Example #1
        static void Main0(string[] args)
            // Constants

            const double GM    = 1.0;                                                          // Gravitational coefficient
            const double e     = 0.9;                                                          // Eccentricity
            const double t_end = 20.0;                                                         // End time

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector Kep   = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(1.0, e, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // (a,e,i,Omega,omega,M)
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector y_ref = Kepler.State(GM, Kep, t_end);                         // Reference solution

            // Variables

            double t;                                                        // Time
            double relerr, abserr;                                           // Accuracy requirements

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector y     = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(6);        // State vector
            AuxDataRecord        Aux   = new AuxDataRecord();                // Auxiliary satData
            DeIntegrator         Orbit = new DeIntegrator(f_Kep6D_, 6, Aux); // Object for integrating the
            // differential equation
            // defined by f_Kep6D_
            // Header

            var info = "Exercise 4-3: Step size control of DE multistep method" + "\r\n";

            info += "  Step       t           h          r " + "\r\n";
            // Initial values
            t = 0.0;
            y = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(1.0 - e, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Math.Sqrt((1 + e) / (1 - e)), 0.0);

            Aux.n_step = 0;
            Aux.t      = 0;

            relerr = 0.0;
            abserr = 1.0e-8;

            // Integration from t=t to t=t_end
            Orbit.Init(t, relerr, abserr);
            Orbit.Integ(t_end, y);

Example #2
        // f_Kep6D_
        // Purpose:
        //   Computes the derivative of the state vector for the normalized (GM=1)
        //   Kepler's problem in three dimensions
        // Note:
        //   pAux is expected to point to a variable of type AuxDataRecord, which is
        //   used to communicate with the other program sections and to hold satData
        //   between subsequent calls of this function

        static Geo.Algorithm.Vector   f_Kep6D_(double t, Geo.Algorithm.Vector y, Object pAux)
            // State vector derivative
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r  = y.Slice(0, 2);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector v  = y.Slice(3, 5);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector yp = v.Stack(-r / (Math.Pow(r.Norm(), 3)));

            // Pointer to auxiliary satData record
            AuxDataRecord p = (AuxDataRecord)pAux;// static_cast<AuxDataRecord*>(pAux);

            // Write current time, step aboutSize and radius; store time for next step
            if (t - p.t > 1.0e-10)
                var info = String.Format("{0, 5:D}{1,12:F6}{2,12:F6}{3,12:F3}", p.n_step, t, t - p.t, r.Norm());
                p.t = t;
            pAux = p;
