// This is the constructor. Honestly, there needs to be a // constructor keyword. static KeyboardListener() { ListeningWindow.KeyDelegate aKeyDelegate = new ListeningWindow.KeyDelegate(KeyHandler); // Creates a window ... of sorts. s_Listener = new ListeningWindow(aKeyDelegate); }
public void Destroy() { // If you make AListeningWindow null before you // unregister, its Handle will be gone too. WaitForPThread.Abort(); MonitorHotkeyPActivated.Abort(); UnregisterHotKey(AListeningWindow.Handle, 265); UnregisterAllHotKeys(); AListeningWindow = null; // Only use if you have a UponCreationForm. /* * if (MyControl != null) * MyControl.Dispose(); * MyControl = null; */ }
public IntPtr Create(IntPtr hwndParent) { //KeyboardListener.s_KeyEventHandler += new EventHandler(Globule.OnUniversalKeyEvent); ParentHandle = hwndParent; ListeningWindow.OnHotKeyDelegate AHotKeyHandler = new ListeningWindow.OnHotKeyDelegate(MyHotKeyHandlerMethod); AListeningWindow = new ListeningWindow(AHotKeyHandler); RegisterHotKey(AListeningWindow.Handle, 265, ListeningWindow.MOD_SHIFT | ListeningWindow.MOD_ALT, 0x50); WaitToUnregisterManualEvent = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false); // Create form, return handle, and set handle // to WMP so WMP will display it. If you // return the parent window handle, no form // will pop up. return(hwndParent); }