static async Task <bool> DownloadAndParseGFS(int observationHour, int forcastHour) { string url = GFS.GetLatestGFSUrl(forcastHour); Console.WriteLine(url); var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); string OutPath = $"./resources/{GFS.GenerateName(forcastHour)}"; if (File.Exists(OutPath)) { Console.WriteLine("File has already been downloaded"); } else { Downloads download = new Downloads(url) { OutFileName = $"./resources/{GFS.GenerateName(forcastHour)}", }; if (await download.DoDownload()) { watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Download and merge done in {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Downloading of {OutPath} has failed. Skipping"); } } return(true); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("GFS PARSER"); DateTime latestObs = GFS.GetLatestObservationHour(); for (int i = 0; i < 210; i += 3) { if (await DownloadAndParseGFS(latestObs.Hour, i)) { DateTime fc = latestObs.AddHours(i); GFS gfs = new GFS() { OutputDir = "Output/" }; bool res = await gfs.GetData(observation : latestObs.Hour, forcast : i); gfs.DisplayGrids(); Console.WriteLine($"Forcast for {fc.Year:0000}/{fc.Month:00}/{fc.Day:00} at {fc.Hour:00}Z done !"); } } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("./resources/weatherData/"); foreach (string file in files) { File.Delete(file); } }