Example #1
        // Request completed
        public void RequestFinished(GlitchRequest request)
            Console.WriteLine("Request Finished!");

            // Null checks and type check
            if (request != null && request.response != null &&
                    request.response.GetType().Equals(typeof(Dictionary<String, Object>)))
                // Cast to dictionary
                Dictionary<String, Object> response = request.response as Dictionary<String, Object>;

                // Declare playerName to be set later
                object playerName;

                // Try to get player_name from the dictionary
                if (response.TryGetValue("player_name", out playerName))
                    // Check if it is a string before writing it to the console
                    if (playerName.GetType().Equals(typeof(String)))
                        Console.WriteLine("Hello " + playerName as String);

            resetEvent.Set(); // Allow the program to exit
Example #2
        // Request failed with associated exception
        public void RequestFailed(GlitchRequest request, Exception exception)
            resetEvent.Set(); // Allow the program to exit

            if (exception != null)
                throw exception; // Throw exception, handle this how you want
        // Call this to execute your request
        // Pass in the delegate which will be called when events occur that are related to this object
        public void Execute(IGlitchRequester glitchRequester)
            // Set local IGlitchRequester for callbacks
            requester = glitchRequester;

            // Concatenate the full url
            String fullUrl = API_URL + method;

            // If we don't have parameters, create the dictionary
            if (parameters == null)
                parameters = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            // Add access token to dictionary
            if (glitch.accessToken != null)
                parameters.Add("oauth_token", glitch.accessToken);

            // Serialize our full url with our parameters
            fullUrl = SerializeURL(fullUrl, parameters);

            // Create the request and set its method
            request        = HttpWebRequest.Create(fullUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
            request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;

            // Begin the response with the associated callback
            request.BeginGetResponse(r =>
                // Callback
                // r is the IAsyncResult

                // Get the associated Glitch Request object
                GlitchRequest glitchRequest = r.AsyncState as GlitchRequest;

                // Attempt to parse the response to check for ok
                    // Get the associated response object
                    HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = request.EndGetResponse(r) as HttpWebResponse;

                    // Read the response into a string
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream());
                    String result       = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    // Serialize the response string into an object
                    JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    object response = serializer.DeserializeObject(result);

                    // Check the type before checking for ok
                    if (response.GetType().Equals(typeof(Dictionary <String, Object>)))
                        // Cast to a dictionary
                        Dictionary <String, Object> responseDict = response as Dictionary <String, Object>;

                        // Declare ok object
                        object ok;

                        // Attempt to get the ok value
                        if (responseDict.TryGetValue("ok", out ok))
                            // If ok is an int
                            if (ok.GetType().Equals(typeof(int)))
                                // Check if it is 1, which means the request was ok
                                if ((int)ok == 1)
                                    // Set the response for the request
                                    glitchRequest.response = response;

                                    // Call the requester with the request


                            // If the service did not return ok or did not return ok = 1
                            requester.RequestFailed(glitchRequest, new Exception("Service did not return OK"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If there was an exception somewhere in the parsing process, send it back to the requester
                    requester.RequestFailed(glitchRequest, ex);

                // If we get to this point, we didn't encounter an exception but we didn't get a valid parsed response
                requester.RequestFailed(glitchRequest, new Exception("An unknown error occurred with the request!"));
            }, this);