A Vector3d normal with a Double distance from origin.
Example #1
        /// <summary>Get the intersection point between the three planes.</summary>
        public void Intersect( ref  Plane3d b,  ref  Plane3d c , out Vector3d result)
            Vector3d v1, v2, v3;
                    Vector3d cross;

                    b.Normal.Cross(ref c.Normal, out cross);

                    var f = -Normal.Dot(ref cross);

                    v1 = cross *  Distance ;

                    c.Normal.Cross(ref Normal, out cross);
                    v2 = cross *  b.Distance ;

                    Normal.Cross(ref b.Normal, out cross);
                    v3 = cross *  c.Distance ;

                    result.X = (Double)( (v1.X + v2.X + v3.X) / f );
                    result.Y = (Double)( (v1.Y + v2.Y + v3.Y) / f );
                    result.Z = (Double)( (v1.Z + v2.Z + v3.Z) / f );
