Example #1
        public ActorFace(Resource.ResourceManager content, string actorCode)
            _actorCode      = actorCode;
            _faceDefinition = FaceDefinitions.GetFaceDefinition(actorCode);

            if (_faceDefinition == null)
                // some actors don't have faces (like the chicken)
                _isEmptyFace = true;

            _baseFace = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(_faceDefinition.FaceName + ".BMP");

            _mouths    = new Graphics.TextureResource[8];
            _mouths[0] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH00.BMP");
            _mouths[1] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH01.BMP");
            _mouths[2] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH02.BMP");
            _mouths[3] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH03.BMP");
            _mouths[4] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH04.BMP");
            _mouths[5] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH05.BMP");
            _mouths[6] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH06.BMP");
            _mouths[7] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_MOUTH07.BMP");

            _smiles    = new Graphics.TextureResource[2];
            _smiles[0] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_SMILE_01.BMP");
            _smiles[1] = content.Load <Graphics.TextureResource>(actorCode + "_SMILE_02.BMP");

            if (Graphics.RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.RenderToTextureSupported)
                _renderTarget  = Graphics.RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.CreateRenderTarget(_baseFace.Width, _baseFace.Height);
                _generatedFace = _renderTarget.Texture;
                _generatedFace = Graphics.RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.CreateUpdatableTexture(actorCode + "_FACE", _baseFace.Width, _baseFace.Height);

Example #2
        public static void Load()
            Resource.TextResource faces = new Resource.TextResource("faces.txt", FileSystem.Open("faces.txt"));

            string[] lines = faces.Text.Split('\n');

            FaceDefinition currentDefinition = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (lines[i].StartsWith("["))
                    // read the header
                    int    ending = lines[i].IndexOf(']');
                    string name   = lines[i].Substring(1, ending - 1);

                    if (name.Equals("DEFAULT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition      = new FaceDefinition();
                        currentDefinition.Name = name;
                        _default = currentDefinition;
                    else if (name.Equals("EYES", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // skip the eyes section for now
                        while (true)
                            if (lines[i].StartsWith("["))
                        currentDefinition          = (FaceDefinition)_default.Clone();
                        currentDefinition.Name     = name;
                        currentDefinition.FaceName = name + "_face";
                        _faces.Add(currentDefinition.Name, currentDefinition);
                else if (lines[i].StartsWith("//") == false)
                    int equals = lines[i].IndexOf('=');
                    if (equals < 0)

                    string attributeName = lines[i].Substring(0, equals).Trim();
                    string data          = lines[i].Substring(equals + 1);

                    // remove any trailing comments from data
                    int indexOfComment = data.IndexOf("//");
                    if (indexOfComment >= 0)
                        data = data.Substring(0, indexOfComment);

                    data = data.Trim();

                    float        fValue  = 0;
                    Math.Vector3 v3Value = Math.Vector3.Zero;
                    Math.Vector2 v2Value = Math.Vector2.Zero;

                    // parse as float
                    float.TryParse(data, out fValue);

                    // parse as vector
                    int firstComma      = data.IndexOf(',');
                    int secondComma     = data.IndexOf(',', firstComma + 1);
                    int firstX          = data.IndexOf('x');
                    int trailingComment = data.IndexOf('/');

                    // ignore anything after the //
                    if (trailingComment >= 0)
                        if (trailingComment < firstComma)
                            firstComma = -1;
                        if (trailingComment < secondComma)
                            secondComma = -1;
                        if (trailingComment < firstX)
                            firstX = -1;

                    if (firstComma >= 0 && (firstX < 0 || firstComma < firstX))
                        Utils.TryParseFloat(data, 0, firstComma, out v3Value.X);

                        if (secondComma >= 0)
                            Utils.TryParseFloat(data, firstComma + 1, secondComma - firstComma - 1, out v3Value.Y);

                            if (trailingComment >= 0)
                                Utils.TryParseFloat(data, secondComma + 1, trailingComment - secondComma - 1, out v3Value.Z);
                                Utils.TryParseFloat(data, secondComma + 1, out v3Value.Z);
                            if (trailingComment >= 0)
                                Utils.TryParseFloat(data, firstComma + 1, trailingComment - firstComma - 1, out v3Value.Y);
                                Utils.TryParseFloat(data, firstComma + 1, out v3Value.Y);
                    else if (firstX >= 0)
                        // some fields look like "NUMBERxNUMBER"
                        Utils.TryParseFloat(data, 0, firstX, out v3Value.X);

                        if (trailingComment >= 0)
                            Utils.TryParseFloat(data, firstX + 1, trailingComment - firstX - 1, out v3Value.Y);
                            Utils.TryParseFloat(data, firstX + 1, out v3Value.Y);
                    v2Value.X = v3Value.X;
                    v2Value.Y = v3Value.Y;

                    if (attributeName.Equals("Face Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.FaceName = data;
                    // eye stuff
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Left Eye Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.LeftEyeName = data;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Right Eye Name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.RightEyeName = data;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Left Eye Offset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.LeftEyeOffset = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Right Eye Offset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.RightEyeOffset = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Left Eye Bias", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.LeftEyeBias = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Right Eye Bias", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.RightEyeBias = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Max Look Distance", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.MaxLookDistance = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Jitter Frequency", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.JitterFrequency = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Max Jitter Distance", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.MaxJitterDistance = v2Value;

                    // 3D eye stuff
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Eye Field Of View", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.EyeFieldOfView = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Eye Short Field Of View", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.EyeShortFieldOfView = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Eye Separation", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.EyeSeparation = fValue;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Head Radius", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.HeadRadius = fValue;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Head Center Offset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.HeadCenterOffset = v3Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Blink Frequency", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.BlinkFrequency = v2Value;

                    // mouth stuff
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Mouth Offset", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.MouthOffset = v2Value;
                    else if (attributeName.Equals("Mouth Size", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        currentDefinition.MouthSize = v2Value;