private static int Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG LogManager.AddDebugListener(true); #endif var consoleLogListener = new OutputLogListener(); LogManager.AddListener(consoleLogListener); Uri remoteGitUrl = null; string commitId = null; string baseDir = null; string pdbPath = null; bool skipVerify = false; bool allDepotFiles = false; LinkMethod method = LinkMethod.Http; var arguments = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax => { syntax.DefineOption("m|method", ref method, v => (LinkMethod)Enum.Parse(typeof(LinkMethod), v, true), "The method for SRCSRV to retrieve source code. One of <" + string.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(LinkMethod))) + ">. Default is " + method + "."); syntax.DefineOption("u|url", ref remoteGitUrl, s => new Uri(s, UriKind.Absolute), "Url to remote git repository."); syntax.DefineOption("commit", ref commitId, "The git ref to assume all the source code belongs to."); syntax.DefineOption("baseDir", ref baseDir, "The path to the root of the git repo."); syntax.DefineOption("s|skipVerify", ref skipVerify, "Verify all source files are available in source control."); syntax.DefineOption("a|allDepotFiles", ref allDepotFiles, "Index all source files from depot. Add this option for native PDBs (C++)."); syntax.DefineParameter("pdb", ref pdbPath, "The PDB to add source indexing to."); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdbPath) && !File.Exists(pdbPath)) { syntax.ReportError($"File not found: \"{pdbPath}\""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseDir) && !Directory.Exists(baseDir)) { syntax.ReportError($"Directory not found: \"{baseDir}\""); } }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdbPath)) { Log.Info(arguments.GetHelpText()); return(1); } var options = new LinkOptions { GitRemoteUrl = remoteGitUrl, GitWorkingDirectory = baseDir != null?Catel.IO.Path.GetFullPath(baseDir, Environment.CurrentDirectory) : null, CommitId = commitId, SkipVerify = skipVerify, Method = method, IndexAllDepotFiles = allDepotFiles, }; if (!Linker.Link(pdbPath, options)) { return(1); } WaitForKeyPressWhenDebugging(); return(0); }