Example #1
 private static IEnumerable<GitIssue> GetGitIssuesFromTracTsv(GitRepos repos)
     var req = WebRequest.Create(tracTsvUrl);
     var res = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
     if (res == null)
         throw new ApplicationException("Could not load trac tsv issues from "+tracTsvUrl);
     if (res.StatusCode!=HttpStatusCode.OK)
         throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
             "Could not load trac tsv issues from {0}: Status code {1} - {2}",
     var tsvStream = res.GetResponseStream();
     if (tsvStream == null) return new GitIssue[0];
     var reader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(tsvStream), true, '\t', '"', '"', '#', ValueTrimmingOptions.All) {SupportsMultiline = true};
     var fieldHeaders = reader.GetFieldHeaders().ToList();
     if (fieldHeaders.Count == 0) return new GitIssue[0];
     int issueIndex = reader.GetFieldIndex("ticket");
     int summaryIndex = reader.GetFieldIndex("summary");
     int descriptionIndex = reader.GetFieldIndex("_description");
     int statusIndex = reader.GetFieldIndex("status");
     var labelFieldIndexes =
         new string[] {"type", "component", "version", "severity", "priority"}
             .Where(i => i > -1)
     var gitIssues = new List<GitIssue>();
     var labels = repos.Labels;
     while (reader.ReadNextRecord())
         var i = new GitIssue(repos)
                         Title = (summaryIndex > -1) ? reader[summaryIndex] : "",
                         IsOpen = true,
                         Body = ((descriptionIndex > -1) ? reader[descriptionIndex] : "").Replace("\r", "").TrimEnd(new[] {'\n', ' ', '\t'})
         if (issueIndex > -1)
             int no;
             if (Int32.TryParse(reader[issueIndex], out no))
                 i.Number = no;
             i.Body += "\n\nTrac issue " + reader[issueIndex];
         if (statusIndex > 0)
             if (reader[statusIndex]=="closed") i.IsOpen = false;
         foreach (var label in labels.Where(l => labelFieldIndexes.Any(index => l.Name == reader[index]))) i.Labels.Add(label);
     return gitIssues.OrderBy(i => i.Number);
Example #2
 static XElement GetHtmlScrumBoardIssue(GitIssue issue)
     var points = issue.GetScrumPoints();
     return new XElement(
         new XAttribute("class", "scrum_board_issue"),
         new XElement(
             new XElement(
                 new XAttribute("href", issue.HtmlUrl),
                 String.Format("{0}#{1}", issue.Repos.Name, issue.Number))),
         new XElement("p", issue.Title),
         new XElement(
             "Assigned to: ",
             issue.Assignee==null ? null : new XElement("strong", issue.Assignee.Login)),
         new XElement(
             "Points: ",
             points.HasValue ? new XElement("strong", points.Value.ToString("0.0")) : null));
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if a given <see cref="GitIssue"/> is a candidate to be in this state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="issue">The issue</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> indicating if the issue is a candidate</returns>
 public bool CanBeInState(GitIssue issue)
     return IssueInStateDelegate != null && IssueInStateDelegate(issue);
 static XElement GetHtmlScrumBoardIssue(GitIssue issue)
     var points = issue.GetScrumPoints();
     return new XElement(
         new XAttribute("class", "scrum_board_issue"),
         new XElement(
             new XElement(
                 new XAttribute("href", issue.HtmlUrl),
                 new XAttribute("target", "_blank"),
                 String.Format("{0}#{1}", issue.Repos.Name, issue.Number))),
         new XElement("p", issue.Title),
         new XElement(
             new XElement(
                 new XAttribute("class", points.HasValue?"estimated":"unestimated"),
                 "Points: ",
                 new XElement("strong", points.HasValue ? points.Value.ToString("0.0") : "-")),
             " ",
             new XElement(
                 new XAttribute("class", issue.Assignee==null?"unassigned":"assigned"),
                 "Asigned to: ",
                 new XElement("strong", issue.Assignee==null ? "none" : issue.Assignee.Login))));
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the <see cref="ScrumState"/> of a <see cref="GitIssue"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="issue">The issue</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ScrumState"/> of the issue - <c>null</c> if no <see cref="ScrumState"/> applies</returns>
 public ScrumState GetStateOfIssue(GitIssue issue)
     return States.LastOrDefault(s => s.CanBeInState(issue));
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor setting the issue on which the comment was made
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="issue">The issue on which the comment was made</param>
 public GitComment(GitIssue issue)
     if (issue == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("issue");
     this.Issue = issue;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Load a collection of <see cref="GitComment"/>s from a json array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jsonComments">The json array</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The issue on which the loaded comments were made</param>
 /// <returns>The collection of <see cref="GitComment"/>s</returns>
 public static ICollection<GitComment> LoadFromJson(JArray jsonComments, GitIssue parent)
     return LoadFromJson(jsonComments, () => new GitComment(parent));