public void Shoud_Have_A_List_Od_Topic_With_Name_And_Color() { var list = new List<Topic>(); var topic = new Topic { ID = 1, Color = Color.Red, Name = "Work" }; object model = ((ViewResult)new TopicController().Index()).Model; Assert.AreEqual(list, model); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { try { var newTopic = new Topic(); newTopic.Name = collection["Name"]; newTopic.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + collection["Color"]); topicRepository.SaveOrUpdate(newTopic); TempData["message"] = "Your topic has been added successfully."; return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch (Exception e) { return View(); } }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { try { var newTopic = new Topic(); newTopic.ID = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ID"]); newTopic.Name = collection["Name"]; newTopic.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + collection["Color"]); TopicSource.Topics.Add(newTopic); TempData["Message"] = "Your topic has been successfully."; return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch { return View(); } }
public void Should_Add_A_Topic_When_Create_With_Post_Is_Called_And_Notify_The_User() { var professionalDevelopment = new Topic {Id = 3, Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"), Name = "Professional Development"}; var collection = new FormCollection(); collection.Add("Id", professionalDevelopment.Id.ToString()); collection.Add("Name", professionalDevelopment.Name); collection.Add("Color", ColorTranslator.ToHtml(professionalDevelopment.Color).Trim('#')); topicRepository.SaveOrUpdate(professionalDevelopment); LastCall.IgnoreArguments(); mocks.ReplayAll(); var result = (RedirectToRouteResult) topicController.Create(collection); mocks.VerifyAll(); Assert.AreEqual("Index", result.RouteValues["action"]); Assert.AreEqual("Your topic has been added successfully.", topicController.TempData["message"]); }
public void Should_Create_Topic_And_Notify_The_User() { var PerofessionalDevelopment = new Topic { ID = 3 , Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"), Name = "Perofessional Development" }; var formValue = new FormCollection(); formValue.Add("ID", PerofessionalDevelopment.ID.ToString()); formValue.Add("Name", PerofessionalDevelopment.Name); formValue.Add("Color", PerofessionalDevelopment.ColorInWebHex().Trim('#')); var controller = new TopicController(); var result = (RedirectToRouteResult)controller.Create(formValue); Assert.Contains(PerofessionalDevelopment, TopicSource.Topics); Assert.AreEqual("Index", result.RouteValues["action"]); Assert.AreEqual("Your topic has been successfully.", controller.TempData["Message"]); }
private Topic CreateTopic() { var topic = new Topic { Name = "A Greatly Debated Topic", Color = Color.AliceBlue }; repository.SaveOrUpdate(topic); session.Flush(); return topic; }
public void Should_Convert_A_Thought_Into_A_Todo_And_Redirect_To_Process_Thought() { var homeTopic = new Topic { Name = "Home" }; var todo = new Todo { Title = "Do Laundry", Outcome = "Laundry is clean and put away", Topic = homeTopic }; var thought = new Thought { Id= 22, Name = "Do Laundry", Topic = homeTopic }; Expect.Call(topicRepository.GetAll()).Return(new List<Topic> {homeTopic}); Expect.Call(thoughtRepository.GetAll()).Return(new List<Thought> { thought }); todoRepository.SaveOrUpdate(todo); LastCall.IgnoreArguments();; thoughtRepository.Delete(thought); LastCall.IgnoreArguments(); mocks.ReplayAll(); var result = (RedirectToRouteResult) todoController.Convert(thought, "Laundry is clean and put away"); Assert.AreEqual("Process", result.RouteValues["action"]); Assert.AreEqual("Thought", result.RouteValues["controller"]); mocks.VerifyAll(); }
public void Should_Not_Be_Equal_By_Value() { var renovation = new Topic { Id = 2, Color = Color.White, Name = "Renovation" }; Assert.AreNotEqual(school, renovation); }
public void Should_Be_Equal_By_Value() { var sameSchool = new Topic {Id = 1, Color = Color.White, Name = "School"}; Assert.AreEqual(school, sameSchool); }
public void Setup() { school = new Topic { Id = 1, Color = Color.White, Name = "School" }; }
public virtual bool Equals(Topic other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return other.Id == Id && other.Color.Equals(Color) && Equals(other.Name, Name); }
public void Should_Not_Be_Equal_By_Value() { var anotherWorkTopic = new Topic {ID = 1, Color = Color.DarkRed, Name = "Personal"}; Assert.AreNotEqual(workTopic, anotherWorkTopic); }
public void Should_Be_Equal_By_Value() { var anotherWorkTopic = new Topic {ID = 1, Color = Color.White, Name = "work"}; Assert.AreEqual(workTopic, anotherWorkTopic); }
public void Sholud_Convert_Color_To_Hex_Value() { var aShadeOfRedTopic = new Topic {Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 208, 0, 0)}; Assert.AreEqual("#D00000", aShadeOfRedTopic.ColorInWebHex()); }
public void Setup() { workTopic = new Topic {ID = 1, Color = Color.White, Name = "work"}; }