public static List<EdgeAggregator> Instantiate(GroundedClause c)
   = EngineUIBridge.JustificationSwitch.SEGMENT_ADDITION_AXIOM;

            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();
            InMiddle im = c as InMiddle;

            if (im == null) return newGrounded;

            Segment s1 = new Segment(im.segment.Point1, im.point);
            Segment s2 = new Segment(im.point, im.segment.Point2);
            Addition sum = new Addition(s1, s2);
            GeometricSegmentEquation eq = new GeometricSegmentEquation(sum, im.segment);

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(im);
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, eq, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
Example #2
        public static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateMidpointTheorem(GroundedClause original, Midpoint midpt)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Construct 2AM
            Multiplication product1 = new Multiplication(new NumericValue(2), new Segment(midpt.point, midpt.segment.Point1));
            // Construct 2BM
            Multiplication product2 = new Multiplication(new NumericValue(2), new Segment(midpt.point, midpt.segment.Point2));

            // 2X = AB
            GeometricSegmentEquation newEq1 = new GeometricSegmentEquation(product1, midpt.segment);
            GeometricSegmentEquation newEq2 = new GeometricSegmentEquation(product2, midpt.segment);

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(original);

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newEq1, annotation));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newEq2, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToTheorem(Trapezoid trapezoid, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // If median has not been checked, check now
            if (!trapezoid.IsMedianChecked()) trapezoid.FindMedian();
            // Generate only if the median is valid (exists in the original figure)
            if (!trapezoid.IsMedianValid()) return newGrounded;

            Addition sum = new Addition(trapezoid.baseSegment, trapezoid.oppBaseSegment);
            Multiplication product = new Multiplication(new NumericValue(2), trapezoid.median);

            GeometricSegmentEquation gseq = new GeometricSegmentEquation(product, sum);

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, gseq, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
Example #4
        //private static readonly string NAME = "Simplification";
        // Given an equation, simplify algebraically using the following notions:
        //     A + A = B  -> 2A = B
        //     A + B = B + C -> A = C
        //     A + B = 2B + C -> A = B + C
        public static Equation Simplify(Equation original)
            // Do we have an equation?
            if (original == null) throw new ArgumentException();

            // Is the equation 0 = 0? This should be allowed at it indicates a tautology
            if (original.lhs.Equals(new NumericValue(0)) && original.rhs.Equals(new NumericValue(0)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Should not have an equation that is 0 = 0: " + original.ToString());

            // Ideally, flattening would:
            // Remove all subtractions -> adding a negative instead
            // Distribute subtraction or multiplication over addition
            // Flatten the equation so that each side is a sum of atomic expressions
            Equation copyEq = (Equation)original.DeepCopy();
            FlatEquation flattened = new FlatEquation(copyEq.lhs.CollectTerms(), copyEq.rhs.CollectTerms());

            //Debug.WriteLine("Equation prior to simplification: " + flattened.ToString());

            // Combine terms only on each side (do not cross =)
            FlatEquation combined = CombineLikeTerms(flattened);

            //Debug.WriteLine("Equation after like terms combined on both sides: " + combined);

            // Combine terms across the equal sign
            FlatEquation across = CombineLikeTermsAcrossEqual(combined);

             //Debug.WriteLine("Equation after simplifying both sides: " + across);

            FlatEquation constSimplify = SimplifyForMultipliersAndConstants(across);

            // Inflate the equation
            Equation inflated = null;
            GroundedClause singleLeftExp = InflateEntireSide(constSimplify.lhsExps);
            GroundedClause singleRightExp = InflateEntireSide(constSimplify.rhsExps);
            if (original is AlgebraicSegmentEquation)
                inflated = new AlgebraicSegmentEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is GeometricSegmentEquation)
                inflated = new GeometricSegmentEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is AlgebraicAngleEquation)
                inflated = new AlgebraicAngleEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is GeometricAngleEquation)
                inflated = new GeometricAngleEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is AlgebraicArcEquation)
                inflated = new AlgebraicArcEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is GeometricArcEquation)
                inflated = new GeometricArcEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is AlgebraicAngleArcEquation)
                inflated = new AlgebraicAngleArcEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);
            else if (original is GeometricAngleArcEquation)
                inflated = new GeometricAngleArcEquation(singleLeftExp, singleRightExp);

            // If simplifying didn't do anything, return the original equation
            if (inflated.Equals(original))
                return original;

            // 0 = 0 should not be allowable.
            if (inflated.lhs.Equals(new NumericValue(0)) && inflated.rhs.Equals(new NumericValue(0)))
                return null;

            return inflated;