Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives a new point that represents the
        ///	first point multiplied by the second point
        ///	component-wise.
        ///	Since version 1.6 (Rect)
        ///	Since version 1.7 (other)
        /// </summary>
        public PointyHexPoint Mul(PointyHexPoint otherPoint)
            var x = X * otherPoint.X;
            var y = Y * otherPoint.Y;

            return(new PointyHexPoint(x, y));
Example #2
        public IEnumerable <PointyHexPoint> GetSpiralIterator(PointyHexPoint origin, int ringCount)
            var hexPoint = origin;

            yield return(hexPoint);

            for (var k = 1; k < ringCount; k++)
                hexPoint = new PointyHexPoint(0, 0);
                hexPoint = hexPoint + SpiralIteratorDirections[4] * (k);

                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < k; j++)
                        if (Contains(hexPoint))
                            yield return(hexPoint);

                        hexPoint = hexPoint + SpiralIteratorDirections[i];
Example #3
        public PointyHexShapeInfo <TCell> Hexagon(int side)
            var storageSize       = 2 * side - 1;
            var storageBottomLeft = new PointyHexPoint(1 - side, 1 - side);

            return(Shape(storageSize, storageSize, x => IsInsideHex(x, side), storageBottomLeft));
Example #4
         *      @since 1.7
        public IEnumerable <PointyHexPoint> GetSpiralIterator(int N)
            var hexPoint = new PointyHexPoint(0, 0);

            yield return(hexPoint);

            for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
                hexPoint = new PointyHexPoint(0, 0);
                hexPoint = hexPoint + HexDirections[4] * (k);

                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < k; j++)
                        if (Contains(hexPoint))
                            yield return(hexPoint);

                        hexPoint = hexPoint + HexDirections[i];
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives a new point that represents the
        ///	first point divided by the second point
        ///	component-wise. The division is integer
        ///	division.
        ///	Since version 1.6 (Rect)
        ///	Since version 1.7 (other)
        /// </summary>
        public PointyHexPoint Div(PointyHexPoint otherPoint)
            var x = GLMathf.FloorDiv(X, otherPoint.X);
            var y = GLMathf.FloorDiv(Y, otherPoint.Y);

            return(new PointyHexPoint(x, y));
Example #6
         *      Makes an edge grid for this grid.
        public IGrid <TNewCell, PointyRhombPoint> MakeEdgeGrid <TNewCell>()
            var edgeOffset = GridOrigin;

            var offset = new PointyHexPoint(1, 1);

            return(new PointyRhombGrid <TNewCell>(width + 2, height + 2, x => IsInsideEdgeGrid(x - offset), edgeOffset.GetEdgeAnchor().BasePoint - offset));
Example #7
        public PointyHexShapeInfo <TCell> FatRectangle(int width, int height)
            int storageWidth      = width + GLMathf.FloorDiv(height, 2);
            int storageHeight     = height;
            var storageBottomLeft = new PointyHexPoint(-GLMathf.FloorDiv(height, 2), 0);

            return(Shape(storageWidth, storageHeight, x => IsInsideFatRectangle(x, width, height), storageBottomLeft));
Example #8
 private static bool IsInsideXYParallelogram(PointyHexPoint point, int width, int height)
         ((point.X >= 0) &&
          (point.X < width) &&
          (point.Y >= 0) &&
          (point.Y < height));
Example #9
        public static bool DefaultContains(PointyHexPoint point, int width, int height)
            ArrayPoint storagePoint = ArrayPointFromGridPoint(point);

                (storagePoint.X >= 0 &&
                 storagePoint.X < width &&
                 storagePoint.Y >= 0 &&
                 storagePoint.Y < height);
Example #10
        private static bool IsInsideFatRectangle(PointyHexPoint point, int width, int height)
            int startX = -(GLMathf.FloorDiv(point.Y, 2));

                (point.X >= startX - GLMathf.FloorMod(point.Y, 2) &&
                 point.X < startX + width &&
                 point.Y >= 0 &&
                 point.Y < height);
Example #11
         *      Rotates a shape 180 degrees around the edge shared by the two given points.
         *      The two points must be neighbors.
        public static IEnumerable <PointyHexPoint> Rotate180About(
            IEnumerable <PointyHexPoint> shape,
            PointyHexPoint p1,
            PointyHexPoint p2)
            var translation = p1.Translate(p2);
            var correction  = translation.Subtract(translation.Rotate180()).ScaleDown(2);

            return(TransformShape <PointyHexPoint>(shape, point => point.Rotate180().Translate(correction)).ToList());
Example #12
         *      Rotates a shape 120 degrees around the vertice shared by the three given points.
         *      The three points must form a close triangle (they must share a vertex).
        public static IEnumerable <PointyHexPoint> Rotate120About(
            IEnumerable <PointyHexPoint> shape,
            PointyHexPoint p1,
            PointyHexPoint p2,
            PointyHexPoint p3)
             *      If t = (p1 + p2 + p3)/3, then the result is p => (p - t).Rotate120() + t.
             *      This can be rewritten p => p.Rotate120() - t.Rotate120() + t
             *      = p.Rotate120() (T - T.Rotate120())/3,
             *      where T = p1 + p2 + p3.
             *      This is what this method calculates. This is done so that all coordinates in
             *      intermediatary calculations stay integers.

            var translation = p1.Translate(p2.Translate(p3));
            var correction  = translation.Subtract(translation.Rotate120()).ScaleDown(3);

            return(TransformShape(shape, point => point.Rotate120().Translate(correction)).ToList());
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives a coloring of the grid such that
        ///	if a point p has color k, then all points
        ///	p + m[ux, 0] + n[vx, vy] have the same color
        ///	for any integers a and b.
        ///	More information anout grid colorings:
        ///	http://gamelogic.co.za/2013/12/18/what-are-grid-colorings/
        ///	Since version 1.7
        /// </summary>
        public int __GetColor__ReferenceImplementation(int ux, int vx, int vy)
            var u = new PointyHexPoint(ux, 0);
            var v = new PointyHexPoint(vx, vy);

            int colorCount = u.PerpDot(v);

            float a = PerpDot(v) / (float)colorCount;
            float b = -PerpDot(u) / (float)colorCount;

            int m = Mathf.FloorToInt(a);
            int n = Mathf.FloorToInt(b);

            int baseVectorX = m * u.X + n * v.X;
            int baseVectorY = n * u.Y + n * v.Y;

            int offsetX = GLMathf.FloorMod(X - baseVectorX, ux);
            int offsetY = Y - baseVectorY;

            int colorIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(offsetX + offsetY * ux);

Example #14
  *      Whether this point is in the hexagon with the given radius
  *      and given center.
  *      A single point is considered a hexagon with zero radius.
  *      @sa http://devmag.org.za/2013/08/31/geometry-with-hex-coordinates/
  *      @since 1.3
 public bool IsInsideHexagon(PointyHexPoint center, int radius)
     return((this - center).Magnitude() <= radius);
Example #15
 protected override CairoGrid <TCell> MakeShape(int x, int y, Func <CairoPoint, bool> isInside, PointyHexPoint offset)
     return(new CairoGrid <TCell>(x, y, isInside, offset));
Example #16
 protected override ArrayPoint ArrayPointFromGridPoint(PointyHexPoint point)
     return(CairoGrid <TCell> .ArrayPointFromGridPoint(point));
Example #17
 protected override PointyRhombGrid <TCell> MakeShape(int x, int y, Func <PointyRhombPoint, bool> isInside, PointyHexPoint offset)
     return(new PointyRhombGrid <TCell>(x, y, isInside, offset));
Example #18
 protected override FlatTriGrid <TCell> MakeShape(int x, int y, Func <FlatTriPoint, bool> isInside, PointyHexPoint offset)
     return(new FlatTriGrid <TCell>(x, y, isInside, offset));
Example #19
 protected override CairoPoint MakePoint(PointyHexPoint basePoint, int index)
     return(new CairoPoint(basePoint.X, basePoint.Y, index));
Example #20
  *      Construct a new grid whose cells are determined by the given test function.
  *      The function should only return true for points within the bounds of the rectangle when
  *      the given transforms are applied to them.
  *      Normally, the static factory methods or shape building methods should be used to create grids.
  *      These constructors are provided for advanced usage.
  *      @link_constructing_grids
 public PointyHexGrid(int width, int height, Func <PointyHexPoint, bool> isInside, PointyHexPoint offset) :
     this(width, height, isInside, x => x.MoveBy(offset), x => x.MoveBackBy(offset), PointyHexPoint.MainDirections)
Example #21
 public static ArrayPoint ArrayPointFromGridPoint(PointyHexPoint point)
     return(PointyHexGrid <TCell> .ArrayPointFromGridPoint(point));
 public InspectableVectorPoint(PointyHexPoint point)
     x = point.X;
     y = point.Y;
Example #23
 protected override PointyRhombPoint MakePoint(PointyHexPoint basePoint, int index)
     return(new PointyRhombPoint(basePoint.X, basePoint.Y, index));
Example #24
 public static ArrayPoint ArrayPointFromGridPoint(PointyHexPoint point)
     return(new ArrayPoint(point.X, point.Y));
Example #25
 override protected ArrayPoint ArrayPointFromPoint(PointyHexPoint hexPoint)
Example #26
         *      Use this function to create shapes to ensure they fit into memory.
         *      The test function can test shapes anywhere in space. If you specify the bottom corner
         *      (in terms of the storage rectangle), the shape is automatically translated in memory
         *      to fit, assuming memory width and height is big enough.
         *      Strategy for implementing new shapes:
         *              - First, determine the test function.
         *              - Next, draw a storage rectangle that contains the shape.
         *              - Determine the storgae rectangle width and height.
         *              - Finally, determine the grid-space coordinate of the left bottom corner of the storage rectangle.
         *      Then define your function as follows:
         *      \code{cs}
         *      public PointyRhombShapeInfo<TCell> MyShape()
         *      {
         *              Shape(stargeRectangleWidth, storageRectangleHeight, isInsideMyShape, storageRectangleBottomleft);
         *      }
         *      \endcode
         *      \param width The widh of the storage rectangle
         *      \param height The height of the storage rectangle
         *      \param isInside A function that returns true if a passed point lies inside the shape being defined
         *      \param bottomLeftCorner The grid-space coordinate of the bottom left corner of the storage rect.
        public PointyRhombShapeInfo <TCell> Shape(int width, int height, Func <PointyRhombPoint, bool> isInside, PointyHexPoint bottomLeftCorner)
            var shapeInfo = MakeShapeStorageInfo <PointyRhombPoint>(width, height, x => isInside(x + bottomLeftCorner));

            return(new PointyRhombShapeInfo <TCell>(shapeInfo).Translate(bottomLeftCorner));
Example #27
 protected override FlatTriPoint MakePoint(PointyHexPoint basePoint, int index)
     return(new FlatTriPoint(basePoint.X, basePoint.Y, index));
Example #28
 public int Dot(PointyHexPoint other)
     return(x * other.X + y * other.Y);
Example #29
 public CairoGrid(int width, int height, Func <CairoPoint, bool> isInside, PointyHexPoint offset) :
     this(width, height, isInside, x => x.Translate(offset), x => x.Translate(offset.Negate()))
Example #30
 public int PerpDot(PointyHexPoint other)
     return(x * other.Y - y * other.x);