public void Test_Player_CompareTo() { Player player = new Player("Pesho", 123); Player player1 = new Player("Gosho", 124); int expected = -1; Assert.AreEqual(expected, player.CompareTo(player1)); }
public void Test_Player_WithoutName() { Player player = new Player("", 123); string name = "Anonymous"; Assert.AreEqual(name, player.Name); }
public void Test_Player_ToString() { Player player = new Player("Pesho", 123); string result = "Pesho : 123;"; Assert.AreEqual(result, player.ToString()); }
public void Test_Player_Constructor() { Player player = new Player("Pesho", 123); string name = "Pesho"; Assert.AreEqual(name, player.Name); }
public void StartGame() { bool gameInProgress = true; while (gameInProgress) { this.GenerateTable(); Command.PrintGameInitializeInfo(); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 9); this.gameField.PrintField(); bool isSolved = this.IsGameSolved(); while (!isSolved) { Console.Write("Enter a number to move: "); string command = Console.ReadLine(); int number = 0; Console.SetCursorPosition(24, 16); Console.Write(new string(' ', command.Length)); bool isMoveCommand = int.TryParse(command, out number); if (isMoveCommand) { if (number >= 1 && number <= 15) { this.Move(number); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 9); this.gameField.PrintField(); } else { Command.DisplayIllegalBlinkMessage(24, 16, "Illegal Move!", 0, 16); } } else { if (Command.CommandType(command) == Command.Commands.exit.ToString()) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 17); Command.PrintGameAboutInfo(); gameInProgress = false; break; } else if (Command.CommandType(command) == Command.Commands.restart.ToString()) { this.RestartGame(); } else if (Command.CommandType(command) == { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 17); Console.WriteLine(this.highScore.ToString()); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 16); } else { Command.DisplayIllegalBlinkMessage(24, 16, "Illegal Command!", 0, 16); } } isSolved = this.IsGameSolved(); } if (isSolved) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 17); Console.WriteLine("Congratulations! You won the game in {0} moves.", this.movesCounter); Console.Write("Please enter your name for the top scoreboard: "); string nickname = Console.ReadLine(); Player player = new Player(nickname, this.movesCounter); this.highScore.AddPlayer(player); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 19); Console.WriteLine(this.highScore.ToString()); Console.Clear(); } } }
public void AddPlayer(Player player) { this.players.Add(player); this.players.Sort(); this.DeleteAllExceptTopPlayers(); }