public static void Connect(int port, string serverName, int timeOut) { Port = port; ServerName = serverName; TimeOut = timeOut; Console.WriteLine($"\n\t\tMainServerComms trying to connect:{Port}"); InitIncomingPacketHandler(); tCP = new TCP(); tCP.Connect(LocalIP); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(OnEndingConsoleApplication); }
public static void Connect(int port, string serverName, string mainServerIP) { Port = port; ServerName = serverName; Output.WriteLine($"\n\t\tMainServerComms trying to connect:{Port}"); InitIncomingPacketHandler(); tCP = new TCP(); tCP.Connect(mainServerIP); Application.quitting += OnApplicationQuiting; ServerSendDataTimer.Elapsed += SendServerDataToMainServer; }
public Client(TcpClient _tcpSocket) { bool foundId = false; for (byte i = 0; i < maxPlayerCount; i++) { if (!allClients.ContainsKey(i)) { foundId = true; } } if (!foundId) { throw new Exception("Max client count exceeded"); } tcp = new TCP(this); udp = new UDP(this); playerController = new PlayerController(); tcp.Connect(_tcpSocket); allClients.Add(id, this); }
public void TCPConnect(TcpClient _socket) { tcp.Connect(_socket); CreatePlayer(); }