Example #1
        public Axes()
            // Initialize an empty list to hold curves
            numCurves = 0;
            Curves    = new List <Plot>();

            // Set default axis color to Blue
            RAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            GAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            BAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);

            // Set alpha to 1 for a
            AAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);

            // Set default resource folder to an empty string and filename to store image as "sample.png"
            ResourceFolder = new ManagedString("");
            FileName       = new ManagedString("sample.png");

            // Set bounds for axes
            XL = new ManagedFloat(-10f);
            XU = new ManagedFloat(10f);
            YL = new ManagedFloat(-10f);
            YU = new ManagedFloat(10f);

            // Set strings for Python call
            PythonModuleName   = new ManagedString("genPLOT");
            PythonAxesFunction = new ManagedString("genAXES");
            PythonPlotFunction = new ManagedString("genPLOT");
Example #2
        public Axes()
            // Initialize an empty list to hold curves
            numCurves = 0;
            Curves = new List<Plot>();

            // Set default axis color to Blue
            RAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            GAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            BAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);

            // Set alpha to 1 for a
            AAxisColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);

            // Set default resource folder to an empty string and filename to store image as "sample.png"
            ResourceFolder = new ManagedString("");
            FileName = new ManagedString("sample.png");

            // Set bounds for axes
            XL = new ManagedFloat(-10f);
            XU = new ManagedFloat(10f);
            YL = new ManagedFloat(-10f);
            YU = new ManagedFloat(10f);

            // Set strings for Python call
            PythonModuleName = new ManagedString("genPLOT");
            PythonAxesFunction = new ManagedString("genAXES");
            PythonPlotFunction = new ManagedString("genPLOT");
Example #3
        public Expression()
            // Set default variable to x
            Var = new ManagedString("x");

            // Set A, B, C, D so default equation is 1*(1*x+0)^2+0
            AVertStretch = new ManagedFloat(1f);
            BHorizStretch = new ManagedFloat(1f);
            CHorizShift = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            DVertShift = new ManagedFloat(0f);

            // Generate intial expression x**2
            ExprString = new ManagedString("");
            PlotString = new ManagedString("");

            // Set default equation color to blue
            REqColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            GEqColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            BEqColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);

            // Set default resource folder to an empty string and filename to store image as "sampleEQ.png"
            ResourceFolder = new ManagedString("");
            FileName = new ManagedString("sampleEQ.png");

            PythonModuleName = new ManagedString("genEQ");
            PythonExprFunction = new ManagedString("genPNG");
Example #4
        public Expression()
            // Set default variable to x
            Var = new ManagedString("x");

            // Set A, B, C, D so default equation is 1*(1*x+0)^2+0
            AVertStretch  = new ManagedFloat(1f);
            BHorizStretch = new ManagedFloat(1f);
            CHorizShift   = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            DVertShift    = new ManagedFloat(0f);

            // Generate intial expression x**2
            ExprString = new ManagedString("");
            PlotString = new ManagedString("");

            // Set default equation color to blue
            REqColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            GEqColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            BEqColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);

            // Set default resource folder to an empty string and filename to store image as "sampleEQ.png"
            ResourceFolder = new ManagedString("");
            FileName       = new ManagedString("sampleEQ.png");

            PythonModuleName   = new ManagedString("genEQ");
            PythonExprFunction = new ManagedString("genPNG");
Example #5
        public Plot()
            // Set default expression to x**2 and default variable to x
            Expr = new ManagedString("x**2");
            Var  = new ManagedString("x");

            // Set default plot color to red
            RPlotColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);
            GPlotColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            BPlotColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);

            // Set default line width to 2
            LineWidth = new ManagedFloat(2f);

            // Set default values for variable parameters
            XStart = new ManagedFloat(-10f);
            XStop  = new ManagedFloat(10f);
            XStep  = new ManagedFloat(0.1f);
Example #6
        public Plot()
            // Set default expression to x**2 and default variable to x
            Expr = new ManagedString("x**2");
            Var = new ManagedString("x");

            // Set default plot color to red
            RPlotColor = new ManagedFloat(1f);
            GPlotColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);
            BPlotColor = new ManagedFloat(0f);

            // Set default line width to 2
            LineWidth = new ManagedFloat(2f);

            // Set default values for variable parameters
            XStart = new ManagedFloat(-10f);
            XStop = new ManagedFloat(10f);
            XStep = new ManagedFloat(0.1f);