protected override void ExecuteDetails() { appState = this.SubSystem.appState as GMAppState; var msg = ProcessIncomingEnvelope(IncomingEnvelope); Envelope response = new Envelope(msg, null, RemoteEndPoint, IsTcpConversation); DoReliableRespondToRequest(response); this.State = PossibleState.Successed; //Create Turns to other player. Turns respondTurnsToShot = this.SubSystem.conversationFactory.CreateFromConversationType <Turns>(); if (this.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() == appState.P1EndPoint.ToString()) { respondTurnsToShot.RemoteEndPoint = appState.P2EndPoint; } else { respondTurnsToShot.RemoteEndPoint = appState.P1EndPoint; } respondTurnsToShot.Launch(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { XmlConfigurator.Configure(); ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Conversation)); GMAppState appState = new GMAppState(); IPEndPoint lobbyEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 2201); ConversationFactory conFact = new ConversationFactory(); //Create conversation factory IPEndPoint tcpEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2005); IPEndPoint updEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2006); SubSystem subSys = new SubSystem(conFact, appState, tcpEP, updEP); //Create Communication sub system. subSys.start(); //Start the subsystem. short count = 2; while (count-- > 0) { GMJoinLobby conversation = conFact.CreateFromConversationType <GMJoinLobby>(); conversation.RemoteEndPoint = lobbyEndPoint; //Set to remote aws machine. conversation.Launch(); while (appState.P1grid == null || appState.P2grid == null) { if (appState.P1grid != null) { Logger.Info("waiting for player 2's grid"); } else { Logger.Info("waiting for both grids"); } Thread.Sleep(3000); } Turns conversationTurn1 = conFact.CreateFromConversationType <Turns>(); conversationTurn1.RemoteEndPoint = appState.P1EndPoint; Turns conversationTurn2 = conFact.CreateFromConversationType <Turns>(); conversationTurn2.myTurn = false; //This makes sure pl2 know its not his turn. conversationTurn2.RemoteEndPoint = appState.P2EndPoint; conversationTurn1.Launch(); conversationTurn2.Launch(); Logger.Info("Game in progress"); while (!appState.gameEndingEvent.WaitOne(30) || appState.end == false) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } Logger.Info("Game ending"); EndGame conversationEndGame = conFact.CreateFromConversationType <EndGame>(); conversationEndGame.RemoteEndPoint = lobbyEndPoint; conversationEndGame.Pid = appState.P1turn ? appState.p1PID : appState.p2PID; conversationEndGame.Launch(); string p1result = appState.P1turn ? "WIN" : "LOSS"; string p2result = !appState.P1turn ? "WIN" : "LOSS"; Logger.Info($"Game over: Player 1 - {p1result}, Player 2 - {p2result}"); appState.resetState(); } }