Example #1
        private List <GraphicsTriangle> projectVisibleTriangles()
            //create a look at matrix to transfrom the environment objects from world space to view space
            Matrix4x4 viewMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(Position, Position + Direction, new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            List <GraphicsTriangle> trianglesToRaster = new List <GraphicsTriangle>();

            //loops through each object in the environment and if any triangle of the object can be seen, it gets projected
            //to view space and clips them against the near plane (so objects behind the camera aren't rendered)
            foreach (EnvironmentObject e in Environment.EnvironmentObjects)
                List <GraphicsTriangle> triangles = e.Mesh.GraphicsTriangles;
                for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; ++i)
                    GraphicsTriangle t = triangles[i]; //Current triangle

                    //Creates vector from the camera position to the triangle, if the dot product is less than 0 then the camera
                    //can see the triangle so the projection and clipping can be done
                    if (GraphicsVector3.Dot(t.Normal, t.Points[0] - Position) < 0.0f)
                        GraphicsTriangle projected = t.Copy();
                        //Convert from world space to view space (Still 3D)

                        //Clip the triangle against the near plane while adding it to the list of triangles to raster
                        trianglesToRaster.AddRange(ClipTriangleAgainstPlane(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.1f), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), projected));

 public void TransformMatrix4x4(Matrix4x4 matrix)
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
         Points[i] = GraphicsVector3.Transform(Points[i], matrix);
        public static GraphicsVector3 Transform(GraphicsVector3 vec1, Matrix4x4 matrix)
            GraphicsVector3 v = new GraphicsVector3(Vector3.Transform(vec1.Value, matrix));

            v.Value += new Vector3(vec1.W * matrix.M14, vec1.W * matrix.M24, vec1.W * matrix.M34);
            v.W      = vec1.Value.X * matrix.M14 + vec1.Value.Y * matrix.M24 + vec1.Value.Z * matrix.M34 + vec1.Value.Z * matrix.M44;
 public GraphicsTriangle(GraphicsVector3 point1, GraphicsVector3 point2, GraphicsVector3 point3, Vector3 normal, Color color)
     Points        = new GraphicsVector3[3];
     TexturePoints = new TextureVector[3];
     Points[0]     = point1;
     Points[1]     = point2;
     Points[2]     = point3;
     Normal        = normal;
     Color         = color;
 public GraphicsTriangle(GraphicsVector3 point1, GraphicsVector3 point2, GraphicsVector3 point3, Color color)
     Points        = new GraphicsVector3[3];
     TexturePoints = new TextureVector[3];
     Points[0]     = point1;
     Points[1]     = point2;
     Points[2]     = point3;
     Color = color;
 public GraphicsTriangle(Triangle triangle, TextureVector[] texturePoints)
     Points        = new GraphicsVector3[3];
     TexturePoints = texturePoints;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
         Points[i] = new GraphicsVector3(triangle.Points[i]);
     Normal = triangle.Normal;
     Color  = triangle.Color;
        public GraphicsTriangle Copy()
            GraphicsVector3[] newPoints        = new GraphicsVector3[3];
            TextureVector[]   newTexturePoints = new TextureVector[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                newPoints[i]        = new GraphicsVector3(Points[i]);
                newTexturePoints[i] = new TextureVector(TexturePoints[i]);

            return(new GraphicsTriangle(newPoints, newTexturePoints, Normal, Color));
Example #8
 private GraphicsTriangle ConvertToScreenSpace(GraphicsTriangle triangle, float frameWidth, float frameHeight)
     GraphicsVector3[] newPoints = new GraphicsVector3[3];
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
         GraphicsVector3 newPoint = GraphicsVector3.Transform(triangle.Points[i], projectionMatrix);
         newPoint.Value   /= newPoint.W;
         newPoint.Value.X += 1.0f;
         newPoint.Value.Y += 1.0f;
         newPoint.Value.X *= (0.5f * frameWidth);
         newPoint.Value.Y *= (0.5f * frameHeight);
         newPoints[i]      = newPoint;
     return(new GraphicsTriangle(newPoints, triangle.TexturePoints, triangle.Normal, triangle.Color));
 private void fillTriangle(Graphics graphics, GraphicsTriangle triangle, Color c, float brightness)
     c = Color.FromArgb((int)(c.R * brightness), (int)(c.G * brightness), (int)(c.B * brightness));
     Array.Sort(triangle.Points, delegate(GraphicsVector3 vec1, GraphicsVector3 vec2) { return(vec1.Value.Y.CompareTo(vec2.Value.Y)); });
     if (triangle.Points[1].Value.Y == triangle.Points[2].Value.Y)
         fillFlatBottomTriangle(graphics, triangle.Points, c);
     else if (triangle.Points[0].Value.Y == triangle.Points[1].Value.Y)
         fillFlatTopTriangle(graphics, triangle.Points, c);
         GraphicsVector3 v4 = new GraphicsVector3(new Vector3((int)(triangle.Points[0].Value.X + (triangle.Points[1].Value.Y - triangle.Points[0].Value.Y) / (triangle.Points[2].Value.Y - triangle.Points[0].Value.Y) * (triangle.Points[2].Value.X - triangle.Points[0].Value.X)), triangle.Points[1].Value.Y, 1));
         fillFlatBottomTriangle(graphics, new GraphicsVector3[] { triangle.Points[0], triangle.Points[1], v4 }, c);
         fillFlatTopTriangle(graphics, new GraphicsVector3[] { triangle.Points[1], v4, triangle.Points[2] }, c);
Example #10
 private float GetShortestDistanceToPlane(GraphicsVector3 point, Vector3 planePosition, Vector3 planeNormal)
     return(planeNormal.X * -point.Value.X + planeNormal.Y * -point.Value.Y + planeNormal.Z * -point.Value.Z - Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, planePosition));
Example #11
        private GraphicsTriangle[] ClipTriangleAgainstPlane(Vector3 planePosition, Vector3 planeNormal, GraphicsTriangle triangle)
            planeNormal = Vector3.Normalize(planeNormal);

            List <GraphicsVector3> insidePoints  = new List <GraphicsVector3>();
            List <GraphicsVector3> outsidePoints = new List <GraphicsVector3>();

            List <TextureVector> insideTexturePoints  = new List <TextureVector>();
            List <TextureVector> outsideTexturePoints = new List <TextureVector>();

            float[] distances = new float[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                distances[i] = GetShortestDistanceToPlane(triangle.Points[i], planePosition, planeNormal);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                if (distances[i] >= 0)

            if (insidePoints.Count == 0)
                return(new GraphicsTriangle[] { });

            if (insidePoints.Count == 3)
                return(new GraphicsTriangle[] { triangle });

            if (insidePoints.Count == 1 && outsidePoints.Count == 2)
                GraphicsVector3 p1  = insidePoints[0];
                TextureVector   tp1 = insideTexturePoints[0];

                float t;

                GraphicsVector3 p2  = LinePlaneIntersection(planePosition, planeNormal, p1, outsidePoints[0], out t);
                TextureVector   tp2 = clipTextureVector(insideTexturePoints[0], outsideTexturePoints[0], t);

                GraphicsVector3 p3  = LinePlaneIntersection(planePosition, planeNormal, p1, outsidePoints[1], out t);
                TextureVector   tp3 = clipTextureVector(insideTexturePoints[0], outsideTexturePoints[1], t);

                return(new GraphicsTriangle[] { new GraphicsTriangle(p1, p2, p3, tp1, tp2, tp3, triangle.Normal, triangle.Color) });

            if (insidePoints.Count == 2 && outsidePoints.Count == 1)
                float t;

                GraphicsVector3 t1p1 = insidePoints[0];
                GraphicsVector3 t1p2 = insidePoints[1];
                GraphicsVector3 t1p3 = LinePlaneIntersection(planePosition, planeNormal, t1p1, outsidePoints[0], out t);

                TextureVector t1tp1 = insideTexturePoints[0];
                TextureVector t1tp2 = insideTexturePoints[1];
                TextureVector t1tp3 = clipTextureVector(t1tp1, outsideTexturePoints[0], t);

                GraphicsVector3 t2p1 = insidePoints[1];
                GraphicsVector3 t2p2 = t1p3;
                GraphicsVector3 t2p3 = LinePlaneIntersection(planePosition, planeNormal, t2p1, outsidePoints[0], out t);

                TextureVector t2tp1 = insideTexturePoints[1];
                TextureVector t2tp2 = t1tp3;
                TextureVector t2tp3 = clipTextureVector(t2tp1, outsideTexturePoints[0], t);

                return(new GraphicsTriangle[] {
                    new GraphicsTriangle(t1p1, t1p3, t1p2, t1tp1, t1tp2, t1tp3, triangle.Normal, triangle.Color),
                    new GraphicsTriangle(t2p1, t2p2, t2p3, t2tp1, t2tp2, t2tp3, triangle.Normal, triangle.Color)
            return(null); //To satisfy the compliers :(
Example #12
        private GraphicsVector3 LinePlaneIntersection(Vector3 planePosition, Vector3 planeNormal, GraphicsVector3 lineStart, GraphicsVector3 lineEnd, out float t)
            planeNormal = Vector3.Normalize(planeNormal);
            float planeDot = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, planePosition);
            float ad       = Vector3.Dot(lineStart.Value, planeNormal);
            float bd       = Vector3.Dot(lineEnd.Value, planeNormal);

            t = (-planeDot - ad) / (bd - ad);
            Vector3 lineToIntersect = (lineEnd.Value - lineStart.Value) * t;

            return(new GraphicsVector3(lineStart.Value + lineToIntersect));
Example #13
 public static float Dot(Vector3 vec1, GraphicsVector3 vec2)
     return(Vector3.Dot(vec1, vec2.Value));
Example #14
 public static GraphicsVector3 Cross(GraphicsVector3 vec1, GraphicsVector3 vec2)
     return(new GraphicsVector3(Vector3.Cross(vec1.Value, vec2.Value)));
Example #15
 public GraphicsVector3(GraphicsVector3 original)
     Value = original.Value;
     W     = original.W;
 private void generateNormal()
     Normal = GraphicsVector3.Cross(Points[1] - Points[0], Points[2] - Points[0]).Value;
     Normal = Vector3.Normalize(Normal);