private static void PlaceTowers(ConsoleKey key, Towers tower) { int towerType; if (key == ConsoleKey.NumPad1) { towerType = 1; tower.TowerPlacement(playerCurrentPossitionX, playerCurrentPossitionY, towerType); } if (key == ConsoleKey.NumPad2) { towerType = 2; tower.TowerPlacement(playerCurrentPossitionX, playerCurrentPossitionY, towerType); } if (key == ConsoleKey.NumPad3) { towerType = 3; tower.TowerPlacement(playerCurrentPossitionX, playerCurrentPossitionY, towerType); } if (key == ConsoleKey.NumPad4) { towerType = 4; tower.TowerPlacement(playerCurrentPossitionX, playerCurrentPossitionY, towerType); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RemoveScrollBars(); // PLACEHOLDERS!!! List <Enemies> mainEnemies = new List <Enemies>(); Towers tower = new Towers(); string someDirection = "Down"; // PLACEHOLDERS!!! while (isRuning) { /* * Everything is more or less a lot of if-else checks and a lot of Console.Writeline(); * Be mindful of the other parts of the code and ask questions on Skype or if you need help! * We will make a lot of static methods and we will only write them in this file. No OOP elements! */ //Prevents Console getting stuck on waiting for a key press, it only triggered when a key is pressed. if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); if (startNewGame) { MovePlayer(keyInfo.Key); PlaceTowers(keyInfo.Key, tower); // Implement towers! } else { MenuControl(keyInfo.Key); } } /* * TODO: Towers * TODO: Implement 4 different towers [See Trello for more details] */ Console.Clear(); // TODO: Implement "DrawMenu();" else Console.Clear(); just wipes the console entirely /* * CHECK MENU CONTROL METHOD ABOVE!!! * TODO: Menu * TODO: Implement "Start new game" * TODO: Implement "Highscore" option * TODO: Implement "How to play" option * TODO: Implement stop function [Use "Environment.Exit(-1);" in menu] */ /* * TODO: Enemy movement * TODO: Implement enemy spawn and movement * TODO: Implement enemy HP, Points and gold drop * TODO: Implement ground and air only enemies */ WaveInitialization(mainEnemies); WaveMovement(mainEnemies, someDirection); // Enemies go down on console when spawned - temporary - change someDirection for anther direction /* * TODO: Map * TODO: Implement Station possition on console + HP of station * TODO: Player start possition + player collision with station - see player movement method. */ /* * TODO: At game end, show on screen score and first 3 high score possitions! * TODO: If new score is > from current highscores, add and move possitions! * TODO: Write to file the highscores! */ Thread.Sleep(60); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RemoveScrollBars(); // PLACEHOLDERS!!! List<Enemies> mainEnemies = new List<Enemies>(); Towers tower = new Towers(); string someDirection = "Down"; // PLACEHOLDERS!!! while (isRuning) { /* Everything is more or less a lot of if-else checks and a lot of Console.Writeline(); Be mindful of the other parts of the code and ask questions on Skype or if you need help! We will make a lot of static methods and we will only write them in this file. No OOP elements! */ //Prevents Console getting stuck on waiting for a key press, it only triggered when a key is pressed. if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(); if (startNewGame) { MovePlayer(keyInfo.Key); PlaceTowers(keyInfo.Key, tower); // Implement towers! } else { MenuControl(keyInfo.Key); } } /* TODO: Towers TODO: Implement 4 different towers [See Trello for more details] */ Console.Clear(); // TODO: Implement "DrawMenu();" else Console.Clear(); just wipes the console entirely /* CHECK MENU CONTROL METHOD ABOVE!!! TODO: Menu TODO: Implement "Start new game" TODO: Implement "Highscore" option TODO: Implement "How to play" option TODO: Implement stop function [Use "Environment.Exit(-1);" in menu] */ /* TODO: Enemy movement TODO: Implement enemy spawn and movement TODO: Implement enemy HP, Points and gold drop TODO: Implement ground and air only enemies */ WaveInitialization(mainEnemies); WaveMovement(mainEnemies, someDirection); // Enemies go down on console when spawned - temporary - change someDirection for anther direction /* TODO: Map TODO: Implement Station possition on console + HP of station TODO: Player start possition + player collision with station - see player movement method. */ /* TODO: At game end, show on screen score and first 3 high score possitions! TODO: If new score is > from current highscores, add and move possitions! TODO: Write to file the highscores! */ Thread.Sleep(60); } }