public Player(Vector2 position, float scale, float angle, float speed, int maxLife) { Position = position; this.lifeController = new LifeController(maxLife); this.scale = scale; this.angle = angle; this.speed = speed; CreateAnimations(); currentAnimation = idleAnimation; }
// public BossEnemy(Vector2 _position, float _rotation, Vector2 _scale, Vector2 _size, Vector2 _enemySpeed, string _texture, int _maxHealth, float _angle, float _lifetime, int _damage, float _colliderRadius) : base(_position, _scale, _size, _rotation, _texture, _damage, _colliderRadius, _enemySpeed)/*(position, rotation, scale, size, enemySpeed, texture, life)*/ { Speed = _enemySpeed; timetoShoot = 0.8f; LifeController = new LifeController(this, true, false); InitRouletteWheel(); //pursuitBehaviour = new Pursuit(Transform.Position, player.Transform.Position, Speed, 1); }
// public Player(Vector2 _position, Vector2 _scale, float _rotation, Vector2 _size, Vector2 _speed, int _maxLife, string _texture, int _damage, float _radius) : base(_position, _scale, _size, _rotation, _texture, _damage, _radius, _speed) { canRespawn = true; canReceiveDamage = true; inmunity = false; canShoot = true; Speed = _speed; bulletsPool = new ObjectsPool <PlayerBullet>(); LifeController = new LifeController(this, false, true, _maxLife);//TODO Sacar _maxLife del constructor, corresponderÃa ponerlo en el lifeController. }
//MCU //float angle; //float angularSpeed; public Asteroid(Vector2 _position, Vector2 _scale, Vector2 _size, float _rotation, string _texture, int _damage, float _colliderRadius, float _lifeTime, Vector2 _speed) : base(_position, _scale, _size, _rotation, _texture, _damage, _colliderRadius, _lifeTime, _speed) { Speed = _speed; //powerUps = new List<PowerUp>(); LifeController = new LifeController(this, false, false, _lifeTime); InitRouletteWheel(); }
public Enemy(Vector2 initialPosition, float scale, float angle, float speed, int maxLife) { position = initialPosition; isAlive = true; currentLife = maxLife; this.lifeController = new LifeController(maxLife); this.scale = scale; this.angle = angle; this.speed = speed; PlayEnemyAnimations(); currentAnimation = idleAnimation; }
public virtual void Init(Vector2 position, Vector2 scale, Vector2 size, float rotation, string texture, float radius, Vector2 speed, int damage, float lifeTime) { Initialize(position, scale, size, rotation, texture, damage, radius, speed); BulletLifetime = lifeTime; timer = 0; //LifeController.Destroyed = false; LifeController = new LifeController(this, false, false, lifeTime); circleCollider = new CircleCollider(transform, radius); Program.Characters.Add(this); }
protected override void CheckForCollisionsWithPlayer() { for (int i = 0; i < Program.Characters.Count; i++) { if (Program.Characters[i].LifeController.IsPlayer) { if (CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { GiveDamage(Program.Characters[i]); Console.WriteLine($"Player current damage: {Program.Characters[i].Damage}"); LifeController.Deactivate(this); } } } }
void CheckForCollisionsWPlayer() { for (int i = 0; i < Program.Characters.Count; i++) { if (Program.Characters[i].LifeController.IsPlayer && CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { if (CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { //Program.Characters[i].LifeController.GetDamage(Damage); LifeController.Deactivate(this); } } //Console.WriteLine("Collision W/ Player"); } }
void CheckForCollisions() { for (int i = 0; i < Program.Characters.Count; i++) { if (Program.Characters[i].LifeController.IsPlayer) { if (CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { circleCollider.IsCollision = true; Program.Characters[i].LifeController.GetDamage(Damage); Console.WriteLine("Collision with Player. CurrentLife" + Program.Characters[i].LifeController.CurrentLife); LifeController.Deactivate(Program.Characters[i]); } } } }
public override void Update() { Move(); timer += Time.DeltaTime; if (timer >= BulletLifetime) { LifeController.Deactivate(this); } collTimer += Time.DeltaTime; //if(collTimer >= maxCollTimer) CheckForCollisionsWEnemy(); //CheckForCollisionsWithAsteroids(); //Console.WriteLine($"Is collider {isCollider}"); }
public override void Update() { if (!LifeController.Destroyed) { Move(); LifeController.LifeTimer(); //CreateEnemies(); timeToCreate += Time.DeltaTime; if (timeToCreate >= maxTimeToCreate) { RouletteAction(); timeToCreate = 0; } } }
void CheckForCollisions() { for (int i = 0; i < Program.Characters.Count; i++) { if (Program.Characters[i].LifeController.IsPlayer) { if (CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Collision with player"); Program.Characters[i].LifeController.GetDamage(Damage); //CircleCollider.IsCollision = true; //Program.Characters[i].LifeController.Damaged = true; LifeController.Deactivate(this); Console.WriteLine($"Player current life {Program.Characters[i].LifeController.CurrentLife}"); //LifeController.Destroyed = true; //LifeController.Deactivate(); } } } }
void CheckForCollisionsWPlayer() { for (int i = 0; i < Program.Characters.Count; i++) { if (Program.Characters[i].LifeController.IsPlayer && CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { if (CircleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Characters[i])) { RouletteAction(); //Program.Characters[i].LifeController.GetDamage(Damage); LifeController.Destroyed = true; //powerUps.Add(PowerUpsFactory.CreatePowerUp(PowerUpsFactory.PowerUps.damage, new Vector2(400, 400))); LifeController.Deactivate(this); } } //Console.WriteLine("Collision W/ Player"); } }
public override void Update() { //Transform.Position += new Vector2(0, Speed.Y * Time.DeltaTime); //if (Transform.Position.Y >= 0) // Transform.Position += new Vector2(0, Speed.Y * Time.DeltaTime); //if (Transform.Position.Y < 600) // Transform.Position += new Vector2(0, -Speed.Y * Time.DeltaTime); if (!LifeController.Destroyed) { Move(); LifeController.LifeTimer(); //lifeTimer += Time.DeltaTime; //Console.WriteLine(LifeController.LifeTime); //if (lifeTimer >= LifeController.LifeTime) // Level1Screen.RenderizableObjects.Remove(this); //for (int i = 0; i < Program.Bullets.Count; i++) //{ // if (circleCollider.CheckforCollisions(Program.Bullets[i])) // { // Level1Screen.Enemies.Remove(this); // Console.WriteLine("Enemy destroyed"); // } //} CreateEnemies(); } }
//MCU //float angle; //float angularSpeed; public Asteroid(Vector2 _position, Vector2 _scale, Vector2 _size, float _rotation, string _texture, int _damage, float _colliderRadius, float _lifeTime, Vector2 _speed) : base(_position, _scale, _size, _rotation, _texture, _damage, _colliderRadius, _lifeTime, _speed) { speed = _speed; LifeController = new LifeController(this, false, false, _lifeTime); }