Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// When you take m * my result, you get the identity matrix
        /// </summary>
        public static MyMatrix3 Inverse(MyMatrix3 m)
            double determinant = Determinant(m);

            if (determinant > -0.0005d && determinant < 0.0005d)
                MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

                // The determinant is non-zero, so I can take the inverse (no divide by zero issues)
                retVal.M11 = (m.M22 * m.M33 - m.M32 * m.M23) / determinant;
                retVal.M21 = -(m.M21 * m.M33 - m.M23 * m.M31) / determinant;
                retVal.M31 = (m.M21 * m.M32 - m.M22 * m.M31) / determinant;

                retVal.M12 = -(m.M12 * m.M33 - m.M32 * m.M13) / determinant;
                retVal.M22 = (m.M11 * m.M33 - m.M13 * m.M31) / determinant;
                retVal.M32 = -(m.M11 * m.M32 - m.M12 * m.M31) / determinant;

                retVal.M13 = (m.M12 * m.M23 - m.M13 * m.M22) / determinant;
                retVal.M23 = -(m.M11 * m.M23 - m.M13 * m.M21) / determinant;
                retVal.M33 = (m.M11 * m.M22 - m.M21 * m.M12) / determinant;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// I only made this public so I could hook a tester to it
        /// </summary>
        public static void OrthonormalizeOrientation(MyMatrix3 orientation)
            // Do some crazy math (something about constraining 9 degrees of freedom of a matrix down to 3)
            MyVector x = new MyVector(orientation.M11, orientation.M21, orientation.M31);


            MyVector y = new MyVector(orientation.M12, orientation.M22, orientation.M32);               // just store a temp variable into y (until I calculate z)

            MyVector z = MyVector.Cross(x, y);


            y = MyVector.Cross(z, x);

            // Overwrite the matrix passed in
            orientation.M11 = x.X;
            orientation.M12 = y.X;
            orientation.M13 = z.X;

            orientation.M21 = x.Y;
            orientation.M22 = y.Y;
            orientation.M23 = z.Y;

            orientation.M31 = x.Z;
            orientation.M32 = y.Z;
            orientation.M33 = z.Z;
Example #3
        public static MyMatrix3 Transpose(MyMatrix3 matrix)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = matrix.Clone();

Example #4
        public static MyMatrix3 Add(MyMatrix3 a, MyMatrix3 b)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = a.Clone();

Example #5
        public static MyMatrix3 Multiply(MyMatrix3 matrix, double scalar)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = matrix.Clone();

Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a vector by a matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// I've seen this in other code as matrix * vector
 /// </remarks>
 public static MyVector Transform(MyMatrix3 matrix, MyVector vector)
     return(new MyVector(
                (matrix.M11 * vector.X) + (matrix.M12 * vector.Y) + (matrix.M13 * vector.Z),
                (matrix.M21 * vector.X) + (matrix.M22 * vector.Y) + (matrix.M23 * vector.Z),
                (matrix.M31 * vector.X) + (matrix.M32 * vector.Y) + (matrix.M33 * vector.Z)));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Every frame, angular velocity is wiped out and recalculated based on angular momentum.  So this function actually
        /// sets angular momentum to produce the velocity passed in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function is the opposite of the calculation in ApplyTorque
        /// </remarks>
        public void SetAngularVelocity(MyVector angularVelocity)
            // Figure out the world frame's inertia tensor
            // (Rotation * bodyInertialTensorInverse * Transposed Rotation)
            MyMatrix3 curRotation = base.RotationMatrix.Clone();

            MyMatrix3 worldInertiaTensor = MyMatrix3.Multiply(MyMatrix3.Multiply(curRotation, _inertialTensorBody), MyMatrix3.Transpose(curRotation));

            // Now store the angular momentum required to generate this velocity
            _angularMomentum.StoreNewValues(MyMatrix3.Multiply(worldInertiaTensor, angularVelocity));
Example #8
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function assumes that the quaternion has a magnitude of one.  (it's optimized for that)
        /// I still have no clue what should be done with this matrix, but here it is
        /// I copied the code from the other overload, because I want absolute performance
        /// </remarks>
        public MyMatrix3 ToMatrix3FromUnitQuaternion()
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            // All these cached results are used at least twice, so I'm not being wastefull
            double xx = this.X * this.X;
            double yy = this.Y * this.Y;
            double zz = this.Z * this.Z;

            double xy = this.X * this.Y;
            double xz = this.X * this.Z;

            double yz = this.Y * this.Z;

            double wx = this.W * this.X;
            double wy = this.W * this.Y;
            double wz = this.W * this.Z;

            retVal.M11 = 1 - 2 * (yy + zz);
            retVal.M12 = 2 * (xy - wz);
            retVal.M13 = 2 * (xz + wy);

            retVal.M21 = 2 * (xy + wz);
            retVal.M22 = 1 - 2 * (xx + zz);
            retVal.M23 = 2 * (yz - wx);

            retVal.M31 = 2 * (xz - wy);
            retVal.M32 = 2 * (yz + wx);
            retVal.M33 = 1 - 2 * (xx + yy);

            #region Old

             *          // Row 1
             *          retVal.M11 = 1 - ((2 * yy) - (2 * zz));
             *          retVal.M12 = (2 * xy) - (2 * wz);
             *          retVal.M13 = (2 * xz) + (2 * wy);
             *          // Row 2
             *          retVal.M21 = (2 * xy) + (2 * wz);
             *          retVal.M22 = 1 - ((2 * xx) - (2 * zz));
             *          retVal.M23 = (2 * yz) - (2 * wz);
             *          // Row 3
             *          retVal.M31 = (2 * xz) - (2 * wy);
             *          retVal.M32 = (2 * yz) - (2 * wz);
             *          retVal.M33 = 1 - ((2 * xx) - (2 * yy));

            // Exit Function
Example #9
        public void Add(MyMatrix3 matrix)
            this.M11 += matrix.M11;
            this.M12 += matrix.M12;
            this.M13 += matrix.M13;

            this.M21 += matrix.M21;
            this.M22 += matrix.M22;
            this.M23 += matrix.M23;

            this.M31 += matrix.M31;
            this.M32 += matrix.M32;
            this.M33 += matrix.M33;
Example #10
        private void ApplyTorque(double elapsedTime)
            // Calculate the new angular momentum (current + (torque * time))
            MyVector newMomentum = _internalTorque.Clone();


            // Figure out the inverse of the world frame's inertia tensor
            // (Rotation * bodyInertialTensorInverse * Transposed Rotation)
            MyMatrix3 curRotation = base.RotationMatrix.Clone();
            MyMatrix3 inverseWorldInertiaTensor = MyMatrix3.Multiply(MyMatrix3.Multiply(curRotation, _inertialTensorBodyInverse), MyMatrix3.Transpose(curRotation));

            // Now all that's left is to figure out the new angular velocity
            _angularVelocity.StoreNewValues(MyMatrix3.Multiply(inverseWorldInertiaTensor, _angularMomentum));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This multiplies the matrix by the vector, and returns the result as a vector (I think)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It's sort of a tossup where this function belongs.  It should probably go in Utility, but nobody will think to look there.
        /// And I don't want to dirty up the vector class, it's already pretty full.
        /// </remarks>
        public static MyVector Multiply(MyMatrix3 matrix, MyVector vector)
            MyVector retVal = new MyVector();

            retVal.X  = matrix.M11 * vector.X;
            retVal.X += matrix.M12 * vector.Y;
            retVal.X += matrix.M13 * vector.Z;

            retVal.Y  = matrix.M21 * vector.X;
            retVal.Y += matrix.M22 * vector.Y;
            retVal.Y += matrix.M23 * vector.Z;

            retVal.Z  = matrix.M31 * vector.X;
            retVal.Z += matrix.M32 * vector.Y;
            retVal.Z += matrix.M33 * vector.Z;

Example #12
        public MyMatrix3 Clone()
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            retVal.M11 = this.M11;
            retVal.M12 = this.M12;
            retVal.M13 = this.M13;

            retVal.M21 = this.M21;
            retVal.M22 = this.M22;
            retVal.M23 = this.M23;

            retVal.M31 = this.M31;
            retVal.M32 = this.M32;
            retVal.M33 = this.M33;

Example #13
        /// <remarks>
        /// The other author just called this star (probably for vector star)
        /// </remarks>
        private static MyMatrix3 SkewSymmetric(MyVector vector)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            retVal.M11 = 0;
            retVal.M12 = vector.Z * -1;
            retVal.M13 = vector.Y;

            retVal.M21 = vector.Z;
            retVal.M22 = 0;
            retVal.M23 = vector.X * -1;

            retVal.M31 = vector.Y * -1;
            retVal.M32 = vector.X;
            retVal.M33 = 0;

Example #14
        public static MyMatrix3 Multiply(MyMatrix3 a, MyMatrix3 b)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            retVal.M11 = (a.M11 * b.M11) + (a.M12 * b.M21) + (a.M13 * b.M31);
            retVal.M12 = (a.M11 * b.M12) + (a.M12 * b.M22) + (a.M13 * b.M32);
            retVal.M13 = (a.M11 * b.M13) + (a.M12 * b.M23) + (a.M13 * b.M33);

            retVal.M21 = (a.M21 * b.M11) + (a.M22 * b.M21) + (a.M23 * b.M31);
            retVal.M22 = (a.M21 * b.M12) + (a.M22 * b.M22) + (a.M23 * b.M32);
            retVal.M23 = (a.M21 * b.M13) + (a.M22 * b.M23) + (a.M23 * b.M33);

            retVal.M31 = (a.M31 * b.M11) + (a.M32 * b.M21) + (a.M33 * b.M31);
            retVal.M32 = (a.M31 * b.M12) + (a.M32 * b.M22) + (a.M33 * b.M32);
            retVal.M33 = (a.M31 * b.M13) + (a.M32 * b.M23) + (a.M33 * b.M33);

Example #15
        protected override void ResetInertiaTensorAndCenterOfMass()
            double momentOfInertia = (2d / 5d) * base.Mass * (base.Radius * base.Radius);

            MyMatrix3 inertiaTensor = new MyMatrix3();

            inertiaTensor.M11 = momentOfInertia;
            inertiaTensor.M12 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M13 = 0;

            inertiaTensor.M21 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M22 = momentOfInertia;
            inertiaTensor.M23 = 0;

            inertiaTensor.M31 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M32 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M33 = momentOfInertia;

            base.InertialTensorBody = inertiaTensor;

            // I will let the center of mass stay 0,0,0
Example #16
        public void FromRotationMatrix(MyMatrix3 matrix)
            double trace = matrix.M11 + matrix.M22 + matrix.M33 + 1;
            double s;           // I'm not sure what s should be called

            if (trace > 0d)
                #region Instant Calculation

                s = Math.Sqrt(trace) * 2d;

                this.W = 0.25d * s;             // the other had this .25/s
                this.X = (matrix.M32 - matrix.M23) / s;
                this.Y = (matrix.M13 - matrix.M31) / s;
                this.Z = (matrix.M21 - matrix.M12) / s;

                // Find the major diagonal element with the greatest value
                if (matrix.M11 > matrix.M22 && matrix.M11 > matrix.M33)
                    #region Column 0

                    s      = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M11 - matrix.M22 - matrix.M33) * 2d;
                    this.X = 0.25d * s;
                    this.Y = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                    this.Z = (matrix.M13 + matrix.M31) / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M32 - matrix.M23) / s;

                     * s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M11 - matrix.M22 - matrix.M33) * 2d;
                     * this.X = 0.5d / s;
                     * this.Y = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                     * this.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M13) / s;
                     * this.W = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;

                else if (matrix.M22 > matrix.M11 && matrix.M22 > matrix.M33)
                    #region Column 1

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M22 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M33) * 2d;

                    this.X = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                    this.Y = 0.25d * s;
                    this.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M13 - matrix.M31) / s;

                     * s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M22 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M33) * 2d;
                     * this.X = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                     * this.Y = 0.5d / s;
                     * this.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                     * this.W = (matrix.M31 + matrix.M13) / s;

                    #region Column 2

                    s      = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M33 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M22) * 2d;
                    this.X = (matrix.M13 + matrix.M31) / s;
                    this.Y = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                    this.Z = 0.25d * s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M21 - matrix.M12) / s;

                     * s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M33 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M22) * 2d;
                     * this.X = (matrix.M31 + matrix.M13) / s;
                     * this.Y = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                     * this.Z = 0.5d / s;
                     * this.W = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;


            // This makes me feel better

            #region Reading Material

             *                                  Q48. How do I convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion?
             *          --------------------------------------------------------
             *            A rotation may be converted back to a quaternion through the use of
             *            the following algorithm:
             *            The process is performed in the following stages, which are as follows:
             *                  Calculate the trace of the matrix T from the equation:
             *                                          2     2     2
             *                    T = 4 - 4x  - 4y  - 4z
             *                                           2    2    2
             *                          = 4( 1 -x  - y  - z )
             *                          = mat[0] + mat[5] + mat[10] + 1
             *                  If the trace of the matrix is greater than zero, then
             *                  perform an "instant" calculation.
             *                    S = 0.5 / sqrt(T)
             *                    W = 0.25 / S
             *                    X = ( mat[9] - mat[6] ) * S
             *                    Y = ( mat[2] - mat[8] ) * S
             *                    Z = ( mat[4] - mat[1] ) * S
            #region More Work

             *                  If the trace of the matrix is less than or equal to zero
             *                  then identify which major diagonal element has the greatest
             *                  value.
             *                  Depending on this value, calculate the following:
             *                    Column 0:
             *                          S  = sqrt( 1.0 + mr[0] - mr[5] - mr[10] ) * 2;
             *                          Qx = 0.5 / S;
             *                          Qy = (mr[1] + mr[4] ) / S;
             *                          Qz = (mr[2] + mr[8] ) / S;
             *                          Qw = (mr[6] + mr[9] ) / S;
             *                    Column 1:
             *                          S  = sqrt( 1.0 + mr[5] - mr[0] - mr[10] ) * 2;
             *                          Qx = (mr[1] + mr[4] ) / S;
             *                          Qy = 0.5 / S;
             *                          Qz = (mr[6] + mr[9] ) / S;
             *                          Qw = (mr[2] + mr[8] ) / S;
             *                    Column 2:
             *                          S  = sqrt( 1.0 + mr[10] - mr[0] - mr[5] ) * 2;
             *                          Qx = (mr[2] + mr[8] ) / S;
             *                          Qy = (mr[6] + mr[9] ) / S;
             *                          Qz = 0.5 / S;
             *                          Qw = (mr[1] + mr[4] ) / S;
             *                   The quaternion is then defined as:
             *                     Q = | Qx Qy Qz Qw |
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// I only made this public so I could hook a tester to it
        /// </summary>
        public static void OrthonormalizeOrientation(MyMatrix3 orientation)
            // Do some crazy math (something about constraining 9 degrees of freedom of a matrix down to 3)
            MyVector x = new MyVector(orientation.M11, orientation.M21, orientation.M31);

            MyVector y = new MyVector(orientation.M12, orientation.M22, orientation.M32);		// just store a temp variable into y (until I calculate z)

            MyVector z = MyVector.Cross(x, y);

            y = MyVector.Cross(z, x);

            // Overwrite the matrix passed in
            orientation.M11 = x.X;
            orientation.M12 = y.X;
            orientation.M13 = z.X;

            orientation.M21 = x.Y;
            orientation.M22 = y.Y;
            orientation.M23 = z.Y;

            orientation.M31 = x.Z;
            orientation.M32 = y.Z;
            orientation.M33 = z.Z;
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a vector by a matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// I've seen this in other code as matrix * vector
 /// </remarks>
 public static MyVector Transform(MyMatrix3 matrix, MyVector vector)
     return new MyVector(
         (matrix.M11 * vector.X) + (matrix.M12 * vector.Y) + (matrix.M13 * vector.Z),
         (matrix.M21 * vector.X) + (matrix.M22 * vector.Y) + (matrix.M23 * vector.Z),
         (matrix.M31 * vector.X) + (matrix.M32 * vector.Y) + (matrix.M33 * vector.Z));
Example #19
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function assumes that the quaternion has a magnitude of one.  (it's optimized for that)
        /// I still have no clue what should be done with this matrix, but here it is
        /// I copied the code from the other overload, because I want absolute performance
        /// </remarks>
        public MyMatrix3 ToMatrix3FromUnitQuaternion()
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            // All these cached results are used at least twice, so I'm not being wastefull
            double xx = this.X * this.X;
            double yy = this.Y * this.Y;
            double zz = this.Z * this.Z;

            double xy = this.X * this.Y;
            double xz = this.X * this.Z;

            double yz = this.Y * this.Z;

            double wx = this.W * this.X;
            double wy = this.W * this.Y;
            double wz = this.W * this.Z;

            retVal.M11 = 1 - 2 * (yy + zz);
            retVal.M12 = 2 * (xy - wz);
            retVal.M13 = 2 * (xz + wy);

            retVal.M21 = 2 * (xy + wz);
            retVal.M22 = 1 - 2 * (xx + zz);
            retVal.M23 = 2 * (yz - wx);

            retVal.M31 = 2 * (xz - wy);
            retVal.M32 = 2 * (yz + wx);
            retVal.M33 = 1 - 2 * (xx + yy);

            #region Old
			// Row 1
			retVal.M11 = 1 - ((2 * yy) - (2 * zz));
			retVal.M12 = (2 * xy) - (2 * wz);
			retVal.M13 = (2 * xz) + (2 * wy);

			// Row 2
			retVal.M21 = (2 * xy) + (2 * wz);
			retVal.M22 = 1 - ((2 * xx) - (2 * zz));
			retVal.M23 = (2 * yz) - (2 * wz);

			// Row 3
			retVal.M31 = (2 * xz) - (2 * wy);
			retVal.M32 = (2 * yz) - (2 * wz);
			retVal.M33 = 1 - ((2 * xx) - (2 * yy));

            // Exit Function
            return retVal;
Example #20
        protected override void ResetInertiaTensorAndCenterOfMass()
            double momentOfInertia = (2d / 5d) * base.Mass * (base.Radius * base.Radius);

            MyMatrix3 inertiaTensor = new MyMatrix3();

            inertiaTensor.M11 = momentOfInertia;
            inertiaTensor.M12 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M13 = 0;

            inertiaTensor.M21 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M22 = momentOfInertia;
            inertiaTensor.M23 = 0;

            inertiaTensor.M31 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M32 = 0;
            inertiaTensor.M33 = momentOfInertia;

            base.InertialTensorBody = inertiaTensor;

            // I will let the center of mass stay 0,0,0
Example #21
        public void Add(MyMatrix3 matrix)
            this.M11 += matrix.M11;
            this.M12 += matrix.M12;
            this.M13 += matrix.M13;

            this.M21 += matrix.M21;
            this.M22 += matrix.M22;
            this.M23 += matrix.M23;

            this.M31 += matrix.M31;
            this.M32 += matrix.M32;
            this.M33 += matrix.M33;
Example #22
 public static MyMatrix3 Multiply(MyMatrix3 matrix, double scalar)
     MyMatrix3 retVal = matrix.Clone();
     return retVal;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// This multiplies the matrix by the vector, and returns the result as a vector (I think)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It's sort of a tossup where this function belongs.  It should probably go in Utility, but nobody will think to look there.
        /// And I don't want to dirty up the vector class, it's already pretty full.
        /// </remarks>
        public static MyVector Multiply(MyMatrix3 matrix, MyVector vector)

            MyVector retVal = new MyVector();

            retVal.X = matrix.M11 * vector.X;
            retVal.X += matrix.M12 * vector.Y;
            retVal.X += matrix.M13 * vector.Z;

            retVal.Y = matrix.M21 * vector.X;
            retVal.Y += matrix.M22 * vector.Y;
            retVal.Y += matrix.M23 * vector.Z;

            retVal.Z = matrix.M31 * vector.X;
            retVal.Z += matrix.M32 * vector.Y;
            retVal.Z += matrix.M33 * vector.Z;

            return retVal;
Example #24
        public static MyMatrix3 Multiply(MyMatrix3 a, MyMatrix3 b)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            retVal.M11 = (a.M11 * b.M11) + (a.M12 * b.M21) + (a.M13 * b.M31);
            retVal.M12 = (a.M11 * b.M12) + (a.M12 * b.M22) + (a.M13 * b.M32);
            retVal.M13 = (a.M11 * b.M13) + (a.M12 * b.M23) + (a.M13 * b.M33);

            retVal.M21 = (a.M21 * b.M11) + (a.M22 * b.M21) + (a.M23 * b.M31);
            retVal.M22 = (a.M21 * b.M12) + (a.M22 * b.M22) + (a.M23 * b.M32);
            retVal.M23 = (a.M21 * b.M13) + (a.M22 * b.M23) + (a.M23 * b.M33);

            retVal.M31 = (a.M31 * b.M11) + (a.M32 * b.M21) + (a.M33 * b.M31);
            retVal.M32 = (a.M31 * b.M12) + (a.M32 * b.M22) + (a.M33 * b.M32);
            retVal.M33 = (a.M31 * b.M13) + (a.M32 * b.M23) + (a.M33 * b.M33);

            return retVal;
Example #25
 public static double Determinant(MyMatrix3 m)
     return m.M11 * (m.M22 * m.M33 - m.M23 * m.M32)
         - m.M21 * (m.M12 * m.M33 - m.M13 * m.M32)
         + m.M31 * (m.M12 * m.M23 - m.M13 * m.M22);
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// When you take m * my result, you get the identity matrix
        /// </summary>
        public static MyMatrix3 Inverse(MyMatrix3 m)

            double determinant = Determinant(m);

            if (determinant > -0.0005d && determinant < 0.0005d)
                return MyMatrix3.IdentityMatrix;
                MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

                // The determinant is non-zero, so I can take the inverse (no divide by zero issues)
                retVal.M11 = (m.M22 * m.M33 - m.M32 * m.M23) / determinant;
                retVal.M21 = -(m.M21 * m.M33 - m.M23 * m.M31) / determinant;
                retVal.M31 = (m.M21 * m.M32 - m.M22 * m.M31) / determinant;

                retVal.M12 = -(m.M12 * m.M33 - m.M32 * m.M13) / determinant;
                retVal.M22 = (m.M11 * m.M33 - m.M13 * m.M31) / determinant;
                retVal.M32 = -(m.M11 * m.M32 - m.M12 * m.M31) / determinant;

                retVal.M13 = (m.M12 * m.M23 - m.M13 * m.M22) / determinant;
                retVal.M23 = -(m.M11 * m.M23 - m.M13 * m.M21) / determinant;
                retVal.M33 = (m.M11 * m.M22 - m.M21 * m.M12) / determinant;

                return retVal;

        /// <summary>
        /// Impulse force to change the velocity at a certain point
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// R1  =   Contact point on body 1
        /// J	=	DeltaVelocity / [(1/m1 + 1/m2 + N dot (((R1 x N) * inverseTensor1) x R1) +  N dot (((R2 x N) * inverseTensor2) x R2))]
        /// Denominator should never be negative, but due to floating point inaccuracies this seems to sometimes happen!
        /// </remarks>
        private double GetImpulseForceMagnitudeFromDeltaVelocity(double deltaVelocity, MyVector pointOfContact1, MyVector pointOfContact2, MyVector lineOfAction, double sumOf1OverMass, MyMatrix3 inverseTensor1, MyMatrix3 inverseTensor2)
            MyVector R1crossNtimesJ1 = MyMatrix3.Multiply(inverseTensor1, MyVector.Cross(pointOfContact1, lineOfAction));
            MyVector R2CrossNtimesJ2 = MyMatrix3.Multiply(inverseTensor2, MyVector.Cross(pointOfContact2, lineOfAction));

            double denominator = sumOf1OverMass +
                MyVector.Dot(lineOfAction, MyVector.Cross(R1crossNtimesJ1, pointOfContact1)) +
                MyVector.Dot(lineOfAction, MyVector.Cross(R2CrossNtimesJ2, pointOfContact2));

            return (deltaVelocity / denominator);
        private static double GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitude(MyMatrix3 inertialTensor)
            // Create a standard sized solid ball, and use that as my baseline
            SolidBall standBall = new SolidBall(new MyVector(), new DoubleVector(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), STANDARDRADIUS, UtilityCore.GetMassForRadius(STANDARDRADIUS, 1d));

            double averageStand = GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitudeSprtGetAvg(standBall.InertialTensorBody);
            double averageShip = GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitudeSprtGetAvg(inertialTensor);

            return THRUSTER_FORCE * (Math.Sqrt(averageShip) / Math.Sqrt(averageStand));     // I need sqrt, because the tensor's don't grow linearly
Example #29
        public void FromRotationMatrix(MyMatrix3 matrix)
            double trace = matrix.M11 + matrix.M22 + matrix.M33 + 1;
            double s;		// I'm not sure what s should be called

            if (trace > 0d)
                #region Instant Calculation

                s = Math.Sqrt(trace) * 2d;

                this.W = 0.25d * s;		// the other had this .25/s
                this.X = (matrix.M32 - matrix.M23) / s;
                this.Y = (matrix.M13 - matrix.M31) / s;
                this.Z = (matrix.M21 - matrix.M12) / s;

                // Find the major diagonal element with the greatest value
                if (matrix.M11 > matrix.M22 && matrix.M11 > matrix.M33)
                    #region Column 0

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M11 - matrix.M22 - matrix.M33) * 2d;
                    this.X = 0.25d * s;
                    this.Y = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                    this.Z = (matrix.M13 + matrix.M31) / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M32 - matrix.M23) / s;

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M11 - matrix.M22 - matrix.M33) * 2d;

                    this.X = 0.5d / s;
                    this.Y = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                    this.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M13) / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;

                else if (matrix.M22 > matrix.M11 && matrix.M22 > matrix.M33)
                    #region Column 1

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M22 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M33) * 2d;

                    this.X = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                    this.Y = 0.25d * s;
                    this.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M13 - matrix.M31) / s;

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M22 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M33) * 2d;

                    this.X = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;
                    this.Y = 0.5d / s;
                    this.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M31 + matrix.M13) / s;

                    #region Column 2

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M33 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M22) * 2d;
                    this.X = (matrix.M13 + matrix.M31) / s;
                    this.Y = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                    this.Z = 0.25d * s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M21 - matrix.M12) / s;

                    s = Math.Sqrt(1d + matrix.M33 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M22) * 2d;

                    this.X = (matrix.M31 + matrix.M13) / s;
                    this.Y = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) / s;
                    this.Z = 0.5d / s;
                    this.W = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) / s;


            // This makes me feel better

            #region Reading Material

						Q48. How do I convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion?

			  A rotation may be converted back to a quaternion through the use of
			  the following algorithm:

			  The process is performed in the following stages, which are as follows:

				Calculate the trace of the matrix T from the equation:

							2     2     2
				  T = 4 - 4x  - 4y  - 4z

							 2    2    2
					= 4( 1 -x  - y  - z )

					= mat[0] + mat[5] + mat[10] + 1

				If the trace of the matrix is greater than zero, then
				perform an "instant" calculation.

				  S = 0.5 / sqrt(T)

				  W = 0.25 / S

				  X = ( mat[9] - mat[6] ) * S

				  Y = ( mat[2] - mat[8] ) * S

				  Z = ( mat[4] - mat[1] ) * S
            #region More Work
				If the trace of the matrix is less than or equal to zero
				then identify which major diagonal element has the greatest

				Depending on this value, calculate the following:

				  Column 0:
					S  = sqrt( 1.0 + mr[0] - mr[5] - mr[10] ) * 2;

					Qx = 0.5 / S;
					Qy = (mr[1] + mr[4] ) / S;
					Qz = (mr[2] + mr[8] ) / S;
					Qw = (mr[6] + mr[9] ) / S;

				  Column 1:
					S  = sqrt( 1.0 + mr[5] - mr[0] - mr[10] ) * 2;

					Qx = (mr[1] + mr[4] ) / S;
					Qy = 0.5 / S;
					Qz = (mr[6] + mr[9] ) / S;
					Qw = (mr[2] + mr[8] ) / S;

				  Column 2:
					S  = sqrt( 1.0 + mr[10] - mr[0] - mr[5] ) * 2;

					Qx = (mr[2] + mr[8] ) / S;
					Qy = (mr[6] + mr[9] ) / S;
					Qz = 0.5 / S;
					Qw = (mr[1] + mr[4] ) / S;

				 The quaternion is then defined as:

				   Q = | Qx Qy Qz Qw |

        private static double GetLeftRightThrusterMagnitudeSprtGetAvg(MyMatrix3 inertialTensor)
            double retVal = 0;

            // I don't include 2-2, because it represents the center, and doesn't really have an effect on spin?
            retVal += inertialTensor.M11;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M12;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M13;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M21;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M22;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M23;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M31;
            //retVal += inertialTensor.M32;
            retVal += inertialTensor.M33;

            return retVal / 2d;
Example #31
        protected override void ResetInertiaTensorAndCenterOfMass()
            if (_masses.Count == 0)
                // Since I have no mass or structure, I'll use default values (nothing better whack me in this state, I'm sure
                // the result would be near infinite velocity)
                base.CenterOfMass.X = 0;
                base.CenterOfMass.Y = 0;
                base.CenterOfMass.Z = 0;

                base.InertialTensorBody = MyMatrix3.IdentityMatrix;

                base.Mass = NEARZEROMASS;		// I don't want to call this.Mass, because it has extra checks


            // Figure out the center of mass
            double totalMass;
            MyVector centerMass = GetCenterOfMass(out totalMass);

            // Get the locations of the point masses relative to the center of mass (instead of relative to base.Position)
            MyVector[] massLocations = GetRelativeMassPositions(centerMass);		// this array lines up with _masses

            // Figure out the inertia tensor
            MyMatrix3 inertiaTensor = new MyMatrix3();
            #region Calculate Tensor

            for (int massCntr = 0; massCntr < _masses.Count; massCntr++)
                // M(Y^2 + Z^2)
                inertiaTensor.M11 += _masses[massCntr].Mass * ((massLocations[massCntr].Y * massLocations[massCntr].Y) + (massLocations[massCntr].Z * massLocations[massCntr].Z));

                // M(X^2 + Z^2)
                inertiaTensor.M22 += _masses[massCntr].Mass * ((massLocations[massCntr].X * massLocations[massCntr].X) + (massLocations[massCntr].Z * massLocations[massCntr].Z));

                // M(X^2 + Y^2)
                inertiaTensor.M33 += _masses[massCntr].Mass * ((massLocations[massCntr].X * massLocations[massCntr].X) + (massLocations[massCntr].Y * massLocations[massCntr].Y));

                // MXY
                inertiaTensor.M21 += _masses[massCntr].Mass * massLocations[massCntr].X * massLocations[massCntr].Y;

                // MXZ
                inertiaTensor.M31 += _masses[massCntr].Mass * massLocations[massCntr].X * massLocations[massCntr].Z;

                // MYZ
                inertiaTensor.M32 += _masses[massCntr].Mass * massLocations[massCntr].Y * massLocations[massCntr].Z;

            // Finish up the non diagnals (it's actually the negative sum for them, and the transpose elements have
            // the same value)
            inertiaTensor.M21 *= -1;
            inertiaTensor.M12 = inertiaTensor.M21;

            inertiaTensor.M31 *= -1;
            inertiaTensor.M13 = inertiaTensor.M31;

            inertiaTensor.M32 *= -1;
            inertiaTensor.M23 = inertiaTensor.M32;


            // Store the values
            base.InertialTensorBody = inertiaTensor;
            base.Mass = totalMass;		// I don't want to call this.Mass, because it has extra checks
Example #32
        /// <remarks>
        /// The other author just called this star (probably for vector star)
        /// </remarks>
        private static MyMatrix3 SkewSymmetric(MyVector vector)
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            retVal.M11 = 0;
            retVal.M12 = vector.Z * -1;
            retVal.M13 = vector.Y;

            retVal.M21 = vector.Z;
            retVal.M22 = 0;
            retVal.M23 = vector.X * -1;

            retVal.M31 = vector.Y * -1;
            retVal.M32 = vector.X;
            retVal.M33 = 0;

            return retVal;
Example #33
        public MyMatrix3 Clone()
            MyMatrix3 retVal = new MyMatrix3();

            retVal.M11 = this.M11;
            retVal.M12 = this.M12;
            retVal.M13 = this.M13;

            retVal.M21 = this.M21;
            retVal.M22 = this.M22;
            retVal.M23 = this.M23;

            retVal.M31 = this.M31;
            retVal.M32 = this.M32;
            retVal.M33 = this.M33;

            return retVal;
Example #34
 public static MyMatrix3 Transpose(MyMatrix3 matrix)
     MyMatrix3 retVal = matrix.Clone();
     return retVal;
Example #35
 public static MyMatrix3 Add(MyMatrix3 a, MyMatrix3 b)
     MyMatrix3 retVal = a.Clone();
     return retVal;
Example #36
 public static double Determinant(MyMatrix3 m)
     return(m.M11 * (m.M22 * m.M33 - m.M23 * m.M32)
            - m.M21 * (m.M12 * m.M33 - m.M13 * m.M32)
            + m.M31 * (m.M12 * m.M23 - m.M13 * m.M22));