public virtual void Run()
            while (true)
                this.renderer.RenderAll();          //draw frame

                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //wait 0.5sec

                this.userInterface.ProcessInput();  //check if is pressed arrow,space and if is do the appropriate job

                this.renderer.ClearQueue();         //clear buffer

                foreach (var obj in this.allObjects)
                    obj.Move();                             //move the object
                    this.renderer.EnqueueForRendering(obj); //draw the object

                CollisionDispatcher.HandleCollisions(this.movingObjects, this.staticObjects);
                List <GameObject> producedObjects = new List <GameObject>();//check if it has produced objects
                foreach (var obj in this.allObjects)

                this.allObjects.RemoveAll(obj => obj.IsDestroyed);//delete murdered objects
                this.movingObjects.RemoveAll(obj => obj.IsDestroyed);
                this.staticObjects.RemoveAll(obj => obj.IsDestroyed);

                foreach (var obj in producedObjects)//add producuded objects                {