Example #1
        public void Job()
            // Create game
            Game.Game game = new Game.Game();
            var village = game.Villages[0];
            var farm = new Farm(village, village.JobsList.Farmer);
            new Restaurant(village, village.JobsList.Cooker);
            foreach (Family f in village.FamiliesList)
                foreach (Villager v in f.FamilyMembers)
                    if (v.Job!=null)

            var v0 = village.FamiliesList[0].FamilyMembers[0];
            var v1 = village.FamiliesList[0].FamilyMembers[1];
            var v2 = village.FamiliesList[1].FamilyMembers[0];
            var v3 = village.FamiliesList[1].FamilyMembers[1];
            var v4 = village.FamiliesList[2].FamilyMembers[0];
            var v5 = village.FamiliesList[2].FamilyMembers[1];
            var cooker = village.JobsList.Cooker;

            // Jobs are created
            int i;
            for(i=0; i<8; i++)
                Assert.That(village.JobsList[i], Is.Not.Null);

            // Add new worker to job
            Assert.That(cooker.Workers.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(cooker.Workers.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            // Try add the same worker to Apothecary job
            //Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => cooker.AddPerson(v0), "Add worker issue!");
            Assert.That( cooker.AddPerson2(v0)==false);
            Assert.That(cooker.Workers.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));


            // See gold generation
            Assert.AreEqual(130, cooker.GoldGenerated);// /!\ should never be called. //was 65
            Assert.That(v0.ParentFamily.GoldStash, Is.EqualTo(278));//65+20
            Assert.That(v1.ParentFamily.GoldStash, Is.EqualTo(278));//65+20
            Assert.That(v2.ParentFamily.GoldStash, Is.EqualTo(18));//0+20

            // Add other worker
            Assert.That(cooker.Workers.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

            // New Gold generation
            Assert.That(cooker.GoldGenerated, Is.EqualTo(65));//64
            Assert.That(v0.ParentFamily.GoldStash, Is.EqualTo(343));//129+20
            Assert.That(v2.ParentFamily.GoldStash, Is.EqualTo(83));//64+20

            // Remove worker
            Assert.That(cooker.Workers.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            // Try remove the same worker
            //Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => cooker.RemovePerson2(v0), "Remove worker issue!");
            Assert.That(cooker.Workers.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            // Gold generation up
            Assert.That(cooker.GoldGenerated, Is.EqualTo(130));//65
            Assert.That(v2.ParentFamily.GoldStash, Is.EqualTo(213));//129+20
Example #2
        // NEW GAME
        public Game(double timeStep = 0)
            // Created "windows values"
            _totalGold = new HistorizedValue<int, Game>(this, @"_totalGold", 20);
            _totalPop = new HistorizedValue<int, Game>(this, @"_totalPop", 20);
            _offerings = new HistorizedValue<int, Game>(this, @"_offerings", 20);

            // Created lists
            _items = new List<GameItem>();
            _singleMenList = new List<Villager>();
            _villagesList = new List<Village>();
            _eventList = new List<IEvent>();

            // FamilyNames Generator
            var namesPath = File.ReadAllLines(@"Extra\nameList.txt");
            _nameGenerator = new NameGenerator(namesPath, 1, 1);
            var firstNamesPath = File.ReadAllLines(@"Extra\firstNameList.txt");
            _firstNameGenerator = new NameGenerator(namesPath, 1, 1);

            // GodSpell Initialization
            _currentEpidemicList = new List<GodSpell.Epidemic>();

            // BirthDates Initialisation
            _regularBirthDates = new double[5];
            #region To Be CHANGED
            //_ageTickTime = 0.0834;//time(years) between each tick.
            _ageTickTime = 1;
            Rand = new Random();//to be moved elsewhere.

            int j = 216; // j = 18
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // Must be kept orderly
                _regularBirthDates[i] = j;
                j = j + 4 * 12; // j = j + 4

            // Create Village
            Village village = CreateVillage(@"Ragnar");

            // Create Table
            new TablePlace(village);

            // Create default jobs buildings
            Farm farm = new Farm(village, village.JobsList.Farmer);
            village.JobsList.Farmer.Building = farm;
            Forge forge = new Forge(village, village.JobsList.Blacksmith);
            village.JobsList.Blacksmith.Building = forge;
            UnionOfCrafter uoc = new UnionOfCrafter(village, village.JobsList.Construction_Worker);
            village.JobsList.Construction_Worker.Building = uoc;

            // Create 5 families
            Family FamilyA = village.CreateFamilyFromScratch(village.JobsList.Farmer, village.JobsList.Blacksmith);
            Family FamilyB = village.CreateFamilyFromScratch(village.JobsList.Farmer, village.JobsList.Construction_Worker);
            Family FamilyC = village.CreateFamilyFromScratch();
            Family FamilyD = village.CreateFamilyFromScratch();
            Family FamilyE = village.CreateFamilyFromScratch();

            // Set player's offerings
            _offerings.Current = 100;