/// <summary>
        /// Render the treeview with the first two levels of albums that are viewable to the logged on user.
        /// </summary>
        private TreeView Generate()
            _tv = new TreeView();

            foreach (IAlbum rootAlbum in GetRootAlbums())
                // Add root node.
                TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode();

                string albumTitle = GetRootAlbumTitle(rootAlbum);
                rootNode.Text     = albumTitle;
                rootNode.ToolTip  = albumTitle;
                rootNode.Id       = String.Concat("tv_", rootAlbum.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                rootNode.DataId   = rootAlbum.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                rootNode.Expanded = true;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_tvOptions.NavigateUrl))
                    rootNode.NavigateUrl = Utils.AddQueryStringParameter(_tvOptions.NavigateUrl, String.Concat("aid=", rootAlbum.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

                bool isAlbumSelectable = !rootAlbum.IsVirtualAlbum;
                rootNode.ShowCheckBox = isAlbumSelectable && _tvOptions.ShowCheckbox;
                //rootNode.Selectable = isAlbumSelectable;
                //if (!isAlbumSelectable) rootNode.HoverCssClass = String.Empty;

                // Select and check this node if needed.
                if (isAlbumSelectable && (_tvOptions.SelectedAlbumIds.Contains(rootAlbum.Id)))
                    //tv.SelectedNode = rootNode;
                    //rootNode.Checked = true;


                // Add the first level of albums below the root album.
                BindAlbumToTreeview(rootAlbum.GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.Album, !Utils.IsAuthenticated).ToSortedList(), rootNode, false);

                // Only display the root node if it is selectable or we added any children to it; otherwise, remove it.
                if (!rootNode.Selectable && rootNode.Nodes.Count == 0)

            // Make sure all specified albums are visible and checked.
            foreach (int albumId in _tvOptions.SelectedAlbumIds)
                IAlbum album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);
                if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(_tvOptions.RequiredSecurityPermissions, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne, album.IsVirtualAlbum))

Example #2
        private static void DeleteUserAlbum(string userName)
            IAlbum album = GetUserAlbum(userName);

            if (album != null)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the user album for the specified <paramref name="userName">user</paramref> exists if it is supposed to exist
        /// (creating it if necessary), or does not exist if not (that is, deleting it if necessary). Returns a reference to the user
        /// album if a user album exists or has just been created; otherwise returns null. Also returns null if user albums are
        /// disabled at the application level or userAlbumParentAlbumId in galleryserverpro.config does not match an existing album.
        /// A user album is created if user albums are enabled but none for the user exists. If user albums are enabled at the
        /// application level but the user has disabled them in his profile, the album is deleted if it exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Name of the user.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a reference to the user album for the specified <paramref name="userName">user</paramref>, or null
        /// if user albums are disabled or the userAlbumParentAlbumId in galleryserverpro.config does not match an existing album.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when <paramref name="userName" /> is null or empty.</exception>
        public static IAlbum ValidateUserAlbum(string userName)
            if (!Config.GetCore().EnableUserAlbum)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                throw new ArgumentException("userName");

            bool userAlbumExists      = false;
            bool userAlbumShouldExist = ProfileController.GetProfile(userName).EnableUserAlbum;

            IAlbum album = null;

            int albumId = GetUserAlbumId(userName);

            if (albumId > int.MinValue)
                    // Try loading the album.
                    album = Factory.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);

                    userAlbumExists = true;
                catch (InvalidAlbumException) { }

            // Delete or create if necessary. Deleting should only be needed if
            if (userAlbumExists && !userAlbumShouldExist)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log any errors that happen but don't let them bubble up.
                    album = null;
            else if (!userAlbumExists && userAlbumShouldExist)
                album = AlbumController.CreateUserAlbum(userName);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an album, assigns the user name as the owner, saves it, and returns the newly created album.
        /// A profile entry is created containing the album ID. Returns null if the ID specified in the gallery settings
        /// for the parent album does not represent an existing album. That is, returns null if <see cref="IGallerySettings.UserAlbumParentAlbumId" />
        /// does not match an existing album.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">The user name representing the user who is the owner of the album.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID for the gallery in which the album is to be created.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the newly created user album. It has already been persisted to the database.
        /// Returns null if the ID specified in the gallery settings for the parent album does not represent an existing album.
        /// That is, returns null if <see cref="IGallerySettings.UserAlbumParentAlbumId" />
        /// does not match an existing album.
        /// </returns>
        public static IAlbum CreateUserAlbum(string userName, int galleryId)
            IGallerySettings gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(galleryId);

            string albumNameTemplate = gallerySetting.UserAlbumNameTemplate;

            IAlbum parentAlbum;

                parentAlbum = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(gallerySetting.UserAlbumParentAlbumId, false);
            catch (InvalidAlbumException ex)
                // The parent album does not exist. Record the error and return null.
                string galleryDescription = Utils.HtmlEncode(Factory.LoadGallery(gallerySetting.GalleryId).Description);
                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Error_User_Album_Parent_Invalid_Ex_Msg, galleryDescription, gallerySetting.UserAlbumParentAlbumId);
                AppErrorController.LogError(new WebException(msg, ex), galleryId);

            IAlbum album = null;

                album = Factory.CreateEmptyAlbumInstance(parentAlbum.GalleryId);

                album.Title         = albumNameTemplate.Replace("{UserName}", userName);
                album.Summary       = gallerySetting.UserAlbumSummaryTemplate;
                album.OwnerUserName = userName;
                //newAlbum.ThumbnailMediaObjectId = 0; // not needed
                album.Parent    = parentAlbum;
                album.IsPrivate = parentAlbum.IsPrivate;
                GalleryObjectController.SaveGalleryObject(album, userName);

                SaveAlbumIdToProfile(album.Id, userName, album.GalleryId);

                if (album != null)


        /// <summary>
        /// Bind the heirarchical list of albums to the specified treeview node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="existingParentNode">The treeview node to add the first album in the stack to.</param>
        /// <param name="albumParents">A list of albums where the first album should be a child of the specified treeview
        /// node, and each subsequent album is a child of the previous album.</param>
        private void BindSpecificAlbumToTreeview(TreeNode existingParentNode, Stack <IAlbum> albumParents)
            // Assumption: The first album in the stack is a child of the existingParentNode node.
            existingParentNode.Expanded = true;

            // For each album in the heirarchy of albums to the current album, add the album and all its siblings to the
            // treeview.
            foreach (IAlbum album in albumParents)
                if (existingParentNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
                    // Add all the album's siblings to the treeview.
                    var childAlbums = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(Convert.ToInt32(existingParentNode.DataId, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), true).GetChildGalleryObjects(GalleryObjectType.Album, !Utils.IsAuthenticated).ToSortedList();
                    BindAlbumToTreeview(childAlbums, existingParentNode, false);

                // Now find the album in the siblings we just added that matches the current album in the stack.
                // Set that album as the new parent and expand it.
                TreeNode nodeInAlbumHeirarchy = null;
                foreach (TreeNode node in existingParentNode.Nodes)
                    if (node.DataId.Equals(album.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        nodeInAlbumHeirarchy          = node;
                        nodeInAlbumHeirarchy.Expanded = true;

                if (nodeInAlbumHeirarchy == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Album ID {0} is not a child of the treeview node representing album ID {1}.", album.Id, Convert.ToInt32(existingParentNode.DataId, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

                existingParentNode = nodeInAlbumHeirarchy;
            existingParentNode.Expanded = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of top-level albums to display in the treeview. There will be a maximum of one for each gallery.
        /// If the <see cref="TreeViewOptions.RootAlbumId" /> property is assigned, that album is returned and the <see cref="Galleries" /> property is
        /// ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of top-level albums to display in the treeview.</returns>
        private IEnumerable <IAlbum> GetRootAlbums()
            List <IAlbum> rootAlbums = new List <IAlbum>(1);

            if (_tvOptions.RootAlbumId > 0)
                rootAlbums.Add(AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(_tvOptions.RootAlbumId, true));
                foreach (IGallery gallery in _tvOptions.Galleries)
                    var rootAlbum = Factory.LoadRootAlbum(gallery.GalleryId, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), Utils.IsAuthenticated);

                    if (rootAlbum != null)

Example #7
        private static List <ActionResult> CreateMediaObjectFromFile(AddMediaObjectSettings options)
            string sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, GlobalConstants.TempUploadDirectory, options.FileNameOnServer);

                IAlbum album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(options.AlbumId, true);

                if ((Path.GetExtension(options.FileName).Equals(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && (options.ExtractZipFile))
                    // Extract the files from the zipped file.
                    using (ZipUtility zip = new ZipUtility(Utils.UserName, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser()))
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourceFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            return(zip.ExtractZipFile(fs, album, options.DiscardOriginalFile));
                    string albumPhysicalPath = album.FullPhysicalPathOnDisk;
                    string filename          = HelperFunctions.ValidateFileName(albumPhysicalPath, options.FileName);
                    string filepath          = Path.Combine(albumPhysicalPath, filename);

                    MoveFile(filepath, sourceFilePath);

                    ActionResult result = CreateMediaObject(filepath, album, options);
                    return(new List <ActionResult>()
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new List <ActionResult>()
                    new ActionResult()
                        Title = options.FileName,
                        Status = ActionResultStatus.Error,
                        Message = "The event log may have additional details."
                    // If the file still exists in the temp directory, delete it. Typically this happens when we've
                    // extracted the contents of a zip file (since other files will have already been moved to the dest album.)
                    if (File.Exists(sourceFilePath))
                catch (IOException) { }                 // Ignore an error; not a big deal if it continues to exist in the temp directory
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } // Ignore an error; not a big deal if it continues to exist in the temp directory
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the album with the specified properties in the albumEntity parameter. The title is validated before
        /// saving, and may be altered to conform to business rules, such as removing HTML tags. After the object is persisted
        /// to the data store, the albumEntity parameter is updated with the latest properties from the album object and returned.
        /// If the user is not authorized to edit the album, no action is taken.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="albumEntity">An AlbumWebEntity instance containing data to be persisted to the data store.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an AlbumWebEntity instance containing the data as persisted to the data store. Some properties,
        /// such as the Title property, may be slightly altered to conform to validation rules.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="albumEntity" /> is null.</exception>
        public static AlbumWebEntity UpdateAlbumInfo(AlbumWebEntity albumEntity)
            if (albumEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("albumEntity");

            if (albumEntity.Owner == Resources.GalleryServerPro.UC_Album_Header_Edit_Album_No_Owner_Text)
                albumEntity.Owner = String.Empty;

            IAlbum album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumEntity.Id, false, true);

            // Update remaining properties if user has edit album permission.
            if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.EditAlbum, album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate))
                if (album.Title != albumEntity.Title)
                    IGallerySettings gallerySetting = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(album.GalleryId);

                    album.Title = Utils.CleanHtmlTags(albumEntity.Title, album.GalleryId);
                    if ((!album.IsRootAlbum) && (gallerySetting.SynchAlbumTitleAndDirectoryName))
                        // Root albums do not have a directory name that reflects the album's title, so only update this property for non-root albums.
                        album.DirectoryName = HelperFunctions.ValidateDirectoryName(album.Parent.FullPhysicalPath, album.Title, gallerySetting.DefaultAlbumDirectoryNameLength);
                album.Summary   = Utils.CleanHtmlTags(albumEntity.Summary, album.GalleryId);
                album.DateStart = albumEntity.DateStart.Date;
                album.DateEnd   = albumEntity.DateEnd.Date;
                if (albumEntity.IsPrivate != album.IsPrivate)
                    if (!albumEntity.IsPrivate && album.Parent.IsPrivate)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot make album public: It is invalid to make an album public when it's parent album is private.");
                    album.IsPrivate = albumEntity.IsPrivate;

                // If the owner has changed, update it, but only if the user is administrator.
                if (albumEntity.Owner != album.OwnerUserName)
                    if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.AdministerSite | SecurityActions.AdministerGallery, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(album.OwnerUserName))
                            // Another user was previously assigned as owner. Delete role since this person will no longer be the owner.

                        if (UserController.GetUsersCurrentUserCanView(album.GalleryId).Contains(albumEntity.Owner) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumEntity.Owner))
                            // GalleryObjectController.SaveGalleryObject will make sure there is a role created for this user.
                            album.OwnerUserName = albumEntity.Owner;


                // Refresh the entity object with the data from the album object, in case something changed. For example,
                // some javascript or HTML may have been removed from the Title or Summary fields.
                albumEntity.Title     = album.Title;
                albumEntity.Summary   = album.Summary;
                albumEntity.DateStart = album.DateStart;
                albumEntity.DateEnd   = album.DateEnd;
                albumEntity.IsPrivate = album.IsPrivate;
                albumEntity.Owner     = album.OwnerUserName;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a reference to the highest level album in the specified <paramref name="galleryId" /> the current user has permission to
        /// add albums and/or media objects to. Returns null if no album meets this criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verifyAddAlbumPermissionExists">Specifies whether the current user must have permission to add child albums
        /// to the album.</param>
        /// <param name="verifyAddMediaObjectPermissionExists">Specifies whether the current user must have permission to add media objects
        /// to the album.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID of the gallery.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a reference to the highest level album the user has permission to add albums and/or media objects to.
        /// </returns>
        public static IAlbum GetHighestLevelAlbumWithAddPermission(bool verifyAddAlbumPermissionExists, bool verifyAddMediaObjectPermissionExists, int galleryId)
            // Step 1: Loop through the roles and compile a list of album IDs where the role has the required permission.
            // If the verifyAddAlbumPermissionExists parameter is true, then the user must have permission to add child albums.
            // If the verifyAddMediaObjectPermissionExists parameter is true, then the user must have permission to add media objects.
            // If either parameter is false, then the absense of that permission does not disqualify an album.
            IGallery gallery = Factory.LoadGallery(galleryId);

            List <int> rootAlbumIdsWithPermission = new List <int>();

            foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser())
                if (role.Galleries.Contains(gallery))
                    bool albumPermGranted       = (verifyAddAlbumPermissionExists ? role.AllowAddChildAlbum : true);
                    bool mediaObjectPermGranted = (verifyAddMediaObjectPermissionExists ? role.AllowAddMediaObject : true);

                    if (albumPermGranted && mediaObjectPermGranted)
                        // This role satisfies the requirements, so add each album to the list.
                        foreach (int albumId in role.RootAlbumIds)
                            if (!rootAlbumIdsWithPermission.Contains(albumId))

            // Step 2: Loop through our list of album IDs. If any album belongs to another gallery, remove it. If any album has an ancestor
            // that is also in the list, then remove it. We only want a list of top level albums.
            List <int> albumIdsToRemove = new List <int>();

            foreach (int albumIdWithPermission in rootAlbumIdsWithPermission)
                IGalleryObject album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumIdWithPermission, false);

                if (album.GalleryId != galleryId)
                    // Album belongs to another gallery. Mark it for deletion.
                    while (true)
                        album = album.Parent as IAlbum;
                        if (album == null)

                        if (rootAlbumIdsWithPermission.Contains(album.Id))
                            // Album has an ancestor that is also in the list. Mark it for deletion.

            foreach (int albumId in albumIdsToRemove)

            // Step 3: Starting with the root album, start iterating through the child albums. When we get to
            // one in our list, we can conclude that is the highest level album for which the user has create album permission.
            return(FindFirstMatchingAlbumRecursive(Factory.LoadRootAlbumInstance(galleryId), rootAlbumIdsWithPermission));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a reference to the highest level album in the specified <paramref name="galleryId" /> the current user has permission
        /// to add albums to. Returns null if no album meets this criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID of the gallery.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a reference to the highest level album the user has permission to add albums to.</returns>
        public static IAlbum GetHighestLevelAlbumWithCreatePermission(int galleryId)
            // Step 1: Loop through the roles and compile a list of album IDs where the role has create album permission.
            IGallery   gallery = Factory.LoadGallery(galleryId);
            List <int> rootAlbumIdsWithCreatePermission = new List <int>();

            foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser())
                if (role.Galleries.Contains(gallery))
                    if (role.AllowAddChildAlbum)
                        foreach (int albumId in role.RootAlbumIds)
                            if (!rootAlbumIdsWithCreatePermission.Contains(albumId))

            // Step 2: Loop through our list of album IDs. If any album belongs to another gallery, remove it. If any album has an ancestor
            // that is also in the list, then remove it. We only want a list of top level albums.
            List <int> albumIdsToRemove = new List <int>();

            foreach (int albumIdWithCreatePermission in rootAlbumIdsWithCreatePermission)
                IGalleryObject album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumIdWithCreatePermission, false);

                if (album.GalleryId != galleryId)
                    // Album belongs to another gallery. Mark it for deletion.
                    while (true)
                        album = album.Parent as IAlbum;
                        if (album == null)

                        if (rootAlbumIdsWithCreatePermission.Contains(album.Id))
                            // Album has an ancestor that is also in the list. Mark it for deletion.

            foreach (int albumId in albumIdsToRemove)

            // Step 3: Starting with the root album, start iterating through the child albums. When we get to
            // one in our list, we can conclude that is the highest level album for which the user has create album permission.
            return(FindFirstMatchingAlbumRecursive(Factory.LoadRootAlbumInstance(galleryId), rootAlbumIdsWithCreatePermission));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the media object from the file specified in <paramref name="options" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options.</param>
        /// <returns>List{ActionResult}.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Events.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when user is not authorized to add a media object to the album.</exception>
        /// <remarks>This function can be invoked from a thread that does not have access to the current HTTP context (for example, when
        /// uploading ZIP files). Therefore, be sure nothing in this body (or the functions it calls) uses HttpContext.Current, or at
        /// least check it for null first.</remarks>
        private static List <ActionResult> CreateMediaObjectFromFile(AddMediaObjectSettings options)
            string sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(AppSetting.Instance.PhysicalApplicationPath, GlobalConstants.TempUploadDirectory, options.FileNameOnServer);

                IAlbum album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(options.AlbumId, true, true);

                if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                    SecurityManager.ThrowIfUserNotAuthorized(SecurityActions.AddMediaObject, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.GalleryId, Utils.IsAuthenticated, album.IsPrivate, album.IsVirtualAlbum);
                    // We are extracting files from a zip archive (we know this because this is the only scenario that happens on a background
                    // thread where HttpContext.Current is null). Tweak the security check slightly to ensure the HTTP context isn't used.
                    // The changes are still secure because options.CurrentUserName is assigned in the server's API method.
                    SecurityManager.ThrowIfUserNotAuthorized(SecurityActions.AddMediaObject, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(options.CurrentUserName), album.Id, album.GalleryId, !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.CurrentUserName), album.IsPrivate, album.IsVirtualAlbum);

                var extension = Path.GetExtension(options.FileName);
                if (extension != null && ((extension.Equals(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && (options.ExtractZipFile)))
                    List <ActionResult> result;

                    // Extract the files from the zipped file.
                    using (var zip = new ZipUtility(options.CurrentUserName, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(options.CurrentUserName)))
                        using (var fs = new FileStream(sourceFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            result = zip.ExtractZipFile(fs, album, options.DiscardOriginalFile);

                    album.SortAsync(true, options.CurrentUserName, true);

                    string albumPhysicalPath = album.FullPhysicalPathOnDisk;
                    string filename          = HelperFunctions.ValidateFileName(albumPhysicalPath, options.FileName);
                    string filepath          = Path.Combine(albumPhysicalPath, filename);

                    MoveFile(filepath, sourceFilePath);

                    ActionResult result = CreateMediaObject(filepath, album, options);

                    album.Sort(true, options.CurrentUserName);

                    return(new List <ActionResult> {
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new List <ActionResult>
                    new ActionResult
                        Title = options.FileName,
                        Status = ActionResultStatus.Error.ToString(),
                        Message = "The event log may have additional details."
                    // If the file still exists in the temp directory, delete it. Typically this happens when we've
                    // extracted the contents of a zip file (since other files will have already been moved to the dest album.)
                    if (File.Exists(sourceFilePath))
                catch (IOException) { }                 // Ignore an error; not a big deal if it continues to exist in the temp directory
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } // Ignore an error; not a big deal if it continues to exist in the temp directory