void fiGetAmount_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { string sToReturn = fiGetAmount.sGetDataToReturn(); if (sToReturn != "CANCELLED") { fAmountToReceive = TillEngine.TillEngine.fFormattedMoneyString(sToReturn); fAmountToReceive = TillEngine.TillEngine.FixFloatError(fAmountToReceive); fpiGetPaymentMethod = new frmPaymentInput(pLocation, new Size(sSize.Width, sSize.Height), tEngine.GetCreditCards(), fAmountToReceive, false, false, false); fpiGetPaymentMethod.Show(); fpiGetPaymentMethod.GetAmountFromUser = false; fpiGetPaymentMethod.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(fpiGetPaymentMethod_FormClosing); } }
void tbRefund_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { TextBox tbCurrent = (TextBox)sender; int nCurrentBox = Convert.ToInt32(tbCurrent.Tag.ToString()[0].ToString()); if (e.Shift && nCurrentBox == 0) { bShiftFunctionKeys = !bShiftFunctionKeys; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (nCurrentBox < 2) { tbRefundDetails[nCurrentBox + 1].Focus(); switch (nCurrentBox + 1) { case 0: lblInstruction.Text = "Enter the barcode of the item to refund."; break; case 1: lblInstruction.Text = "Enter the price that was paid for the item."; break; case 2: lblInstruction.Text = "Enter the quantity of the item to refund"; break; } } if (nCurrentBox == 0) { string[] sItemDetails = tEngine.GetItemDetailsForLookup(tbRefundDetails[0].Text); if (sItemDetails == null) { if (tbRefundDetails[0].Text.Length > 1) { fsfiFindBarcode = new frmSearchForItem(ref tEngine); fsfiFindBarcode.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(fsfiFindBarcode_FormClosing); fsfiFindBarcode.Show(); fsfiFindBarcode.CheckForPartialBarcodeFromScanner(tbRefundDetails[0].Text); } else { lblInstruction.Text = "The barcode that was entered was invalid. Please try again."; tbRefundDetails[0].Focus(); } } else { sBarcodeToRefund = tbRefundDetails[0].Text.ToUpper(); tbRefundDetails[0].BackColor = cFrmBackColour; tbRefundDetails[0].ForeColor = cFrmForeColour; tbRefundDetails[0].Font = new Font(sFontName, 11.0f); tbRefundDetails[0].Text = sItemDetails[0]; tbRefundDetails[1].Text = TillEngine.TillEngine.FormatMoneyForDisplay(TillEngine.TillEngine.fFormattedMoneyString(sItemDetails[1])); tbRefundDetails[1].KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(frmRefund_KeyDown); tbRefundDetails[1].Tag = "1"; } } else if (nCurrentBox == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < tbRefundDetails.Length; i++) { tbRefundDetails[i].BackColor = cFrmBackColour; tbRefundDetails[i].ForeColor = cFrmForeColour; tbRefundDetails[i].Font = new Font(sFontName, 11.0f); tbRefundDetails[i].Enabled = false; } try { nQuantityToRefund = Convert.ToInt32(tbRefundDetails[2].Text); } catch { nQuantityToRefund = 1; tbRefundDetails[2].Text = "1"; } fAmountToRefund = TillEngine.TillEngine.FixFloatError((float)Convert.ToDecimal(tbRefundDetails[1].Text)); fAmountToRefund *= nQuantityToRefund; fAmountToRefund = TillEngine.TillEngine.FixFloatError(fAmountToRefund); tbRefundDetails[3].Text = TillEngine.TillEngine.FormatMoneyForDisplay(fAmountToRefund); fpiGetPaymentType = new frmPaymentInput(new Point(this.Left, lblRefundDetails[3].Top + 200), new Size(this.Width, this.Height - 70 - (lblRefundDetails[0].Top + 250)), tEngine.GetCreditCards(), fAmountToRefund, false, false, true); fpiGetPaymentType.Show(); fpiGetPaymentType.GetAmountFromUser = false; fpiGetPaymentType.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(fpiGetPaymentType_FormClosing); } else if (nCurrentBox == 1) { try { fAmountToRefund = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(TillEngine.TillEngine.fFormattedMoneyString(tbRefundDetails[1].Text)); fAmountToRefund = tEngine.fFixFloatError(fAmountToRefund); tbRefundDetails[1].Text = TillEngine.TillEngine.FormatMoneyForDisplay(fAmountToRefund); tbRefundDetails[1].BackColor = cFrmBackColour; tbRefundDetails[1].ForeColor = cFrmForeColour; tbRefundDetails[1].Font = new Font(sFontName, 11.0f); if (sBarcodeToRefund == "$GENERAL_REFUND") { tbRefundDetails[1].Enabled = false; tbRefundDetails[3].Text = tbRefundDetails[1].Text; tbRefundDetails[3].Font = new Font(sFontName, 11.0f); fpiGetPaymentType = new frmPaymentInput(new Point(this.Left, lblRefundDetails[3].Top + 200), new Size(this.Width, this.Height - 70 - (lblRefundDetails[0].Top + 250)), tEngine.GetCreditCards(), fAmountToRefund, false, false, true); fpiGetPaymentType.Show(); fpiGetPaymentType.GetAmountFromUser = false; fpiGetPaymentType.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(fpiGetPaymentType_FormClosing); } else { tbRefundDetails[2].Text = "1"; tbRefundDetails[2].SelectAll(); } } catch { tbRefundDetails[1].Text = ""; tbRefundDetails[1].Focus(); lblInstruction.Text = "The price that was entered was invalid, please try again."; } } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { if (nCurrentBox > 0) { tbRefundDetails[nCurrentBox].Text = ""; tbRefundDetails[nCurrentBox - 1].Focus(); } else if (nCurrentBox == 0) { this.Close(); } if (nCurrentBox == 1) { if (sBarcodeToRefund != "$GENERAL_REFUND") { tbRefundDetails[0].BackColor = cFrmForeColour; tbRefundDetails[0].ForeColor = cFrmBackColour; tbRefundDetails[0].Text = ""; tbRefundDetails[0].Font = new Font(sFontName, 16.0f); tbRefundDetails[0].Enabled = true; tbRefundDetails[0].Focus(); tbRefundDetails[1].Tag = "0"; } else { this.Close(); } } else if (nCurrentBox == 2) { tbRefundDetails[1].BackColor = cFrmForeColour; tbRefundDetails[1].ForeColor = cFrmBackColour; tbRefundDetails[1].Text = ""; tbRefundDetails[1].Font = new Font(sFontName, 16.0f); tbRefundDetails[1].Enabled = true; tbRefundDetails[1].Focus(); } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.OemQuestion && nCurrentBox == 0) { fsfiFindBarcode = new frmSearchForItem(ref tEngine); fsfiFindBarcode.Show(); fsfiFindBarcode.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(fsfiLookupBarcode_FormClosing); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab) { MessageBox.Show("orite luv"); tbCurrent.Focus(); e.Handled = true; } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F1) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F1"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF1"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F2) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F2"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF2"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F3) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F3"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF3"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F4) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F4"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF4"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F5) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F5"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF5"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F6) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F6"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF6"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F7) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F7"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF7"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F8) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F8"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF8"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F9) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F9"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF9"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F10) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F10"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF10"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F11) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F11"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF11"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F12) { if (!bShiftFunctionKeys) { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("F12"); } else { tbCurrent.Text = tEngine.sBarcodeFromFunctionKey("SF12"); } bShiftFunctionKeys = false; tbCurrent.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); } }