Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry method for the Custom Command Modal interface.
        /// </summary>
        public void Activate()
            // Perform Job Property Validations.
            if (!JobPropertiesAreValid())

            // Check/Resolve any alternate jobs with pending Approval status.
            if (AlternatesPendingApprovalExist())

            // Validate pending job edits
            if (!ResolveJobValidationErrors())

            // Check for existing conflicts
            if (ConflictsExist())

            // Check for concurrent edits involving jobs that are pending approval and exit if any found.
            if (ConcurrentEditsExistWithApprovalPending())

            // Check for out of synch WPs and exit if they are not synchronized
            SharedWriteBackLibrary swbl = new SharedWriteBackLibrary();

            if (!swbl.ValidateWorkPoints())
            // If plotting boundaries exist, then attempt plot sheet generation; however,
            // if they don't exist, then bypass generating and storing the archival prints completely.

            IGTApplication app = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>();
            string         sql = "select count(1) from plotbnd_n where job_id=? and product_type='Construction Print'";
            Recordset      rs  = app.DataContext.OpenRecordset(sql, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, app.DataContext.ActiveJob);
            // This SQL will always return a record.
            short boundaryCount = Convert.ToInt16(rs.Fields[0].Value);

            rs = null;

            if (0 < boundaryCount)
                // Generate the construction prints
                string constructionPrints = string.Empty;

                if (GenerateConstructionPrints(out constructionPrints))
                    // There is currently no provision in the design to check whether the construction prints
                    // are generated.  Provided there is no processing failure (which will be trapped in an exception
                    // and cause the previous call to generate the prints to return a false),
                    // then since the validations have already checked for the existence of a plotting boundary,
                    // it will be assumed that at least one plot was generated.

                    // Attach the construction prints generated above
                    if (!AttachConstructionPrints(constructionPrints))
                        string msg = string.Format("Failed to upload construction prints for archival.{0}{0}Proceed anyway?", System.Environment.NewLine);

                        if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show(msg, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                    string msg = string.Format("Failed to generate construction prints for archival.{0}{0}Proceed anyway?", System.Environment.NewLine);

                    if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show(msg, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))

            // Cache these here for use with the SetJobStatus interface (in case something deactivates the job before then).
            JobManager jm = new JobManager();

            this.ActiveWRNbr = jm.WRNumber;
            this.ActiveJobID = jm.ActiveJob;

            if (jm.NullNumericFieldValue)
                throw new Exception("The WR value for this job is NULL");

            // Check for writeback flag and perform writeback if set
            if (!DoWriteBack(swbl))

            // Request job status change to ApprovalPending
            // and set job status to ApprovalPending if request is successful.
            WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();

            wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(this.ActiveJobID, this.ActiveWRNbr.ToString(), approvalPending);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for the Custom Command Modal interface.
        /// </summary>
        public void Activate()
            // Perform Job Validations.  Return if any fail.
            if (!JobAttributesAreValid)

            if (CompanyNumbersAreEmpty)

            // Validate pending job edits
            if (!ResolveJobValidationErrors())

            SharedWriteBackLibrary swbl = new SharedWriteBackLibrary();

            if (!swbl.ValidateWorkPoints())
            // Check for existing conflicts
            if (ConflictsExist())

            // Post edits for active job
            if (!PostJobEdits())

            // If plotting boundaries exist, then attempt plot sheet generation; however,
            // if they don't exist, then bypass generating and storing the archival prints completely.

            IGTApplication app = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>();
            string         sql = "select count(1) from plotbnd_n where job_id=? and product_type='Construction Print'";
            Recordset      rs  = app.DataContext.OpenRecordset(sql, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, app.DataContext.ActiveJob);
            // This SQL will always return a record.
            short boundaryCount = Convert.ToInt16(rs.Fields[0].Value);

            rs = null;

            if (0 < boundaryCount)
                // Generate the construction prints
                string constructionPrints = string.Empty;

                if (GenerateConstructionPrints(out constructionPrints))
                    // There is currently no provision in the design to check whether the construction prints
                    // are generated.  Provided there is no processing failure (which will be trapped in an exception
                    // and cause the previous call to generate the prints to return a false),
                    // then since the validations have already checked for the existence of a plotting boundary,
                    // it will be assumed that at least one plot was generated.

                    // Attach the construction prints generated above
                    if (!AttachConstructionPrints(constructionPrints))
                        string msg = string.Format("Failed to upload construction prints for archival.{0}{0}Proceed anyway?", System.Environment.NewLine);

                        if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show(msg, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                    string msg = string.Format("Failed to generate construction prints for archival.{0}{0}Proceed anyway?", System.Environment.NewLine);

                    if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show(msg, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))

            // Cache that here for use with the SetJobStatus interface (in case something deactivates the job before then).
            JobManager jm = new JobManager();

            this.ActiveWRNbr = jm.WRNumber;

            // Invoke a Writeback if needed.
            if (!DoWriteBack(swbl))

            // Invoke the ClosurePending status update
            // and, if successful, set the local Job Status to ClosurePending.
            WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();

            wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(this.ActiveWRNbr.ToString(), closurePending);

            // Deactivate the active job.
            // The argument determines whether to keep the job associated with the workspace in read-only mode.
            // Design doesn't state one way or the other but going with true.
Example #3
        private void App_ActiveJobChanged(object sender, GTActiveJobChangedEventArgs e)
            string jobStatus  = null;
            string wmisStatus = null;
            string Job        = e.ActiveJob;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Job))             //if no job is active, do nothing

            IGTApplication app = (IGTApplication)sender;
            IGTDataContext dc  = app.DataContext;

            ADODB.Recordset RS = dc.OpenRecordset(SQL, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, Job);

            if (RS != null && RS.RecordCount == 1)
                RefreshLoggingProperty(app, Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_ENABLELOGGING"].Value));

                //this section handles various WMIS statuses, then deactivates the job and skips all remaining steps.
                wmisStatus = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["WMIS_STATUS_C"].Value).ToUpper().Trim();

                if (wmisStatus != "SUCCESS" && wmisStatus != "FAILURE" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wmisStatus))
                    if (InteractiveMode)
                        switch (wmisStatus)
                        case "WRITEBACK":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated while a writeback operation is in progress.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                        case "BATCH":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated while a batch operation is in progress.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                        case "STATUSCHG":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated while a status change is being communicated to WMIS.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                        case "ERROR":
                            MessageBox.Show("Job cannot be activated due to an outstanding error; please notify Support.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);


                    DeactivateJob(Job);                            //deactivate job
                    return;                                        //skip remaining actions (job status section)

                //this section handles various job statuses
                jobStatus = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_JOBSTATUS"].Value).ToUpper().Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobStatus))
                    switch (jobStatus)
                    case "APPROVALPENDING":

                        if (InteractiveMode)
                            DialogResult ApprovalPendingResult = MessageBox.Show("WR is marked for approval. Unmark?", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                            if (ApprovalPendingResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //change job status to Design and leave job active
                                WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "Design");
                            if (ApprovalPendingResult == DialogResult.No)
                                MessageBox.Show("Job is being deactivated and the WR will remain marked for approval.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                                DeactivateJob(Job);                                                //deactivate job
                        else                                 // UnattendedMode
                            //change job status to Design and leave job active
                            WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                            wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "Design");

                    case "DESIGN":
                        bool hasAlternateDesign = false;                                 //initialize to false. This will be set in the if statements below if an alternate design exists for the job.

                        //this if/else determines if the active job contains a "-" character. Whether this is true or not determines what the SQL statement looks like.
                        if (Job.Contains("-"))
                            string jobSubstring = Job.Substring(0, Job.IndexOf("-"));
                            SQL = "select G3E_IDENTIFIER, G3E_JOBSTATUS from G3E_JOB where G3E_IDENTIFIER like ? and G3E_JOBSTATUS=?";
                            RS  = dc.OpenRecordset(SQL, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, jobSubstring + "-%", "ApprovalPending");

                            SQL = "select G3E_IDENTIFIER, G3E_JOBSTATUS from G3E_JOB where G3E_IDENTIFIER like ? and G3E_JOBSTATUS=?";
                            RS  = dc.OpenRecordset(SQL, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, Job + "-%", "ApprovalPending");

                        if (RS != null && RS.RecordCount > 0)                                //check to see if recordset from above if/else has records. If yes, this job has an alternate design.
                            hasAlternateDesign = true;

                        if (hasAlternateDesign)
                            string altJobIdentifier = Convert.ToString(RS.Fields["G3E_IDENTIFIER"].Value);

                            if (InteractiveMode)
                                DialogResult DesignResult = MessageBox.Show("An alternate design for this WR is marked for approval. Unmark it so that this alternate may be activated?", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                                if (DesignResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                                    //update job status to Design for the alternate design, and leave the current job active
                                    WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                    wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(altJobIdentifier, "Design");
                                if (DesignResult == DialogResult.No)
                                    MessageBox.Show("Job is being deactivated and the alternate design will remain marked for approval.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                                    DeactivateJob(Job);                                                    //deactivate job
                            else                                     // UnattendedMode
                                //update job status to Design for the alternate design, and leave the current job active
                                WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(altJobIdentifier, "Design");

                    case "CLOSUREPENDING":
                        //SQL = "update G3E_JOB set G3E_JOBSTATUS='ConstructionComplete' where G3E_IDENTIFIER=?";

                        if (InteractiveMode)
                            DialogResult ClosurePendingResult = MessageBox.Show("WR is marked for closure. Unmark?", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                            if (ClosurePendingResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //change job status to ConstructionComplete and leave job active
                                WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                                wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "ConstructionComplete");
                            if (ClosurePendingResult == DialogResult.No)
                                MessageBox.Show("Job is being deactivated and the WR will remain marked for closure.", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                                DeactivateJob(Job);                                                //deactivate job
                        else                                 // UnattendedMode
                            //change job status to ConstructionComplete and leave job active
                            WMISStatus wMISStatus = new WMISStatus();
                            wMISStatus.SetJobStatus(Job, "ConstructionComplete");

                CommonWorkPointDisplayQuery workPointDisplayQuery = new CommonWorkPointDisplayQuery(app);