Example #1
 public ThorlabSettings(ThorlabDevice cam)
     camera = cam;
Example #2
    private bool InitCamera()
      m_uc480 = new ThorlabDevice();
      settings = new ThorlabSettings(m_uc480);

      m_Uc480Images = new UC480IMAGE[IMAGE_COUNT];

      if (m_uc480.InitCamera(1, hwnd.ToInt32()) != ThorlabDevice.IS_SUCCESS)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("Thorlabs/UC480 Camera init failed");
        return false;

      // Load camera configuration file (if you change settings in the DLL/Native, 
      // first build (Ctrl-Shift+B) so that it gets copied into the Bin folder)
      if (m_uc480.LoadParameters(parametersFileStr) != ThorlabDevice.IS_SUCCESS)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("UC480 Unable to load camera configuration file.");

      // Allocate memory for images
      AllocateImageMemory(settings.ROI.Width, settings.ROI.Height);

      // Set monochrome

      // enables on new frame event
      m_uc480.EnableMessage(ThorlabDevice.IS_FRAME, hwnd.ToInt32());
      m_uc480.EnableMessage(ThorlabDevice.IS_DEVICE_RECONNECTED, hwnd.ToInt32());
      m_uc480.EnableMessage(ThorlabDevice.IS_DEVICE_REMOVAL, hwnd.ToInt32());
      m_uc480.EnableMessage(ThorlabDevice.IS_DEVICE_REMOVED, hwnd.ToInt32());
      m_uc480.EnableMessage(ThorlabDevice.IS_DEVICE_RECONNECTED, hwnd.ToInt32());

      return m_bLive;
Example #3
        public ThorlabCamera()
            // Must be set
            var curProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            this.hwndSource = HwndSource.FromHwnd(curProc.MainWindowHandle);
            this.hwnd = this.hwndSource.Handle;

            // Settings file
            // string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
            var dir = GTPath.GetLocalApplicationDataPath();
            var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(new Uri(dir).LocalPath);
            this.parametersFileStr = dirInfo.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.defaultParametersFile;

            this.m_uc480 = new ThorlabDevice();
            this.settings = new ThorlabSettings(this.m_uc480);

            this.Name = "Thorlabs UC480";

Example #4
    public ThorlabCamera()
      // hwndSource must be set to addhook to messageloop for thorlab messages
      this.messageDummyWindow = new Window();
      this.messageDummyWindow.Width = 1;
      this.messageDummyWindow.Height = 1;
      this.messageDummyWindow.Left = 2000;

      var wih = new WindowInteropHelper(this.messageDummyWindow);
      this.hwndSource = HwndSource.FromHwnd(wih.Handle);
      if (this.hwndSource != null)
        this.hwnd = this.hwndSource.Handle;
        throw new Exception("HwndSource of Thorlabs=null");

      //var curProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
      //this.hwndSource = HwndSource.FromHwnd(curProc.MainWindowHandle);
      //this.hwnd = this.hwndSource.Handle;

      // Settings file
      // string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
      var dir = GTPath.GetLocalApplicationDataPath();
      var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(new Uri(dir).LocalPath);
      this.parametersFileStr = dirInfo.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.defaultParametersFile;

      this.m_uc480 = new ThorlabDevice();
      this.settings = new ThorlabSettings(this.m_uc480);

      this.Name = "Thorlabs UC480";

Example #5
        public static bool IsConnected()
            bool isConnected = false;
            log.Debug("IsConnected: Attempting to retrieve list of connected UC480 cameras...");

                ThorlabDevice tempCam = new ThorlabDevice();

                ThorlabDevice.UC480_CAMERA_LIST camList = new ThorlabDevice.UC480_CAMERA_LIST();
                int list = tempCam.GetCameraList(ref camList);

                // if camera count is larger than 0 there is a UC camera connected..
                if (camList.dwCount > 0)
                    log.Info("IsConnected: Detected " + camList.dwCount.ToString() + " UC480 camera(s) - ThorlabCamera.IsConnected will return 'true' - Thorlabs camera detected");
                    isConnected = true;
                    log.Info("IsConnected: Detected no UC480 camera(s) - ThorlabCamera.IsConnected will return 'false', i.e. No Thorlabs detected");

                tempCam = null; // it's not started or anything, just a reference for the method call above
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Warn("IsConnected: Exception occurred whilst trying to detect Thorlabs camera (" + ex.Message + "), IsConnected will return 'false', i.e. No Thorlabs detected. Stack trace is: " + ex.StackTrace);

            return isConnected;