public void TestUdpNegotiationTimeout() { UdpClient serverSocket = new UdpClient(9999); UdpConnector conn = new UdpConnector(); try { conn.Start(); try { conn.Connect("", "9999", new Dictionary<string, string>()); Assert.Fail("Should have timed out"); } catch(CannotConnectException e) { // expected } } finally { serverSocket.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } }
public void TestUdpAutoDetermination() { UdpAcceptor acc = new UdpAcceptor(IPAddress.Loopback, 9999); Thread acceptorThread = null; try { acc.Start(); acceptorThread = new Thread(delegate() { while(acc.Active) { try { acc.Update(); Thread.Sleep(50); } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e is ThreadAbortException)) { Console.WriteLine("Acceptor Thread: " + e); } } } }); acceptorThread.IsBackground = true; acceptorThread.Name = "Acceptor Thread"; acceptorThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(50); UdpConnector conn = new UdpConnector(Ordering.Unordered); conn.Start(); try { ITransport t = conn.Connect("", "9999", new Dictionary<string, string>()); Assert.AreEqual(Ordering.Unordered, t.Ordering); } catch (CannotConnectException) { Assert.Fail("Should have worked"); } finally { conn.Dispose(); } conn = new UdpConnector(Ordering.Sequenced); conn.Start(); try { ITransport t = conn.Connect("", "9999", new Dictionary<string, string>()); Assert.AreEqual(Ordering.Sequenced, t.Ordering); } catch (CannotConnectException) { Assert.Fail("Should have worked"); } finally { conn.Dispose(); } } finally { if (acceptorThread != null) { acceptorThread.Abort(); } if (acc != null) { acc.Dispose(); } } }