ParseBinaryImage() public method

Initializes SerializableMeasurement from the specified binary image.
Not enough buffer available to deserialize measurement. is null. /// or is less than 0 -or- /// and will exceed length. ///
public ParseBinaryImage ( byte buffer, int startIndex, int length ) : int
buffer byte Buffer containing binary image to parse.
startIndex int 0-based starting index in the to start parsing.
length int Valid number of bytes within from .
return int
Example #1
        private void ProcessServerResponse(byte[] buffer, int length)
            // Currently this work is done on the async socket completion thread, make sure work to be done is timely and if the response processing
            // is coming in via the command channel and needs to send a command back to the server, it should be done on a separate thread...
            if (buffer != null && length > 0)
                    Dictionary<Guid, DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice>> subscribedDevicesLookup;
                    DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice> statisticsHelper;

                    ServerResponse responseCode = (ServerResponse)buffer[0];
                    ServerCommand commandCode = (ServerCommand)buffer[1];
                    int responseLength = BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 2);
                    int responseIndex = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize;
                    bool solicited = false;
                    byte[][][] keyIVs;

                    // See if this was a solicited response to a requested server command
                    if (responseCode.IsSolicited())
                        lock (m_requests)
                            int index = m_requests.BinarySearch(commandCode);

                            if (index >= 0)
                                solicited = true;

                        // Disconnect any established UDP data channel upon successful unsubscribe
                        if (solicited && commandCode == ServerCommand.Unsubscribe && responseCode == ServerResponse.Succeeded)
                            DataChannel = null;

                    OnReceivedServerResponse(responseCode, commandCode);

                    switch (responseCode)
                        case ServerResponse.Succeeded:
                            if (solicited)
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.Authenticate:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_authenticated = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Unsubscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = false;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                        m_metadataRefreshPending = false;
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        // Meta-data refresh may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                        m_metadataRefreshPending = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        // Key rotation may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received unsolicited response to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a success code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.Failed:
                            if (solicited)
                                OnStatusMessage("Failure code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a failed code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));

                            if (commandCode == ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh)
                                m_metadataRefreshPending = false;
                        case ServerResponse.DataPacket:
                            long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                            // Deserialize data packet
                            List<IMeasurement> measurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                            DataPacketFlags flags;
                            Ticks timestamp = 0;
                            int count;

                            if (m_totalBytesReceived == 0)
                                // At the point when data is being received, data monitor should be enabled
                                if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null && !m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled)
                                    m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = true;

                                // Establish run-time log for subscriber
                                if (m_autoConnect || m_dataGapRecoveryEnabled)
                                    if ((object)m_runTimeLog == null)
                                        m_runTimeLog = new RunTimeLog();
                                        m_runTimeLog.FileName = GetLoggingPath(Name + "_RunTimeLog.txt");
                                        m_runTimeLog.ProcessException += m_runTimeLog_ProcessException;
                                        // Mark the start of any data transmissions
                                        m_runTimeLog.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                        m_runTimeLog.Enabled = true;

                                // The duration between last disconnection and start of data transmissions
                                // represents a gap in data - if data gap recovery is enabled, we log
                                // this as a gap for recovery:
                                if (m_dataGapRecoveryEnabled && (object)m_dataGapRecoverer != null)
                                    m_dataGapRecoverer.LogDataGap(m_runTimeLog.StopTime, DateTime.UtcNow);

                            // Track total data packet bytes received from any channel
                            m_totalBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;
                            m_monitoredBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;

                            // Get data packet flags
                            flags = (DataPacketFlags)buffer[responseIndex];

                            bool synchronizedMeasurements = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Synchronized) > 0);
                            bool compactMeasurementFormat = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compact) > 0);
                            bool compressedPayload = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compressed) > 0);
                            int cipherIndex = (flags & DataPacketFlags.CipherIndex) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

                            // Decrypt data packet payload if keys are available
                            if ((object)m_keyIVs != null)
                                // Get a local copy of volatile keyIVs reference since this can change at any time
                                keyIVs = m_keyIVs;

                                // Decrypt payload portion of data packet
                                buffer = Common.SymmetricAlgorithm.Decrypt(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - 1, keyIVs[cipherIndex][0], keyIVs[cipherIndex][1]);
                                responseIndex = 0;
                                responseLength = buffer.Length;

                            // Synchronized packets contain a frame level timestamp
                            if (synchronizedMeasurements)
                                timestamp = BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex);
                                responseIndex += 8;

                            // Deserialize number of measurements that follow
                            count = BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            if (compressedPayload)
                                if ((object)m_signalIndexCache == null && m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                    if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                        // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                        OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                    m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;
                                        if (CompressionModes.HasFlag(CompressionModes.TSSC))
                                            // Use TSSC compression to decompress measurements                                            
                                            if ((object)m_decompressionBlock == null)
                                                m_decompressionBlock = new MeasurementDecompressionBlock();

                                            MemoryStream bufferStream = new MemoryStream(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex + DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize);
                                            bool eos = false;

                                            while (!eos)
                                                Measurement measurement;
                                                Tuple<Guid, string, uint> tuple;
                                                ushort id;
                                                long time;
                                                uint quality;
                                                float value;
                                                byte command;

                                                switch (m_decompressionBlock.GetMeasurement(out id, out time, out quality, out value, out command))
                                                    case DecompressionExitCode.EndOfStreamOccured:
                                                        if (bufferStream.Position != bufferStream.Length)
                                                            eos = true;
                                                    case DecompressionExitCode.CommandRead:
                                                    case DecompressionExitCode.MeasurementRead:                                                        
                                                        // Attempt to restore signal identification
                                                        if (m_signalIndexCache.Reference.TryGetValue(id, out tuple))
                                                            measurement = new Measurement();
                                                            measurement.Key = MeasurementKey.LookUpOrCreate(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3);
                                                            measurement.Timestamp = time;
                                                            measurement.StateFlags = (MeasurementStateFlags)quality;
                                                            measurement.Value = value;
                                            // Decompress compact measurements from payload
                                            measurements.AddRange(buffer.DecompressPayload(m_signalIndexCache, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex + DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize, count, m_includeTime, flags));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("WARNING: Decompression failure: " + ex.Message, ex));
                                // Deserialize measurements
                                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                    if (!compactMeasurementFormat)
                                        // Deserialize full measurement format
                                        SerializableMeasurement measurement = new SerializableMeasurement(m_encoding);
                                        responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);
                                    else if ((object)m_signalIndexCache != null)
                                        // Deserialize compact measurement format
                                        CompactMeasurement measurement = new CompactMeasurement(m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                                        responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);

                                        // Apply timestamp from frame if not included in transmission
                                        if (!measurement.IncludeTime)
                                            measurement.Timestamp = timestamp;

                                    else if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                        if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                            // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                            OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                        m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;

                            // Calculate statistics
                            subscribedDevicesLookup = m_subscribedDevicesLookup;
                            statisticsHelper = null;

                            if ((object)subscribedDevicesLookup != null)
                                IEnumerable<IGrouping<DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice>, IMeasurement>> deviceGroups = measurements
                                    .Where(measurement => subscribedDevicesLookup.TryGetValue(measurement.ID, out statisticsHelper))
                                    .Select(measurement => Tuple.Create(statisticsHelper, measurement))
                                    .GroupBy(tuple => tuple.Item1, tuple => tuple.Item2);

                                foreach (IGrouping<DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice>, IMeasurement> deviceGroup in deviceGroups)
                                    statisticsHelper = deviceGroup.Key;

                                    foreach (IGrouping<Ticks, IMeasurement> frame in deviceGroup.GroupBy(measurement => measurement.Timestamp))
                                        // Determine the number of measurements received with valid values
                                        int measurementsReceived = frame.Count(measurement => !double.IsNaN(measurement.Value));

                                        IMeasurement statusFlags = null;
                                        IMeasurement frequency = null;
                                        IMeasurement deltaFrequency = null;

                                        // Attempt to update real-time
                                        if (!m_useLocalClockAsRealTime && frame.Key > m_realTime)
                                            m_realTime = frame.Key;

                                        // Search the frame for status flags, frequency, and delta frequency
                                        foreach (IMeasurement measurement in frame)
                                            if (measurement.ID == statisticsHelper.Device.StatusFlagsID)
                                                statusFlags = measurement;
                                            else if (measurement.ID == statisticsHelper.Device.FrequencyID)
                                                frequency = measurement;
                                            else if (measurement.ID == statisticsHelper.Device.DeltaFrequencyID)
                                                deltaFrequency = measurement;

                                        // If we are receiving status flags for this device,
                                        // count the data quality, time quality, and device errors
                                        if ((object)statusFlags != null)
                                            uint commonStatusFlags = (uint)statusFlags.Value;

                                            if ((commonStatusFlags & (uint)Bits.Bit19) > 0)

                                            if ((commonStatusFlags & (uint)Bits.Bit18) > 0)

                                            if ((commonStatusFlags & (uint)Bits.Bit16) > 0)


                                        // Zero is not a valid value for frequency.
                                        // If frequency is zero, invalidate both frequency and delta frequency
                                        if ((object)frequency != null && frequency.Value == 0.0D)
                                            if ((object)deltaFrequency != null)
                                                measurementsReceived -= 2;

                                        // Track the number of measurements received

                            // Provide new measurements to local concentrator, if defined, otherwise directly expose them to the consumer
                            if ((object)m_localConcentrator != null)

                            // Gather statistics on received data
                            DateTime timeReceived = RealTime;

                            if (!m_useLocalClockAsRealTime && timeReceived.Ticks - m_lastStatisticsHelperUpdate > Ticks.PerSecond)
                                m_lastStatisticsHelperUpdate = m_realTime;

                            m_lifetimeMeasurements += measurements.Count;
                            UpdateMeasurementsPerSecond(timeReceived, measurements.Count);

                            for (int x = 0; x < measurements.Count; x++)
                                long latency = timeReceived.Ticks - (long)measurements[x].Timestamp;

                                // Throw out latencies that exceed one hour as invalid
                                if (Math.Abs(latency) > Time.SecondsPerHour * Ticks.PerSecond)

                                if (m_lifetimeMinimumLatency > latency || m_lifetimeMinimumLatency == 0)
                                    m_lifetimeMinimumLatency = latency;

                                if (m_lifetimeMaximumLatency < latency || m_lifetimeMaximumLatency == 0)
                                    m_lifetimeMaximumLatency = latency;

                                m_lifetimeTotalLatency += latency;
                        case ServerResponse.BufferBlock:
                            // Buffer block received - wrap as a buffer block measurement and expose back to consumer
                            uint sequenceNumber = BigEndian.ToUInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            int cacheIndex = (int)(sequenceNumber - m_expectedBufferBlockSequenceNumber);
                            BufferBlockMeasurement bufferBlockMeasurement;
                            Tuple<Guid, string, uint> measurementKey;
                            ushort signalIndex;

                            // Check if this buffer block has already been processed (e.g., mistaken retransmission due to timeout)
                            if (cacheIndex >= 0 && (cacheIndex >= m_bufferBlockCache.Count || (object)m_bufferBlockCache[cacheIndex] == null))
                                // Send confirmation that buffer block is received
                                SendServerCommand(ServerCommand.ConfirmBufferBlock, buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, 4));

                                // Get measurement key from signal index cache
                                signalIndex = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, responseIndex + 4);

                                if (!m_signalIndexCache.Reference.TryGetValue(signalIndex, out measurementKey))
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to find associated signal identification for runtime ID " + signalIndex);

                                // Skip the sequence number and signal index when creating the buffer block measurement
                                bufferBlockMeasurement = new BufferBlockMeasurement(buffer, responseIndex + 6, responseLength - 6)
                                    Key = MeasurementKey.LookUpOrCreate(measurementKey.Item1, measurementKey.Item2, measurementKey.Item3)

                                // Determine if this is the next buffer block in the sequence
                                if (sequenceNumber == m_expectedBufferBlockSequenceNumber)
                                    List<IMeasurement> bufferBlockMeasurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                                    int i;

                                    // Add the buffer block measurement to the list of measurements to be published

                                    // Add cached buffer block measurements to the list of measurements to be published
                                    for (i = 1; i < m_bufferBlockCache.Count; i++)
                                        if ((object)m_bufferBlockCache[i] == null)


                                    // Remove published measurements from the buffer block queue
                                    if (m_bufferBlockCache.Count > 0)
                                        m_bufferBlockCache.RemoveRange(0, i);

                                    // Publish measurements
                                    // Ensure that the list has at least as many
                                    // elements as it needs to cache this measurement
                                    for (int i = m_bufferBlockCache.Count; i <= cacheIndex; i++)

                                    // Insert this buffer block into the proper location in the list
                                    m_bufferBlockCache[cacheIndex] = bufferBlockMeasurement;

                            m_lifetimeMeasurements += 1;
                            UpdateMeasurementsPerSecond(DateTime.UtcNow, 1);
                        case ServerResponse.DataStartTime:
                            // Raise data start time event
                            OnDataStartTime(BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex));
                        case ServerResponse.ProcessingComplete:
                            // Raise input processing completed event
                            OnProcessingComplete(InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateSignalIndexCache:
                            // Deserialize new signal index cache
                            m_remoteSignalIndexCache = DeserializeSignalIndexCache(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength));
                            m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache(DataSource, m_remoteSignalIndexCache);
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateBaseTimes:
                            // Get active time index
                            m_timeIndex = BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize new base time offsets
                            m_baseTimeOffsets = new[] { BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex), BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex + 8) };
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateCipherKeys:
                            // Move past active cipher index (not currently used anywhere else)

                            // Extract remaining response
                            byte[] bytes = buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength - 1);

                            // Decrypt response payload if subscription is authenticated
                            if (m_authenticated)
                                bytes = bytes.Decrypt(m_sharedSecret, CipherStrength.Aes256);

                            // Deserialize new cipher keys
                            keyIVs = new byte[2][][];
                            keyIVs[EvenKey] = new byte[2][];
                            keyIVs[OddKey] = new byte[2][];

                            int index = 0;
                            int bufferLen;

                            // Read even key size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even key
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read even initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even initialization vector
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd key size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd key
                            keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd initialization vector
                            keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            //index += bufferLen;

                            // Exchange keys
                            m_keyIVs = keyIVs;

                            OnStatusMessage("Successfully established new cipher keys for data packet transmissions.");
                        case ServerResponse.Notify:
                            // Skip the 4-byte hash
                            string message = m_encoding.GetString(buffer, responseIndex + 4, responseLength - 4);

                            // Display notification
                            OnStatusMessage("NOTIFICATION: {0}", message);

                            // Send confirmation of receipt of the notification
                            SendServerCommand(ServerCommand.ConfirmNotification, buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, 4));
                        case ServerResponse.ConfigurationChanged:
                            OnStatusMessage("Received notification from publisher that configuration has changed.");

                            // Initiate meta-data refresh when publisher configuration has changed - we only do this
                            // for automatic connections since API style connections have to manually initiate a
                            // meta-data refresh. API style connection should attach to server configuration changed
                            // event and request meta-data refresh to complete automated cycle.
                            if (m_autoConnect && m_autoSynchronizeMetadata)
                                SendServerCommand(ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh, m_metadataFilters);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to process publisher response packet due to exception: " + ex.Message, ex));
Example #2
        private void ProcessServerResponse(byte[] buffer, int length)
            // Currently this work is done on the async socket completion thread, make sure work to be done is timely and if the response processing
            // is coming in via the command channel and needs to send a command back to the server, it should be done on a separate thread...
            if (buffer != null && length > 0)
                    ServerResponse responseCode = (ServerResponse)buffer[0];
                    ServerCommand commandCode = (ServerCommand)buffer[1];
                    int responseLength = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 2);
                    int responseIndex = 6;
                    bool solicited = false;
                    byte[][][] keyIVs;

                    // See if this was a solicited response to a requested server command
                    if (responseCode.IsSolicited())
                        lock (m_requests)
                            int index = m_requests.BinarySearch(commandCode);

                            if (index >= 0)
                                solicited = true;

                        // Disconnect any established UDP data channel upon successful unsubscribe
                        if (solicited && commandCode == ServerCommand.Unsubscribe && responseCode == ServerResponse.Succeeded)
                            DataChannel = null;

                    switch (responseCode)
                        case ServerResponse.Succeeded:
                            if (solicited)
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.Authenticate:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_authenticated = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = true;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Unsubscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = false;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        // Meta-data refresh may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        // Key rotation may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received unsolicited response to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a success code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.Failed:
                            if (solicited)
                                OnStatusMessage("Failure code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a failed code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.DataPacket:
                            long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                            // Deserialize data packet
                            List<IMeasurement> measurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                            DataPacketFlags flags;
                            Ticks timestamp = 0;
                            int count;

                            // Track total data packet bytes received from any channel
                            m_totalBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;
                            m_monitoredBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;

                            // Get data packet flags
                            flags = (DataPacketFlags)buffer[responseIndex];

                            bool synchronizedMeasurements = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Synchronized) > 0);
                            bool compactMeasurementFormat = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compact) > 0);
                            int cipherIndex = (flags & DataPacketFlags.CipherIndex) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

                            // Decrypt data packet payload if keys are available
//                            if (m_keyIVs != null)
//                            {
//                                // Get a local copy of volatile keyIVs reference since this can change at any time
//                                keyIVs = m_keyIVs;
//                                // Decrypt payload portion of data packet
//                                buffer = Common.SymmetricAlgorithm.Decrypt(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - 1, keyIVs[cipherIndex][0], keyIVs[cipherIndex][1]);
//                                responseIndex = 0;
//                                responseLength = buffer.Length;
//                            }

                            // Synchronized packets contain a frame level timestamp
                            if (synchronizedMeasurements)
                                timestamp = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex);
                                responseIndex += 8;

                            // Deserialize number of measurements that follow
                            count = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize measurements
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                if (!compactMeasurementFormat)
                                    // Deserialize full measurement format
                                    SerializableMeasurement measurement = new SerializableMeasurement(m_encoding);
                                    responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);
                                else if ((object)m_signalIndexCache != null)
                                    // Deserialize compact measurement format
                                    CompactMeasurement measurement = new CompactMeasurement(m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                                    responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);

                                    // Apply timestamp from frame if not included in transmission
                                    if (!measurement.IncludeTime)
                                        measurement.Timestamp = timestamp;

                                else if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                    if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                        // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                        OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                    m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;

                            // Provide new measurements to local concentrator, if defined, otherwise directly expose them to the consumer
                            if ((object)m_localConcentrator != null)
                        case ServerResponse.DataStartTime:
                            // Raise data start time event
                            OnDataStartTime(EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex));
                        case ServerResponse.ProcessingComplete:
                            // Raise input processing completed event
                            OnProcessingComplete(InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateSignalIndexCache:
                            // Deserialize new signal index cache
                            m_remoteSignalIndexCache = DeserializeSignalIndexCache(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength));
                            m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache(DataSource, m_remoteSignalIndexCache);
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateBaseTimes:
                            // Get active time index
                            m_timeIndex = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize new base time offsets
                            m_baseTimeOffsets = new long[] { EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex), EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex + 8) };
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateCipherKeys:
                            // Get active cipher index
                            m_cipherIndex = buffer[responseIndex++];

                            // Extract remaining response
                            byte[] bytes = buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength - 1);

//                            // Decrypt response payload if subscription is authenticated
//                            if (m_authenticated)
//                                bytes = bytes.Decrypt(m_sharedSecret, CipherStrength.Aes256);

                            // Deserialize new cipher keys
                            keyIVs = new byte[2][][];
                            keyIVs[EvenKey] = new byte[2][];
                            keyIVs[OddKey] = new byte[2][];

                            int index = 0;
                            int bufferLen;

                            // Read even key size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even key
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read even initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even initialization vector
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd key size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd key
                            keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd initialization vector
                            keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Exchange keys
                            m_keyIVs = keyIVs;

                            OnStatusMessage("Successfully established new cipher keys for data packet transmissions.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to process publisher response packet due to exception: " + ex.Message, ex));