Example #1
        // Static Methods

        // Delegate handler to create a new SEL Fast Message data cell
        internal static IDataCell CreateNewCell(IChannelFrame parent, IChannelFrameParsingState <IDataCell> state, int index, byte[] buffer, int startIndex, out int parsedLength)
            DataCell dataCell = new DataCell(parent as IDataFrame, (state as IDataFrameParsingState).ConfigurationFrame.Cells[index]);

            parsedLength = dataCell.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, startIndex, 0);

Example #2
        // Static Methods

        // Delegate handler to create a new SEL Fast Message data cell
        internal static IDataCell CreateNewCell(IChannelFrame parent, IChannelFrameParsingState<IDataCell> state, int index, byte[] buffer, int startIndex, out int parsedLength)
            DataCell dataCell = new DataCell(parent as IDataFrame, (state as IDataFrameParsingState).ConfigurationFrame.Cells[index]);

            parsedLength = dataCell.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, startIndex, 0);

            return dataCell;