protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["PID"])) { Session["ProgramID"] = Request["PID"].ToString(); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["ProgramID"] == null) { try { int PID = Programs.GetDefaultProgramID(); Session["ProgramID"] = PID.ToString(); } catch { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } } } TranslateStrings(this); eventBackLink.NavigateUrl = "~/Events/"; DAL.Event evnt = null; int eventId = 0; string displayEvent = Request.QueryString["EventId"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayEvent) && int.TryParse(displayEvent.ToString(), out eventId)) { evnt = DAL.Event.GetEvent(eventId); if (evnt != null && evnt.HiddenFromPublic) { evnt = null; } if (evnt != null) { SchemaOrgLibrary mdLib = new SchemaOrgLibrary(); SchemaOrgEvent mvEvt = new SchemaOrgEvent { Name = evnt.EventTitle, StartDate = evnt.EventDate }; eventTitle.Text = evnt.EventTitle; this.Title = string.Format("Event Details: {0}", eventTitle.Text); eventWhen.Text = DAL.Event.DisplayEventDateTime(evnt); eventWhere.Visible = false; eventWhereLink.Visible = false; atLabel.Visible = false; if (evnt.BranchID > 0) { var codeObject = DAL.Codes.FetchObject(evnt.BranchID); if (codeObject != null) { eventWhere.Text = mdLib.Name = codeObject.Description; eventWhereLink.Text = string.Format("{0} <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-new-window hidden-print\"></span>", codeObject.Description); eventWhere.Visible = true; atLabel.Visible = true; eventWhereLink.Visible = false; } var crosswalk = DAL.LibraryCrosswalk.FetchObjectByLibraryID(evnt.BranchID); if (crosswalk != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventWhere.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(crosswalk.BranchAddress)) { eventWhereMapLink.Visible = true; eventWhereMapLink.NavigateUrl = string.Format(WebTools.BranchMapLinkStub, crosswalk.BranchAddress); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventWhere.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(crosswalk.BranchLink)) { eventWhereLink.NavigateUrl = crosswalk.BranchLink; eventWhere.Visible = false; eventWhereLink.Visible = true; atLabel.Visible = true; } mdLib.Address = crosswalk.BranchAddress; mdLib.Telephone = crosswalk.BranchTelephone; mdLib.Url = crosswalk.BranchLink; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mdLib.Name)) { this.MetaDescription = string.Format("Details about the event: {0} - {1}", mdLib.Name, GetResourceString("system-name")); } else { this.MetaDescription = string.Format("Details about the event: {0} at {1} - {2}", eventTitle.Text, eventWhere.Text, GetResourceString("system-name")); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(evnt.ExternalLinkToEvent)) { eventLinkPanel.Visible = true; ExternalLink.NavigateUrl = evnt.ExternalLinkToEvent; ExternalLink.Text = string.Format(eventTitle.Text); } else { eventLinkPanel.Visible = false; } eventDescription.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(evnt.HTML); var cf = DAL.CustomEventFields.FetchObject(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(evnt.Custom1) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cf.Label1)) { eventCustom1Panel.Visible = true; eventCustomLabel1.Text = cf.Label1; eventCustomValue1.Text = evnt.Custom1; } else { eventCustom1Panel.Visible = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(evnt.Custom2) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cf.Label2)) { eventCustom2Panel.Visible = true; eventCustomLabel2.Text = cf.Label2; eventCustomValue2.Text = evnt.Custom2; } else { eventCustom2Panel.Visible = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(evnt.Custom3) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cf.Label3)) { eventCustom3Panel.Visible = true; eventCustomLabel3.Text = cf.Label3; eventCustomValue3.Text = evnt.Custom3; } else { eventCustom3Panel.Visible = false; } eventDetails.Visible = true; mvEvt.Location = mdLib; try { Microdata.Text = new WebTools().BuildEventJsonld(mvEvt); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().Error("Problem creating microdata in event detail for {0}: {1} - {2}", evnt.EID, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } // begin social var wt = new WebTools(); var systemName = StringResources.getStringOrNull("system-name"); var fbDescription = StringResources.getStringOrNull("facebook-description"); var hashtags = StringResources.getStringOrNull("socialmedia-hashtags"); var title = string.Format("{0} event: {1}", systemName, evnt.EventTitle); string description = string.Format("I'm thinking about attending this {0} event: {1}!", systemName, evnt.EventTitle); string twitDescrip = string.Format("Check out this {0} event: {1}!", systemName, evnt.EventTitle); if (twitDescrip.Length > 118) { // if it's longer than this it won't fit with the url, shorten it twitDescrip = string.Format("Check this out: {0}!", evnt.EventTitle); } var baseUrl = WebTools.GetBaseUrl(Request); var eventDetailsUrl = string.Format("{0}/Events/Details.aspx?EventId={1}", baseUrl, evnt.EID); string bannerPath = new GRA.Logic.Banner().FullMetadataBannerPath(baseUrl, Session, Server); wt.AddOgMetadata(Metadata, title, wt.BuildFacebookDescription(description, hashtags, fbDescription), bannerPath, eventDetailsUrl, facebookApp: GetResourceString("facebook-appid")); wt.AddTwitterMetadata(Metadata, title, description, bannerPath, twitterUsername: GetResourceString("twitter-username")); TwitterShare.NavigateUrl = wt.GetTwitterLink(twitDescrip, Server.UrlEncode(eventDetailsUrl), hashtags); TwitterShare.Visible = true; FacebookShare.NavigateUrl = wt.GetFacebookLink(Server.UrlEncode(eventDetailsUrl)); FacebookShare.Visible = true; //end social } } if (evnt == null) { eventDetails.Visible = false; var cph = Page.Master.FindControl("HeaderContent") as ContentPlaceHolder; if (cph != null) { cph.Controls.Add(new HtmlMeta { Name = "robots", Content = "noindex" }); } Session[SessionKey.PatronMessage] = "Could not find details on that event."; Session[SessionKey.PatronMessageLevel] = PatronMessageLevels.Warning; Session[SessionKey.PatronMessageGlyphicon] = "exclamation-sign"; } }
protected void rptr_ItemDataBound(object source, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { var eventRow = e.Item.DataItem as System.Data.DataRowView; var branchName = eventRow["Branch"].ToString(); var branchAddress = eventRow["BranchAddress"]; var branchTelephone = eventRow["BranchTelephone"]; var branchLink = eventRow["BranchLink"]; var label = e.Item.FindControl("BranchName") as Literal; bool haveLink = branchLink != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(branchLink.ToString()); bool haveAddress = branchAddress != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(branchAddress.ToString()); DateTime eventDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (eventRow["EventDate"] != null) { eventDate = eventRow["EventDate"] as DateTime? ?? DateTime.MinValue; } if (haveLink) { label.Text = string.Format(WebTools.BranchLinkStub, branchLink.ToString(), branchName); } if (haveAddress) { label.Text += string.Format(WebTools.BranchMapStub, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(branchAddress.ToString())); } try { if (haveLink && haveAddress && eventDate != DateTime.MinValue) { string detailsLink = string.Format("{0}{1}", WebTools.GetBaseUrl(Request), ResolveUrl(string.Format("~/Events/Details.aspx?EventId={0}", eventRow["EID"]))); SchemaOrgLibrary mdLib = new SchemaOrgLibrary { Name = branchName, Address = branchAddress.ToString(), Url = branchLink.ToString() }; if (branchTelephone != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(branchTelephone.ToString())) { mdLib.Telephone = branchTelephone.ToString(); } SchemaOrgEvent mdEvt = new SchemaOrgEvent { Name = eventRow["EventTitle"].ToString(), Url = detailsLink, Location = mdLib, StartDate = eventDate }; var md = e.Item.FindControl("Microdata") as Literal; if (md != null) { md.Text = new WebTools().BuildEventJsonld(mdEvt); } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().Error("Problem creating microdata in event list for {0}: {1} - {2}", eventRow["EID"], ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } }