// the counting loop
        private void countingLoop()
            QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime);
            flag_OutOfLoop = false; // entering the loop
            while (Enabled)
                QueryPerformanceCounter(out currentTime); // obtaining current time
                double diff = (currentTime - startTime) / (1.0 * ClockFrequency);
                if (diff >= Interval)
                { // creating a new (overflow) event
                    var handler = TimerOverflow;
                    PrecisionTimerEventArgs args = new PrecisionTimerEventArgs(diff);

                    if (handler != null)
                        handler(this, args);

                    QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime); // resetting the startTime in order to capture the next overflow
            flag_OutOfLoop = true; // just left the loop. Clear to kill the thread
        public void IMUSamplingEvent(Object s, PrecisionTimerEventArgs e)
            if (IMUcomms != null)
                if (IMUcomms.Flag_CommsActive)
                    Matrix <float> imudata = new Matrix <float>(1, 6);
                    imudata.Data[0, 0] = IMUcomms.Last_Acc1; imudata.Data[0, 1] = IMUcomms.Last_Acc2; imudata.Data[0, 2] = IMUcomms.Last_Acc3;
                    imudata.Data[0, 3] = IMUcomms.Last_Angvel1; imudata.Data[0, 4] = IMUcomms.Last_Angvel2; imudata.Data[0, 5] = IMUcomms.Last_Angvel3;

                    if (!Flag_GravityFound_Y) // check for gravity along the Y axis
                        Flag_GravityFound_Y = (Math.Abs(imudata.Data[0, 0] - 1.0) < 0.001);
                    if (Flag_GravityFound_Y) // record the data
                        IMUDataInstance newIMUData = new IMUDataInstance(FrameIndex,
                                                                         IMUcomms.Last_Acc1, IMUcomms.Last_Acc2, IMUcomms.Last_Acc3,
                                                                         IMUcomms.Last_Angvel1, IMUcomms.Last_Angvel2, IMUcomms.Last_Angvel3);
        // the counting loop
        private void countingLoop()
            QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime);
            flag_OutOfLoop = false; // entering the loop
            while (Enabled)
                QueryPerformanceCounter(out currentTime); // obtaining current time
                double diff = (currentTime - startTime) / (1.0 * ClockFrequency);
                if (diff >= Interval)
                { // creating a new (overflow) event
                    var handler = TimerOverflow;
                    PrecisionTimerEventArgs args = new PrecisionTimerEventArgs(diff);

                    if (handler != null)
                        handler(this, args);

                    QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime); // resetting the startTime in order to capture the next overflow
            flag_OutOfLoop = true; // just left the loop. Clear to kill the thread
        public void IMUSamplingEvent(Object s, PrecisionTimerEventArgs e)
            if (IMUcomms != null)
                if (IMUcomms.Flag_CommsActive)
                    Matrix<float> imudata = new Matrix<float>(1, 6);
                    imudata.Data[0, 0] = IMUcomms.Last_Acc1; imudata.Data[0, 1] = IMUcomms.Last_Acc2; imudata.Data[0, 2] = IMUcomms.Last_Acc3;
                    imudata.Data[0, 3] = IMUcomms.Last_Angvel1; imudata.Data[0, 4] = IMUcomms.Last_Angvel2; imudata.Data[0, 5] = IMUcomms.Last_Angvel3;

                    if (!Flag_GravityFound_Y) // check for gravity along the Y axis
                        Flag_GravityFound_Y = (Math.Abs(imudata.Data[0, 0] - 1.0) < 0.001);
                    if (Flag_GravityFound_Y) // record the data
                        IMUDataInstance newIMUData = new IMUDataInstance(FrameIndex,
                                                                         IMUcomms.Last_Acc1, IMUcomms.Last_Acc2, IMUcomms.Last_Acc3,
                                                                         IMUcomms.Last_Angvel1, IMUcomms.Last_Angvel2, IMUcomms.Last_Angvel3);
