Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will add an order at the end of the current Order list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">The order id to be added at the end of the list </param>
        public void AddOrder(Order order, OrdersCounter ordersCounter)
            int matrixIDA = 287; // the previous coordinate
            int matrixIDB = order.MatrixID; // new added coordinate
            int matrixIDC = 287; // the dropping coordinate

            if (Orders.Count < 2)
                matrixIDA = matrixIDC; // dropping coordinate
                matrixIDA = Orders[Orders.Count - 2].MatrixID; // last coordinate

            Weight += order.VolumePerContainer * order.NumberOfContainers; //adds the weight of this order
            TravelTime += order.EmptyingTimeInSeconds; //adds empty time
            //now we need to calculate back drive times as well
            TravelTime -= FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDA, matrixIDC].TravelTime; //removes the old travel time to base // if midA = 0 it will remove 0 so no extra if check needed
            TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDA, matrixIDB].TravelTime; //adds the travel time from last node to this node
            TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDB, matrixIDC].TravelTime; //adds the new travel time to base from the added node

            //Orders.Add(order); // adds the order to the order list
            Orders.Insert(Orders.Count - 1, order);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will add a new order afther the specified order in the orderlist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newOrder"> The new Order to be added </param>
        /// <param name="afterOrder"> The Order the new it will be placed after </param>
        public void AddOrder(Order newOrder, Order afterOrder, OrdersCounter ordersCounter)
            int matrixIDA = afterOrder.MatrixID; //the coord this order will be placed afhter
            int matrixIDB = newOrder.MatrixID; // new added coordinate
            int matrixIDC = 287; // the dropping coordinate
            int Ordernext = Orders.Count - 2;
            if (Orders.FindIndex(o => o.OrderNumber == afterOrder.OrderNumber) == Orders.Count - 2) //if order is added on the end of the list
                TravelTime -= FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDA, matrixIDC].TravelTime; //remove travel time to end if was last item on list
                TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDB, matrixIDC].TravelTime; //adds the new travel time to base from the added node
                TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDA, matrixIDB].TravelTime; //adds the new travel time from the prev to the added node
                TravelTime += newOrder.EmptyingTimeInSeconds; //adds empty time
                Ordernext = Orders.FindIndex(o => o.OrderNumber == afterOrder.OrderNumber) + 1; //gets the orderid in the orderlist
                matrixIDC = Orders[Ordernext].MatrixID; // gets the matric id of the obtained orderid
                TravelTime -= FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDA, matrixIDC].TravelTime; //remove travel time to next node from previous node
                TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDA, matrixIDB].TravelTime; //adds the new travel time from previous to the new node
                TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[matrixIDB, matrixIDC].TravelTime; //adds the new travel time from the new node to the next node
                TravelTime += newOrder.EmptyingTimeInSeconds; //adds empty time

            Weight += newOrder.VolumePerContainer * newOrder.NumberOfContainers; //adds the weight of this order
            Orders.Insert(Ordernext, newOrder); // adds the order to the order list
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This function removes the specified order from the order list and updates the traveltime and weight
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"> Removes the given order from the list </param>
        public void RemoveOrder(Order order, OrdersCounter ordersCounter)
            int previousOrder = 287; //node before the removed node
            int currentOrder = order.MatrixID; // the removed node
            int nextOrder = 287; //node after the removed node
            int indexNumber = Orders.FindIndex(o => o.OrderNumber == order.OrderNumber);

            if (indexNumber > 0) //if the removed node is not the first node
                previousOrder = Orders[indexNumber - 1].MatrixID;
            if (indexNumber < Orders.Count - 2) //if the removed node is not the last node
                nextOrder = Orders[indexNumber + 1].MatrixID;

            //update travel time
            TravelTime -= FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[previousOrder, currentOrder].TravelTime;
            TravelTime -= FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[currentOrder, nextOrder].TravelTime;
            TravelTime += FilesInitializer._DistanceMatrix.Matrix[previousOrder, nextOrder].TravelTime;
            TravelTime -= order.EmptyingTimeInSeconds; //remove empty time
            Weight -= order.VolumePerContainer * order.NumberOfContainers; //adds the weight of this order