Example #1
 public void Clear()
     _true.Clear(); _false.Clear();

        public IEnumerable <UBasCov2> IEGet_CoverSet(UBasCov2 BasCov, int rnk)           //### CoverSet generator
            if (GLK_UList_All == null)
                yield break;
            int sz = BasCov.sz;

            if (GLK_UList_Marked.Count < sz)
                yield break;

            var BaseSetLst = BasCov.BaseSetLst;
            var usedLKIDsq = BasCov.usedLKIDsq;              //used links
            var HB981      = BasCov.HB981;                   //BaseSet bit expression
            int noBit      = HB981.noBit;                    //bit expression of digits containing cell elements

            var UGLCovCandidates = new List <UGLink_unit>(); // UGLCovCandidates:candidate link

            #region Preparation(Create UGLCovCandidates)
            //Preparation: select candidates for CoverSet.(this process is extremely effective!)
            // 1)First select BaseSet, then select CoverSet to cover.
            // 2)CoverSet requirements:
            //  .Exclude links that do not contain BaseSet elements
            //  .Rank=0 includes two or more elements of BaseSet
            //  .Rank>0 contains one or more elements of BaseSet

            Bit81 Bcmp = HB981.CompressToHitCells();
//x            long  RCBN_frameBex = BaseSetLst.Aggregate((long)0,(p,q)=>p|q.RCBN_frameBex);

            foreach (var P in GLK_UList_Marked)    //Exclude Baseset links
//x                if((RCBN_frameBex&P.RCBN_frameB) == 0) continue;
                if (BaseSetLst.Contains(P))
                if (P.type == 0)          // 0:link
                    if ((noBit & (1 << P.no)) == 0)
                        continue;                                           //Exclude links with digits not included in BaseSet.
                    int Bcount = (HB981._BQ[P.no] & P.rcBit81).BitCount();  //Bcount : Number of cells in common with BaseSet.
                    if (Bcount == 0)
                        continue;                                           //Link without common parts is excluded from candidate links.
                    if (rnk == 0 && Bcount < 2)
                        continue;                                           //if rank=0, the CoverSet has two or more common items

                else                   // 1:cell
                    if (noBit.BitCount() <= 1)
                        continue;                                           //For links within a cell, the Coverset digits must be 2 or more.
                    if ((noBit & P.FreeB) == 0)
                        continue;                                           //Exclude links with digits not included in BaseSet.
                    int B = noBit & P.FreeB;                                //Common digits of BaseSet and link
                    if (B == 0)
                        continue;                                           //Link without common parts are excluded from candidate links.
                    int rc = P.rc;                                          //focused cell

                    int kcc = 0, kccLim = (rnk == 0)? 2:1;
                    foreach (var no in B.IEGet_BtoNo())                     //no:Candidate digit of forcused cell.
                        if (!HB981._BQ[no].IsHit(rc))
                            continue;                                       //do not check if BaseSet does not include no.
                        if (++kcc >= kccLim)
                            UGLCovCandidates.Add(P); break;
                        }                                                   //number of digits contained in BaseSet satisfies the condition(kccLim).
            if (_chkX2)
                string st2 = $"{_jkc_++} UGLCovCandidates for CoverSet:";
                st2 = UGLCovCandidates.Aggregate(st2, (p, q) => p + " " + q.ToAppearance());//#### debug print

            #endregion Preparation(Create UGLCovCandidates)

            #region CoverSet generator
            if (UGLCovCandidates.Count < sz + rnk)
                yield break;
            Bit981 HC981  = new Bit981();         //CoverSet
            Bit981 Can981 = new Bit981();         //Items that break "Locked"(excludable candidates)

            Combination cmbCvr = new Combination(UGLCovCandidates.Count, sz + rnk);
            int         nxt    = int.MaxValue;
            while (cmbCvr.Successor(nxt))                                               //Combination one-element generator
                Array.ForEach(cmbCvr.Index, m => HC981 |= UGLCovCandidates[m].rcnBit);  //CoverSet bit expression

                if (!(HB981 - HC981).IsZero())
                    goto LNextSet;                                                      //BaseSet is covered?
                Bit981 CsubB = HC981 - HB981;                                           //CsubB:excludable candidates
                if (CsubB.IsZero())
                    goto LNextSet;                                                      // is exist?
                var CoverSetLst = new List <UGLink_unit>();
                Array.ForEach(cmbCvr.Index, m => CoverSetLst.Add(UGLCovCandidates[m])); //CoverSet List

                if (rnk == 0)
                    Can981 = CsubB;
                }       //(excludable candidates)
                else    //if(rnk>0){

                //  rank=k
                //    Consider the case of covering n-BaseSet with (n+k)-CoverSet.
                //    In order to be an analysis algorithm, the following conditions must be satisfied.
                //        1:(n+k)-CoverSet completely covers n-BaseSet.
                //        2:(k+1) of the (n+k) links of CoverSet have elements in common which are not included in the n-BaseSet.
                //    When these conditions are satisfied, the elements of the intersection of condition 2 are not true.
                    bool SolFound = false;
                    foreach (int n in CsubB.noBit.IEGet_BtoNo())
                        foreach (int rc in CsubB._BQ[n].IEGetRC())
                            int kc = CoverSetLst.Count(Q => Q.rcnBit.IsHit(n, rc));
                            if (kc == rnk + 1)
                                Can981.BPSet(n, rc);
                                SolFound = true;

                    if (!SolFound)
                ++GeneralLogicGen2.ChkCov2;                       //*****

                BasCov.addCoverSet(CoverSetLst, HC981, Can981, rnk);
                if (_chkX2)
                    string st = $"{_jkc_++}      â—†CoverSet:";
                    foreach (var P in CoverSetLst)
                        st += $" {P.ToAppearance()}";                                     //#### debug print
                yield return(BasCov);

            yield break;
            #endregion CoverSet generator
Example #3
        public IEnumerable <UBasCov> IEGet_BaseSet(int sz, int rnk)
            if (UGLLst == null)
                yield break;

            BSstatus = new BaseSet_Status(sz, rnk);

            List <UGLink> basUGLs   = BSstatus.basUGLs;                                     //BaseSet List
            Bit981        HB981     = BSstatus.HB981;                                       //BaseSet bitPattern
            Bit324        usedLK    = BSstatus.usedLK;                                      //usedLink(by serial number)
            List <int>    usedLKLst = BSstatus.usedLKLst;

            long RCBN_frameA = 0;

            _jkc_ = 0;
            var cmbBas = new Combination(UGLLst.Count, sz);
            int nxt    = int.MaxValue; //(skip function)

            while (cmbBas.Successor(nxt))
                GeneralLogicGen.ChkBas0++;   //*****

                //  sz=1  *==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*
                if (sz == 1)
                    UGLink UGL = UGLLst[cmbBas.Index[0]];
                    if (UGL.UC is UCell)
                        goto LNextSet;                                                      //only row/column/block link.
                    HB981.Clear(); HB981.BPSet(UGL.rcBit81.no, UGL.rcBit81, tfbSet: false); //accumulate rcbn info. in HB981.
                    basUGLs.Clear(); basUGLs.Add(UGL);                                      //set UGL in BaseSet

                    GeneralLogicGen.ChkBas1++;                                              //*****
                    goto LBSFound;                                                          //possibility of solution

                //  sz>=2  *==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*==*

                RCBN_frameA = 0;
                int[] _RCB_frameB = new int[9];
                for (int k = 0; k < sz; k++)                                                   //(r:row c:column b:block n:digit => rcbn)
                    nxt = k;
                    UGLink UGL = UGLLst[cmbBas.Index[k]];
                    RCBN_frameA |= UGL.RCBN_frameB;                                         //bit expression of rcbn

                    if (!Check_rcbnCondition(sz, rnk, k, RCBN_frameA))
                        goto LNextSet;                                   //### extremely efficient
                    if (UGL.rcBit81 is Bit81)                            // ........................ rcb link  ........................
                        int no = UGL.rcBit81.no;
                        if (k > 0 && HB981.IsHit(no, UGL.rcBit81))
                            goto LNextSet;                          //elements already included in HB981
                        HB981.BPSet(no, UGL.rcBit81, tfbSet: true); //accumulate rcbn info. in HB981.
                        usedLKLst.Add(UGL.rcBit81.ID);              //(ID=tfx<<4 | no)              //[rcb_link type]register ID to used list.
                        _RCB_frameB[no] |= (int)UGL.RCBN_frameB & 0x3FFFFFF;
                    else                                                // ....................... Cell link ........................
                        UCell UC = UGL.UC;
                        int   rc = UC.rc;
                        //In UGLLst, rcb-Links is first, and cell-Links is second.
                        //Even in combination, this order is maintained.
                        //Therefore, the condition "cell-links have common parts with rcb-Links?" is satisfied.
                        foreach (var no in UC.FreeB.IEGet_BtoNo(9))
                            if (k > 0 && HB981.IsHit(no, rc))
                                goto LNextSet;                                              //Not BaseSet as it has no intersection.
                            HB981.BPSet(no, rc, tfbSet: true);                              //accumulate rcbn info. in HB981.
                            _RCB_frameB[no] |= rc.ToRCBitPat();
                        int IDrc = rc << 4 | 0xF; //( 0xF:Cell type identification flag )
                        usedLKLst.Add(IDrc);      //(ID=rc<<4| no)               //[cell type]register ID to used list.
                    basUGLs.Add(UGL);             //set UGL in BaseSet
                                                  // ...........................................................
                BSstatus.RCB_frameB = _RCB_frameB;
                __UsedLinkToFrame(HB981, usedLKLst, BSstatus);

////                if(SDK_Ctrl.UGPMan.stageNo==8 && _usedLKLst_ToRCBString("",usedLKLst)==" c1#3 c1#6"){
////                    Board_Check("*** Check_6 ?");
////                }

                if (SDK_Ctrl.UGPMan.stageNo == 20 && _usedLKLst_ToRCBString("", usedLKLst) == " r3#2 r4#2 r3#8")
                    WriteLine(_usedLKLst_ToRCBString($"usedLKLst:{_jkc_}", usedLKLst, addFreeBB: true));

//                Board_Check();

                if (!BSstatus.Check_1())
                    goto LNextSet;                            //A and B are not linked by other link(C).
                if (!BSstatus.Check_2())
                    goto LNextSet;                            //Each cell(A) is in a position to link with other cells.
                if (!BSstatus.Check_3())
                    goto LNextSet;                            //There is a limit to the number of cells that have no links other than BaseSet.

                 *        //if(SDK_Ctrl.UGPMan.stageNo==12 && sz>=3){// && rnk==1 ){
                 *          if(SDK_Ctrl.UGPMan.stageNo==9 && sz>=2){// && rnk==1 ){
                 *              WriteLine($"\r sz:{sz} rnk:{rnk} jkc:{_jkc_}");
                 *              Check_rcbnCondition(sz,rnk,sz,RCBN_frameA,printB:true);
                 *              basUGLs.ForEach(P=>WriteLine(P.ToString("BaseSet")));
                 *          }

                basUGLs.ForEach(P => usedLK.BPSet(P.IDnum)); //IDrc: rc<<17 | 1<<16
                UBasCov UBC = new UBasCov(basUGLs, HB981, sz, usedLK);
                yield return(UBC);

            yield break;

            void __UsedLinkToFrame(Bit981 HB981, List <int> usedLKLst, BaseSet_Status BSstatus)
                int[] _frame_0 = new int[9];
                int[] _frame_1 = new int[9];
                Bit81 _frame_T = new Bit81();
                int   frm, _cellC = 0;

                foreach (var no in HB981.noBit.IEGet_BtoNo())
                    _frame_0[no] = frm = HB981._BQ[no].IEGetRC().Aggregate(0, (Q, rc) => Q | rc.ToRCBitPat());
                    _frame_1[no] = ___frame_ResetUsed(frm, no, usedLKLst);
                    _frame_T    |= HB981._BQ[no];
                Bit81 _frame_81 = new Bit81(_frame_T);

                usedLKLst.ForEach(P => { if ((P & 0xF) == 0xF)
                                             _frame_81.BPReset(P >> 4); _cellC++;

                BSstatus._frame_0  = _frame_0;
                BSstatus._frame_1  = _frame_1;
                BSstatus._frame_T  = _frame_T;
                BSstatus._frame_81 = _frame_81;
                BSstatus._cellC    = _cellC;        //(Number of cell links in BaseSet)