Example #1
        /*   Split the video, audio and JSON data for this meeting into smaller
         *   segments. This allows multiple people to work on the fixes to
         *   the text at the same time.
        public void Split(string meetingFolder, string videofile, string fixasrFile,
                          int segmentSize, int segmentOverlap)
            string splitFolder = meetingFolder + "\\" + "FixText";

            // The processed recording will next go through the following workflow:
            //   1. Users will fix errors in the text generated by auto voice recognition.
            //   2. Users will add metadata tags to the transcript.
            // To facilitate this, we will split the video, audio and transcript files into smaller segments.
            // This has the advantages that:
            //   1. More than one volunteer can work on the recording at the same time.
            //   2. Less video or audio data needs to be downloaded to the user at one time.

            string     stringValue = File.ReadAllText(fixasrFile);
            FixasrView fixasr      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FixasrView>(stringValue);

            // Split the recording into parts and put them each in subfolders of subfolder "parts".
            SplitRecording splitRecording = new SplitRecording();
            int            parts          = splitRecording.Split(videofile, splitFolder, segmentSize, segmentOverlap);

            // Also extract the audio from each of these segments.
            // Some user may prefer to work with the audio for fixing the transcript.
            // We will put the audio files in the same folder as the video.
            ExtractAudio extract = new ExtractAudio();


            // Split the full transcript into segments that match the audio and video segments in size.
            SplitTranscript splitTranscript = new SplitTranscript();

            splitTranscript.split(fixasr, splitFolder, segmentSize, segmentOverlap, parts);
Example #2
        public void Process(string videoFile, string meetingFolder, string language)
            /////// Copy video to meeting folder  /////////

            FileInfo infile        = new FileInfo(videoFile);
            string   videofileCopy = meetingFolder + "\\" + "01-Video.mp4";

            if (!config.IsDevelopment)
                File.Copy(videoFile, videofileCopy);
                SplitRecording splitRecording = new SplitRecording();
                splitRecording.ExtractPart(videoFile, videofileCopy, 0, config.RecordingSizeForDevelopment);

            /////// Extract the audio. ////////////////////////

            ExtractAudio extract   = new ExtractAudio();
            string       audioFile = meetingFolder + "\\" + "02-Audio.flac";

            extract.Extract(videofileCopy, audioFile);

            /////// Transcribe the audio file. /////////////

            // We want the object name in the cloud to be the original video file name with ".flac" extension.
            string objectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(videoFile) + ".flac";

            TranscribeResponse transcript;

            //if (!config.UseAudioFileAlreadyInCloud)

            // Move audio file to cloud and transcribe
            transcript = transcribeAudio.MoveToCloudAndTranscribe(audioFile, objectName, language);

            //} else
            //    // For development and it's already in cloud
            //    // TODO - check if it is already in cloud
            //    transcript = transcribeAudio.TranscribeInCloud(objectName, language);

            string stringValue    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(transcript, Formatting.Indented);
            string outputJsonFile = meetingFolder + "\\" + "03-Transcribed.json";

            File.WriteAllText(outputJsonFile, stringValue);

            /////// Reformat the JSON transcript to match what the fixasr routine will use.

            ModifyTranscriptJson convert = new ModifyTranscriptJson();

            outputJsonFile = meetingFolder + "\\" + "04-ToFix.json";
            FixasrView fixasr = convert.Modify(transcript);

            stringValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fixasr, Formatting.Indented);
            File.WriteAllText(outputJsonFile, stringValue);

            /////// Split the video, audio and transcript into multiple work segments

            //SplitIntoWorkSegments split = new SplitIntoWorkSegments();
            //split.Split(meetingFolder, videofileCopy, outputJsonFile, config.FixasrSegmentSize,
            //    config.FixasrSegmentOverlap);