public void Add(CameraLayout cameraLayout, Camera3D camera) { if (this.cameraDictionary.ContainsKey(cameraLayout)) { List<Camera3D> list = this.cameraDictionary[cameraLayout]; if(!list.Contains(camera)) list.Add(camera); } else { List<Camera3D> list = new List<Camera3D>(); list.Add(camera); this.cameraDictionary.Add(cameraLayout, list); } }
public CharacterModelObject(string id, ObjectType objectType, Transform3D transform, Effect effect, Texture2D texture, Model model, Camera3D camera, Color color, float alpha) : base(id, objectType, transform, effect, texture, model, color, alpha) { = camera; }
public CharacterModelObject(string id, ObjectType objectType, Transform3D transform, Effect effect, Model model, Color color, float alpha) : base(id, objectType, transform, effect, null, model, color, alpha) { = null; }
private void testCloning() { Transform3D t1 = new Transform3D(Vector3.One, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One, Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitY); Transform3D clone = (Transform3D)t1.Clone(); clone.Translation = new Vector3(1, 2, 3); if (clone.Translation.Equals(t1.Translation)) Console.WriteLine("same!"); else Console.WriteLine("different!"); Camera3D c1 = new Camera3D("1", ObjectType.FirstPersonCamera, t1, ProjectionParameters.StandardMediumFourThree, new Viewport(0,0,800,600)); Camera3D cloneC1 = (Camera3D)c1.Clone(); cloneC1.Viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, 10, 10); }
//used when in 1st person collidable camera mode //start distance allows us to start the ray outside the collidable skin of the 1st person colliable camera object //otherwise the only thing we would ever collide with would be ourselves! public Actor GetPickedObject(Camera3D camera, float startDistance, float distance, out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 normal) { Vector3 ray = GetMouseRayDirection(camera); ImmovableSkinPredicate pred = new ImmovableSkinPredicate(); out frac, out skin, out pos, out normal, new Segment(camera.Transform3D.Translation + startDistance * Vector3.Normalize(ray), ray * distance), pred); if (skin != null && skin.Owner != null) { return skin.Owner.ExternalData as Actor; } return null; }
//get a ray from a user-defined near position in world space and the mouse pointer public Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray GetMouseRayFromNearPosition(Camera3D camera, Vector3 near) { //get the positions of the mouse in screen space Vector3 far = new Vector3(this.newState.X, this.Position.Y, 1); //convert from screen space to world space far = camera.Viewport.Unproject(far, camera.ProjectionParameters.Projection, camera.View, Matrix.Identity); //generate a ray to use for intersection tests return new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray(near, Vector3.Normalize(far - near)); }
public Vector3 GetMouseRayDirection(Camera3D camera) { //get the positions of the mouse in screen space Vector3 near = new Vector3(this.newState.X, this.Position.Y, 0); Vector3 far = new Vector3(this.newState.X, this.Position.Y, 1); //convert from screen space to world space near = camera.Viewport.Unproject(near, camera.ProjectionParameters.Projection, camera.View, Matrix.Identity); far = camera.Viewport.Unproject(far, camera.ProjectionParameters.Projection, camera.View, Matrix.Identity); //generate a ray to use for intersection tests return far - near; }
//get a ray positioned at the mouse's location on the screen - used for picking public Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray GetMouseRay(Camera3D camera) { //get the positions of the mouse in screen space Vector3 near = new Vector3(this.newState.X, this.Position.Y, 0); //convert from screen space to world space near = camera.Viewport.Unproject(near, camera.ProjectionParameters.Projection, camera.View, Matrix.Identity); return GetMouseRayFromNearPosition(camera, near); }
public static void DrawBoundingBox(BoundingBoxBuffers buffers, BasicEffect effect, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Camera3D camera) { graphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(buffers.Vertices); graphicsDevice.Indices = buffers.Indices; effect.World = Matrix.Identity; effect.View = camera.View; effect.Projection = camera.ProjectionParameters.Projection; foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, 0, 0, buffers.VertexCount, 0, buffers.PrimitiveCount); } }
public void FindCameraBy(string cameraLayout, string cameraID, out Camera3D camera, out int index) { camera = null; index = -1; List<Camera3D> list = this.cameraDictionary[cameraLayout]; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].ID.Equals(cameraID)) { camera = list[i]; index = i; break; } } } }
public CharacterMoveController(Main game, string name, Actor parentActor, bool bEnabled, Camera3D camera) : base(name, parentActor, bEnabled) { = game; = camera; }