private void RecreateLists() { string[] profiles = Directory.GetFiles(ManagerInfo.Get().GetFullProfileDirectory(), "*.json"); profileList.Clear(); profileNameList.Clear(); modNameList.Clear(); string selectedName = _currentProfile?.name; _currentProfile = null; for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Length; i++) { string file = profiles[i]; profileNameList.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)); Profile profile = Profile.Load(File.ReadAllText(file), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)); profileList.Add(profile); if (selectedName != null && == selectedName) { ProfileCB.SelectedIndex = i; _currentProfile = profile; } } }
private void DeleteProfile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_currentProfile != null) { string path = Path.Combine(ManagerInfo.Get().GetFullProfileDirectory(), ( + ".json")); File.Delete(path); RecreateLists(); } }
private void ChangeGameDir_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ManagerInfo inst = ManagerInfo.Get(); string result = GameInstallFinder.FindInstallDir_Dialog(); if (result != null) { InstallDirText.Text = result; inst.installDir = result; inst.Save(); } }
public static void Uninstall(string name, bool silent = false) { try { if (name == "bbepis-BepInExPack") { if (!silent) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Uninstalling BepInEx will also uninstall all of your mods!\nYou sure about this?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return; } } string installDir = ManagerInfo.Get().installDir; foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(installDir, "BepInEx"))) { if (new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name != "config") { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } } File.Delete(Path.Combine(installDir, "winhttp.dll")); File.Delete(Path.Combine(installDir, "doorstop_config.ini")); } else { if (Directory.Exists(GetMonoModPath(name))) { Directory.Delete(GetMonoModPath(name), true); } if (Directory.Exists(GetPluginPath(name))) { Directory.Delete(GetPluginPath(name), true); } } } catch (IOException) { } }
public override void RefreshCollection() { collection.Clear(); foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(ManagerInfo.Get().GetFullDownloadDirectory())) { string mfPath = Path.Combine(dir, "manifest.json"); if (File.Exists(mfPath)) { try { string json = File.ReadAllText(mfPath); LocalManifest manifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LocalManifest>(json); collection.Add(new Mod(manifest, dir)); } catch (IOException ex) { var result = MessageBox.Show($"Exception reading manifest for \"{new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name}\":\n{ex.Message}\nDo you want to re-download this mod?"); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { try { Directory.Delete(dir, true); Mod mod = ModManager.onlineModList.Find(new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name); mod.isInstalled = false; ModManager.EnQueueModDownload(mod, mod.version); } catch (IOException ex2) { MessageBox.Show("Oh no! An exception was thrown when trying to delete the mod, too!\n" + ex2.Message); } } } } } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Title = "GCManager V" + App.VERSION; = "GCManager"; = "Risk of Rain 2 Mod Manager"; ModManager.selectedModInfo.image = new BitmapImage(new System.Uri("pack://application:,,,/commando.png")); this.DataContext = ModManager.selectedModInfo; InstallDirText.Text = ManagerInfo.Get().installDir; ModManager.onlineModList = onlineModList; ModManager.downloadedModList = downloadedModList; ModManager.LocalModDeletionImminent += PreModDeletion; OnlineMods.SetModList(onlineModList); OnlineMods.RefreshList(); DownloadedMods.SetModList(downloadedModList); DownloadedMods.RefreshList(); }
private void OpenDownloads_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Process.Start("explorer.exe", ManagerInfo.Get().GetFullDownloadDirectory()); }
public void Install() { if (this.fullName == "bbepis-BepInExPack") //Special case { Utility.CopyDirectory(Path.Combine(GetDownloadDirectory(), "BepInExPack"), ManagerInfo.Get().installDir); } else { List <string> dirs = new List <string>(Directory.GetDirectories(GetDownloadDirectory(), "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); dirs.Add(GetDownloadDirectory()); foreach (string dir in dirs) { string destDir; if (new DirectoryInfo(dir).Name.ToLower() == "monomod") { destDir = GetMonoModPath(""); } else { destDir = GetPluginPath(""); } string[] dlls = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.dll"); if (dlls.Length > 0) { destDir = Path.Combine(destDir, this.fullName); Directory.CreateDirectory(destDir); foreach (string filepath in dlls) { string dest = Path.Combine(destDir, Path.GetFileName(filepath)); if (!File.Exists(dest)) { File.Copy(filepath, dest, true); } } } } } this.isInstalled = true; }
public static string GetMonoModPath(string fullName) { return(Path.Combine(ManagerInfo.Get().installDir, "BepInEx", "monomod", fullName)); }
public static string GetPluginPath(string fullName) { return(Path.Combine(ManagerInfo.Get().installDir, "BepInEx", "plugins", fullName)); }
public string GetDownloadDirectory() { return(Path.Combine(ManagerInfo.Get().GetFullDownloadDirectory(), this.fullName)); }
public bool CheckIfInstalled() { return(this.fullName == "bbepis-BepInExPack" ? Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ManagerInfo.Get().installDir, "BepInEx", "core")) : (Directory.Exists(GetMonoModPath(this.fullName)) || Directory.Exists(GetPluginPath(this.fullName)))); }
public void Save() { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ManagerInfo.Get().GetFullProfileDirectory(), (name + ".json")), GetJSON()); }