private void fillStrings()
            GADataSet ds = GARow.Table.DataSet as GADataSet;

            for (int i = 0; i < listOfSolutions.Count; i++)
                GADataSet.SolutionsRow currentSolution = listOfSolutions.ElementAt(i);

                GADataSet.StringsRow currentString;
                currentString = ds.Strings.NewStringsRow();

                currentString.GAID       = currentSolution.GAID;
                currentString.ProblemID  = currentSolution.ProblemID;
                currentString.SolutionID = currentSolution.ID;

                currentSolution.Counter = 1;

                FillStrings(ref currentSolution, ref currentString);

                //  GNUPLOT(ref currentSolution);
                //assign string ID... //this should be better
        /// <summary>
        /// Main postcript function to store best results
        /// </summary>
        private void workerProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                IChromosome bestChromosome = GA.Population.BestChromosome;

                GADataSet ds = GARow.Table.DataSet as GADataSet;
                GADataSet.SolutionsRow currentSolution;
                currentSolution = ds.Solutions.NewSolutionsRow();

                currentSolution.ProblemID = PROBLEMID;

                //this is the most important function to override, does the fitness calc
                FillBasic(ref currentSolution);

                GeneticAlgorithm ga = GA;
                //fill GA data to row
                GARow.Update(ref ga); //report GA stuff

                //define filter function by genotype
                Func <GADataSet.SolutionsRow, bool> funcion;
                funcion = Aid.FilterByGenotype(ref hashListOfGenotypes, ref listOfSolutions);
                //execute filter function by genotype
                //the listOfSolutions contains the list of rows that need to be added
                //these rows are flagged ShouldDelete = false

                //REPONER ESTO
                if (!currentSolution.ShouldDelete)
                    GARow.FillGADataToSolution(ref currentSolution);

                //callBack MEthod to Form or User Control

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;