Example #1
        public Form1()

            resize = new FxVector2f(targetRes.x / (float)origRes.x, targetRes.y / (float)origRes.y);

            // create a shop
            shopPlan = FxMatrixF.Load("Katopsi.jpg", ColorSpace.Grayscale);
            shopPlan = shopPlan.Resize(targetRes.x, targetRes.y);
            shop = new Shop("Unisol", shopPlan);

               // simulation = new SimulationSimple(shop, 10, simulationMethod1);

            simulation = new SimulationSimple(shop, 1, simulationMethod2);

            // Defind entrance for the shop
            shop.entrancePositionsDirection.Add(new Tuple<FxVector2f, FxVector2f>(new FxVector2f(1800 * resize.x, 500 * resize.y), new FxVector2f(-1, 0)));

            // load a person image for the moving image
            imPerson = FxMatrixF.Load("person.jpg", ColorSpace.Grayscale);
               // imPerson.Exec(x => (x > 0.1) ? 0 : 1);
            imPersonMask = imPerson < 0.5f;

            // Init the matrix to be HD
            mat = new FxMatrixF(targetRes.x, targetRes.y);
            mat.DrawMatrix(shopPlan, new FxVector2f(0, 0), new FxVector2f(mat.Width, mat.Height), FxMatrixF.DrawInterpolationMethod.NearestNeighbor);

            // Add image element to canvas to showing the matrix
            im = new ImageElement(mat);
            canvas1.AddElement(im, true);
Example #2
        public SerialInput()

            // init the serial port
            serialPort = new SerialPort();

            // Set the read/write timeouts
            serialPort.ReadTimeout = -1;
            serialPort.WriteTimeout = -1;
            serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
            serialPort.DataBits = 8;
            serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.Two;
            serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
            serialPort.NewLine = "\r\n";

            // Linked to ui console
            uiconsole = MainForm.UIConsole;

            if (isColor)
                imageMask = new FxMatrixMask(64, 64);

            imageMask = new FxMatrixMask(64, 64);
            imageMaskColorMap = new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet);

            // Create a visual view
            imageMaskView = new ImageElement(imageMask.ToFxMatrixF(), imageMaskColorMap);
            canvas1.AddElement(imageMaskView, false);

            imageView = new ImageElement(imageMask.ToFxMatrixF(), imageMaskColorMap);
            imageView._Position.x = imageMaskView.Size.X +  10f;
            imageView._Position.Y = 0;
            canvas1.AddElement(imageView, false);


            // add the timer for the fps measure
            fpsTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            fpsTimer.Interval = 1000;

            fpsTimer.Tick += (s, te) =>
                float fps = fpsCount * 1000.0f / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                //uiconsole.WriteLine("FPS:" + fps.ToString());
                //Console.WriteLine("FPS:" + fps.ToString());
                fpsLabel.Text = fps.ToString();
                fpsCount = 0;
Example #3
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                // load the image that the user have select
                FxImages im = FxTools.FxImages_safe_constructors(new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName));

                // create a new image element
                ImageElement imE = new ImageElement(im);

                // add the element on canva

Example #4
        public PeopleOverview(FxMatrixF im)

            // add building
            ImageElement ie = new ImageElement(im, new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Bones));
            ie.Name = "Katopsi";
            ie.lockMoving = true;

            // add geometry plot
            gpe = new GeometryPlotElement();
            gpe.Name = "People";
            gpe.lockMoving = true;
Example #5
        public SerialCapture()


            imageMask = new FxMatrixMask(64, 64);
            imageMaskColorMap = new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet);

            // Create a visual view
            imageMaskView = new ImageElement(imageMask.ToFxMatrixF(), imageMaskColorMap);
            canvas1.AddElement(imageMaskView, false);

            imageView = new ImageElement(imageMask.ToFxMatrixF(), imageMaskColorMap);
            imageView._Position.x = imageMaskView.Size.X + 10f;
            imageView._Position.Y = 0;
            canvas1.AddElement(imageView, false);

Example #6
        protected override void Show(IDialogVisualizerService windowService, IVisualizerObjectProvider objectProvider)
            object obj = objectProvider.GetObject();
            FxMatrixF mat;
            if (obj is FxMatrixF || obj is FxMatrix<float>)
                mat = obj as FxMatrixF;
            else if (obj is FxMatrixMask)
                mat = (obj as FxMatrixMask).ToFxMatrixF();

            Form form = new Form();

            form.Text = string.Format("Width: {0}, Height: {1}",
                                     mat.Width, mat.Height);
            form.ClientSize = new Size(mat.Width, mat.Height);
            form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;

            Canvas canvas = new Canvas();
            canvas.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            canvas.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            canvas.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(4);
            canvas.Name = "canvas1";
            canvas.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(mat.Width, mat.Height+32);
            canvas.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(mat.Width, mat.Height + 32);
            canvas.Zoom = new System.Drawing.SizeF(1F, 1F);

            ImageElement im = new ImageElement(mat, new global::FxMaths.Images.ColorMap(global::FxMaths.Images.ColorMapDefaults.Jet));

Example #7
        private void KinectForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Look through all sensors and start the first connected one.
            // This requires that a Kinect is connected at the time of app startup.
            // To make your app robust against plug/unplug,
            // it is recommended to use KinectSensorChooser provided in Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit
            foreach(var potentialSensor in KinectSensor.KinectSensors) {
                if(potentialSensor.Status == KinectStatus.Connected) {
                    this.sensor = potentialSensor;

            if(null == this.sensor) {
                this.Text = "No kinnect Ready";

            Size depthImageSize = GetImageSize(DepthFormat);
            depthWidth = (int)depthImageSize.Width;
            depthHeight = (int)depthImageSize.Height;

            Size colorImageSize = GetImageSize(ColorFormat);
            colorWidth = (int)colorImageSize.Width;
            colorHeight = (int)colorImageSize.Height;

            // Turn on the depth and color streams to receive frames
            sensor.DepthStream.Range = DepthRange.Near;

            frameDataLength = sensor.DepthStream.FramePixelDataLength;

            sensor.AllFramesReady += sensor_AllFramesReady;

            int depthImageArraySize = depthWidth * depthHeight;
            int colorImageArraySize = colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof(int);

            // Create local color pixels buffer
            colorImagePixels = new byte[colorImageArraySize];

            // Create local depth pixels buffer
            depthImagePixels = new DepthImagePixel[depthImageArraySize];

            // Allocate the depth-color mapping points
            colorCoordinates = new ColorImagePoint[depthImageArraySize];

            // allocate the Matrix
            colorImageMatrix = new FxMatrixF(colorWidth, colorHeight);
            depthImageMatrix = new FxMatrixF(depthWidth, depthHeight);
            depthImageMatrixAve = new FxMatrixF(depthWidth, depthHeight);

            // create a new image element
            colorImageElement = new ImageElement(colorImageMatrix);
            depthImageElement = new ImageElement(depthImageMatrix);
            depthImageElement.MouseClickEvent += depthImageElement_MouseClickEvent;
            canvas1.AddElements(depthImageElement, false);
            depthImageElement.Position = new FxMaths.Vector.FxVector2f(colorWidth, 0);

            G = new FxMatrixMask(depthWidth, depthHeight, false);
            s = new FxMatrixF(depthWidth, depthHeight, 1f);
            m = new FxMatrixF(depthWidth, depthHeight, 1f);

            // init the dispatcher class
            dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;

            // Start the sensor!
            try {
            } catch(IOException ex) {
                // Device is in use
                this.sensor = null;
                this.Text = ex.Message;

            } catch(InvalidOperationException ex) {
                // Device is not valid, not supported or hardware feature unavailable
                this.sensor = null;
                this.Text = ex.Message;


            // Initialize and start the FPS timer
            this.fpsTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            this.fpsTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(this.FpsTimerTick);
            this.fpsTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);


            this.lastFPSTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
Example #8
        private void ellipseDetectionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            if(ofd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                // load image
                imMat = FxMatrixF.Load(ofd.FileName);
                ieEllipseImage = new ImageElement(imMat, new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet));
                ieEllipseImage.lockMoving = true;

                // add plot element 
                gpeEllipseImage = new GeometryPlotElement();

                var contours = new FxContour(imMat<0.2f);

                WriteLine("Num Contours : " + contours.NumChains);

                int i = 0;
                float pe_pos_y = ieEllipseImage._Position.y;
                foreach (var cont in contours.ChainList)
                    // draw the rectanges in main image
                    FxVector2f start = cont.RectStart ;
                    FxVector2f end = start + cont.RectSize;
                    FxMaths.Geometry.Rectangle r = new FxMaths.Geometry.Rectangle(start, end);
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(r, false);

                    // draw the centroids 
                    FxVector2f cen = cont.GetCentroid();
                    var l = new FxMaths.Geometry.Line(cen - new FxVector2f(0, 2), cen + new FxVector2f(0, 2));
                    l.LineWidth = 0.5f;
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(l, false);
                    l = new FxMaths.Geometry.Line(cen - new FxVector2f(2, 0), cen + new FxVector2f(2, 0));
                    l.LineWidth = 0.5f;
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(l, false);

                    // add the numbering of the contours
                    var t = new TextElement(i.ToString());
                    t._Position = cen;
                    t.FontColor = SharpDX.Color.Green;
                    t._TextFormat.fontSize = 16.0f;

                    // show the chain vector in plot
                        FxVectorF vec_i = new FxVectorF(cont.Count);
                        FxVectorF vec_r = new FxVectorF(cont.Count);
                        vec_i[0] = cont[0].i;
                        vec_r[0] = cont[0].r;
                        for (int j = 1; j < cont.Count; j++)
                            vec_i[j] = vec_i[j - 1] + cont[j].i;
                            vec_r[j] = vec_r[j - 1] + cont[j].r;

                        // show  the plot of this vector
                        var pe = new PloterElement(vec_i, PlotType.Lines, System.Drawing.Color.Blue);
                        pe._Position.x = ieEllipseImage._Position.x + ieEllipseImage.Size.x;
                        pe._Position.y = pe_pos_y;
                        pe.AddPlot(vec_r, PlotType.Lines, System.Drawing.Color.Red);

                        // update the y of pe for the next one
                        pe_pos_y += pe.Size.y;

                        // debug the ellipse

                        for (int j = 0; j < cont.Count; j++)
                            imMat[(int)(vec_r[j] + cont.StartPoint.x), (int)(vec_i[j] + cont.StartPoint.y)] = 0.8f/contours.NumChains + 0.1f;
                        ieEllipseImage.UpdateInternalImage(imMat, new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet));



Example #9
        private void toolStripButton_ellipse_extract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // extract the rectangle that contain 
            if ((imMat as object != null) &&
                (rect != null))
                int numLabels;

                // get the sub matrix
                var subMat = imMat.GetSubMatrix(rect.StartPoint, rect.EndPoint) as FxMatrixF;

                // make binary the image based on the start and end point of rectangle
                float t = subMat[0, 0];
                if (t > subMat[subMat.Width - 1, subMat.Height - 1])
                    t = subMat[subMat.Width - 1, subMat.Height - 1];
                var binMat = subMat < t - 0.02f;
                // find the labels of the image
                var labels = binMat.Labeling(out numLabels);

                var imSub = new ImageElement(binMat.ToFxMatrixF(), new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet));
                imSub._Position.x = ieEllipseImage.Size.x + ieEllipseImage.Position.x;
                imSub.lockMoving = true;
                canvas_ellipse.AddElement(imSub, false, false);

                var imSub2 = new ImageElement(labels, new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet));
                imSub2._Position.x = ieEllipseImage.Size.x + ieEllipseImage.Position.x;
                imSub2._Position.y = imSub.Size.y + imSub.Position.y;
                imSub2.lockMoving = true;
                canvas_ellipse.AddElement(imSub2, false, false);

                WriteLine("Num Labels : " + numLabels.ToString());

                var contours = new FxContour(binMat, 10, 300);

                WriteLine("Num Contours : " + contours.NumChains);

                results = new FxMatrixF(3, contours.NumChains);

                int i=0;
                foreach (var x in contours.ChainList)
                    float delta = 1;
                    // draw the rectanges in the sub image
                    FxVector2f start = x.RectStart + imSub2._Position + new FxVector2f(1, 1);
                    FxVector2f end = start + x.RectSize;
                    FxMaths.Geometry.Rectangle r = new FxMaths.Geometry.Rectangle(start, end);
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(r, false);

                    // draw the rectanges in main image
                    start = x.RectStart + rect.StartPoint + new FxVector2f(-delta, -delta);
                    end = start + x.RectSize + new FxVector2f(2 * delta, 2 * delta);
                    r = new FxMaths.Geometry.Rectangle(start, end);
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(r, false);

                    // draw the centroids 
                    FxVector2f cen = x.GetCentroid() + rect.StartPoint;
                    var l = new FxMaths.Geometry.Line(cen - new FxVector2f(0, 2), cen + new FxVector2f(0, 2));
                    l.LineWidth = 0.5f;
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(l, false);
                    l = new FxMaths.Geometry.Line(cen - new FxVector2f(2, 0), cen + new FxVector2f(2, 0));
                    l.LineWidth = 0.5f;
                    gpeEllipseImage.AddGeometry(l, false);

                    // calculate the depth
                    float[] depth = new float[4];
                    FxVector2f pos = x.RectStart + rect.StartPoint;
                    depth[0] = imMat[pos.x - delta, pos.y - delta];
                    depth[1] = imMat[pos.x + x.RectSize.x + delta, pos.y - delta];
                    depth[2] = imMat[pos.x - delta, pos.y + x.RectSize.y + delta];
                    depth[3] = imMat[pos.x + x.RectSize.x + delta, pos.y + x.RectSize.y + delta];
                    results[2, i] = (depth[0] + depth[1] + depth[2] + depth[3]) / 4.0f;

                    // save centroid
                    results[0, i] = cen.x;
                    results[1, i] = cen.y;

                    // print the centroid
                    WriteLine("[" + i.ToString() + "] Depth:" + results[2, i].ToString() + "  Pixels:" + x.Count + " Centroid: " + cen.ToString());

                    // show the vector of one blob
                    if (i == 1)
                        FxVectorF vec_i = new FxVectorF(x.Count);
                        FxVectorF vec_r = new FxVectorF(x.Count);
                        vec_i[0] = x[0].i;
                        vec_r[0] = x[0].r;
                        for (int j = 1; i < x.Count; j++)
                            vec_i[j] = vec_i[j - 1] + x[j].i;
                            vec_r[j] = vec_r[j - 1] + x[j].r;




Example #10
        FxMatrixF results = null; // Results of centers 

        private void toolStripButton_EllipseOpenImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            if(ofd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                imMat = FxMatrixF.LoadCsv(ofd.FileName);
                ieEllipseImage = new ImageElement(imMat, new ColorMap(ColorMapDefaults.Jet));
                ieEllipseImage.lockMoving = true;
Example #11
        public KinectV2Form(Engine engine)

#if false
            // save localy the graphic engine
            this.engine = engine;

            // set the first viewport
            RenderArea_Viewport = new GraphicsEngine.Core.Viewport(RenderArea.Width, RenderArea.Height, RenderArea.Handle, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);

            // set the moving camera
            Engine.g_MoveCamera = RenderArea_Viewport.m_Camera;

            // allocate the Matrix
            colorImageMatrix = new FxMatrixF(640, 480);
            depthImageMatrix = new FxMatrixF(640, 480);
            depthImageMatrixAve = new FxMatrixF(640, 480);

            // create a new image element
            colorImageElement = new ImageElement(colorImageMatrix);
            depthImageElement = new ImageElement(depthImageMatrix);

            canvas1.AddElement(colorImageElement, false);
            canvas1.AddElement(depthImageElement, false);
Example #12
        private void addImageToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Viewport2D viewport = null;

            if (dockPanel1.ActiveContent is Viewport2D)
                viewport = (Viewport2D)dockPanel1.ActiveContent;
            else if (dockPanel1.ActiveDocument is Viewport2D)
                viewport = (Viewport2D)dockPanel1.ActiveDocument;

            if (viewport != null)
                if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    // load the image that the user have select
                    FxImages im = FxTools.FxImages_safe_constructors(new Bitmap(openFileDialog1.FileName));

                    // create a new image element
                    ImageElement imE = new ImageElement(im);

                    // add the element on canva