//把整形 转换成(缩小指定倍数) 带小数点的 字符串.
            public string L2A ( long l , int PointW )
                string str , str1 , str2 , strRet = "";

                    str = String.Format ( "{0}" , l );  
                    int len = str.Length;
                    int n = len - PointW ;
                    if ( n < 0 )
                        string strZreo = "0." ;
                        for ( int i = 0 ; i < PointW - len ; i++ )
                            strZreo += "0";
                        strRet = string.Format ( "{0}{1}" , strZreo , l ); 
                    else if ( n == 0 )
                        strRet = string.Format ( "0.{0}" , l ); 
                        str1 = str.Substring ( 0 , len - PointW );  //get left part
                        str2 = str.Substring ( str.Length - PointW , PointW ); //get right part
                        strRet = string.Format ( "{0}.{1}" , str1 , str2 ); //.Format ( "%s.%s" ,str1 , str2 ) ; 
                catch ( Exception e )
                    FrontFlag.CONTROL ctrl = new CONTROL ();
                    ctrl.MsgBox.Show ( "Err at L2A() function" );

                int m = strRet.IndexOf ( '.' );     //让人看起来 是精确到分。
                if ( m < 0 )
                    strRet += ".00";
                    if ( m == strRet.Length -1 )    //1234. 的 情况。
                        strRet += "00";
                    else if ( m == strRet.Length - 2 )    //1234.5 的 情况。
                        strRet += "0";

                return strRet;
            //用于处理 带小数的字符串 转换成长整形.
            //扩大指定的倍数, 如果小数点不足, 会在转换后的字符串后面补零.
            public long A2LFix ( string str , int PointW )  
                if ( str.Trim () == String.Empty )
                    return 0;

                long lRet = 0;

                    int n = str.IndexOf ( "." );    //是整数,直接扩大倍数.
		            if ( n < 0 )
			            lRet = Convert.ToInt32 ( str ) ;
			            for ( int i = 0 ; i < PointW ; i ++ )
				            lRet *= 10 ;
			            int len = str.Length ;
			            int curPW = len - 1 - n ;      //目前的小数点位数

			            string str1 , str2 ;
			            str1 = str.Substring ( 0 , n ) ;                        //get left part of pint.
                        str2 = str.Substring( str.Length - curPW , curPW ) ;    //get right part of pint.
			            str = str1 + str2 ;                                     //combin without point.
			            lRet = Convert.ToInt32 ( str ) ;

			            if ( curPW < PointW )           //指定的倍数大于目前的倍数, 扩大差额的部分。
				            for ( int i = 0 ; i < PointW-curPW ; i ++ )
					            lRet *= 10 ; 	
                        else if ( curPW > PointW )      //指定的倍数小于目前的倍数, 缩小差额的部分。会丢失部分精度.
				            for ( int i = 0 ; i < curPW-PointW ; i ++ )
					            lRet /= 10 ; 	
	            catch ( Exception e ) 
                    FrontFlag.CONTROL ctrl = new CONTROL ();
                    ctrl.MsgBox.Show ( "Err at A2LFix() function" );

	            return lRet ;
            //把放大处理后的整形(MACRO_PricePoint倍数精度)的钱币数值, 转换成带小数点(.角分厘)的字符串。
            public string Price2Str ( long lPrice )
                int PricePointW = MACRO_PricePoint;
                string str , str1 , str2 , strRet = "";

                    str = String.Format ( "{0}" , lPrice );
                    int len = str.Length;
                    int n = len - PricePointW;
                    if ( n < 0 )
                        string strZreo = "0.";
                        for ( int i = 0 ; i < PricePointW - len ; i++ )
                            strZreo += "0";
                        strRet = string.Format ( "{0}{1}" , strZreo , lPrice ); 
                    else if ( n == 0 )
                        strRet = String.Format ( "0.{0}" , lPrice );
                        str1 = str.Substring ( 0 , len - PricePointW );                     //get left
                        str2 = str.Substring ( str.Length - PricePointW , PricePointW );    //get right
                        strRet = String.Format ( "{0}.{1}" , str1 , str2 );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    FrontFlag.CONTROL ctrl = new CONTROL ();
                    ctrl.MsgBox.Show ( "Err at Price2Str() function" );

                return strRet;
            //用于处理 带小数的字符串 转换成长整形. 
            //自动扩大倍数, 直到小数点消失为止, 最终的扩大倍数通过 PointW 返回.
            public long A2L ( string str , ref int PointW )
                if ( str.Trim () == String.Empty )
                    return 0;

                PointW = 0;
                long l = 0;

                    int n = str.IndexOf ( "." ); 
                    if ( n < 0 )
                        l = Convert.ToInt32 ( str ); 
                        int len = str.Length; 
                        PointW = len - 1 - n;   //得到小数点位置, 转换后的字符串,即是按这个位置的放放大倍数的整数。

                        string str1 , str2;
                        str1 = str.Substring ( 0 , n );   //get left part of pint.
                        str2 = str.Substring ( str.Length - PointW , PointW );  //get right part of pint.
                        str = str1 + str2;   //combin without point.

                        l = Convert.ToInt32 ( str ); 
                catch ( Exception e )
                    FrontFlag.CONTROL ctrl = new CONTROL ();
                    ctrl.MsgBox.Show ( "Err at A2L() function" );
                return l;
            //转换后,钱币数字同时放大 MACRO_PricePoint 倍,保证是一个没有小数点的 long性数字。
            public long Str2Price ( string str )
                if ( str.Trim () == String.Empty )
                    return 0;

                int PricePointW = MACRO_PricePoint;

                long lPrice = 0;
                int PointW = 0;

                    int n = str.IndexOf ( "." ); //F.ind ( "." ) ;
                    if ( n < 0 )
                        lPrice = Convert.ToInt32 ( str ); //atol ( str ) ;
                        for ( int i = 0 ; i < PricePointW ; i++ )
                            lPrice *= 10;
                        int len = str.Length;
                        PointW = len - 1 - n;

                        string str1 , str2;
                        str1 = str.Substring ( 0 , n ); //str.Left ( n ) ;
                        str2 = str.Substring ( str.Length - PointW , PointW );  //str.Right ( PointW ) ;
                        str = str1 + str2;

                        lPrice = Convert.ToInt32 ( str ); //atol ( str ) ;

                        if ( PointW <= PricePointW )
                            for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( PricePointW - PointW ) ; i++ )
                                lPrice *= 10;
                            for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( PointW - PricePointW ) ; i++ )
                                lPrice /= 10;
                catch ( Exception e )
                    FrontFlag.CONTROL ctrl = new CONTROL () ;
                    ctrl.MsgBox.Show ( "Err at Str2Price() function" );

                return lPrice;